mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara shook her butt as a response to her 'shorty shorts'. She put another egg on the pan and started making his. "Sometimes yeah, but mostly I can control it." Her ear flickered when he tapped it making her shake her head a little. She stuck out her tongue a little at him. "You said something about revenge yesterday, have fun planning that out." Likara didn't know what to expect from him, anything can happen. She finally finished breakfast and set down his plate in front of him. "Eat up."
"Thank you," She said as Ven handed her the drink,"And to answer your question, Im not entirely sure...I can try...." she said a little worry in her voice. She really wanted to but she doesnt know whatll happen if shes out there for a long time. Usually she goes out then comes right back in. What if itll be like the last time, when she wanted to look for wood for the fire place? "But I guess, life is all about taking chances.." she encouraged herself.
As he fell Rox turned into his full fox form and licking Nichole on the nose his auburn fur made the dim hallway look a bit brighter in contrast.

Enzo snorted at Likara's antics before nodding at her answer about changing to and from, "Good to know, I thought you might need some extra help with took me awhile to get switching down too." He sat at the table leaning acrossed it a little, "Oh, the planning is done you see, now you just have to play the waiting game, have fun with that." He retorted a glint in his midnight blue eyes before he grabbed the salt and leant back sprinkling it on his eggs.

Ven watched the heated of the cup be transfered from his hands to hers, he folded them lightly in his lap, looking at her as she talked, watching her face as she thought, as she stated the last line questioning it slightly, Ven shook his head no. Life was about taking chances yes, when they were needed of course, "Life is about so many things, you have to figure it all out...and it can be freaking fustrating." His eyes closed at this and his fist took up some of the fabric of his jeans as they tightened, than they snapped open gazing it bright blue, "But chances are only for uncertain things, don't take chances on things you know the outcome too." His eyes got a bit harder around the edges, "Not for me or anyone else." Slowly he breathed out a breath his features softening as he leaned or slumped more against the window, "Playing in the snow is children's stuff, isn't it?" It really was not a question the way he said it, just persented as one.

((sorry I keep popping on and off, idk why but my phone boots me off after I post))
Ritsuka took sips of the tea as she listened to Ven's thoughts. She watched with a concerned face as he spoke, "Hes so negative now" she thought to herself. Yes, the unknown is scary but, "If you dont take chances, then youll never know the outcome for sure..." she mumbled with a frown, she looked down at her cup and twisted it back and forth, just fiddling with the liquid. It was supposed to be more of a thought than a verbal statement. Ven continued, and she grew more and more worried. She slumped where she sat, a little fearful of him, wanting to completly sink in where she rested . She looked out the window once again and sighed at his comment about the snow being for children,"I guess im a child then." She looked away from him in the opposite direction, avoiding meeting Ven's gaze,"But i dont mind...." she added and gripped her cup firmly.
"But waiting takes to long..." Her voice came out whiny as she made a pouty face. She dismissed it and took a bite. "Ooomm." She chewed while her tail swished back and forth. A sudden blush came on her face as she remember he said he liked her. "U-U-Uh....E-Enzo...are w-we dating...?" Likara's voice was shaky and quiet, her eyes darting everywhere except onto his. She set down her fork and started fiddling with her fingers and her hair, twirling it around her finger.
Rox flipped over to his belly and licked at a paw watching Nichole race around, getting a sneaky gleem in his eye, he crouched and than crept over to the little cub and licked at her ear before moving away before she could tell what it was back to licking his paw.

Enzo gave a look that clearly said that's the point, to annoy you before eating more of his eggs. As the question entered his ears, Enzo gagged before swallowing a mouthful of toast, just purely out of the shock of the question. Coughing and composing himself somewhat he felt a nervous jiv go through him, "Um, uh well." He took a huge and long sip of juice almost tipping the glass when setting it back down, "Do you emmm want to be?" He gestured at her not saying anything before finally looking at her although she was avoiding his gaze, "I would hardly see a difference...remember we are still us, so...I've known you long enough now...and uh." After this Enzo stuffed his cheeks with toast making the rounds pop out as they were littered with a deep red.

Swish swish, back forth, went Ritsuka tea cup as she fiddled with it drinking now and than. He watched a bit entranced by the movement when he heard her opinion his thoughts went through it it as his eyes followed the cup, his breath caught unnoticed in his throat as he saw a trick of the light, made it look like she had strunk back from him....confusion washed his face as he heard the rest of what she had to say her hand going tighter around the small cup. Ven looked away from her after she looked from him,the room stayed quiet like this in till the sound of shoes connecting with the floor was heard, "I did not mean to offend you...It's good that you still like too, snow is pure, but even pure things can have a could deadly edge, just be careful." He turned to her and bowed out of habit now really, "I'm sorry, I am keeping you from sleeping, you should rest." Turning, Ven walked out of the door backtracking to grab the knob, "Rest easy okay?" He gave a fleeing smile before shutting the door softly behind him. His footfalls echoing lower and lower as he got further down the hall.

(( Nichole and Rox are being all cute. Likara and Enzo are all embrassed weird couple cute. And Ritsuka and Ven are all serious slightly depressing ;~: but that is why I love this rp))
((This rp is so weird and I love it! >3<))

All Likara could do was nod her head and blush even more. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as she glanced at Enzo. A small smile formed on her lips. "D-Do you want to go anywhere t-today?" She stumbled with her words. Likara blushed even harder as she locked eyes with him. A nervous giggle came out of her mouth.
For once Ritsuka didnt know what to say. All she did was bow back and sadly watched as he left. As soon as he disappeared behind the door, she turned over to face the window, she hugged a soft wolf plushie that surves as a pillow, her back toward the rest of the world. She gripped the stuffed animal, fighting back the tears that were itching to come out. She could hear his footsteps briskly disappearing,"With each step, he gets farther and farther away...." she thought. At last she couldnt hold it, she covered her face with her trusty security plushie/wolf and dicreetly sobbed. He wanted to get and run to him, just embrace him and beg for the old Ven, but by this time she was too weak to even stay awake, and cried herself to sleep.
((All the feels for Ritsuka!))

Rox flicks his ears a little than rolls over on his back still looking at the cub before giving her a little wink, tail swishing playfully.

Enzo had been chewing the toast while watching Likara finally drenching it down with the rest of his juice and trying to scrub more of the blush off his face than the crumbs, he fiddled and twirled his fork thinking about her question, "I got an idea, lets watch a movie." He hopped up gathering the dishes placing them in the sink before walking back and offering his hand to her.
Likara quickly sat up and blushed at his offer. She took his hand into hers and gripped it gently. "S-Sure, what movie do you want to watch?" Secretly she hoped for a romantic movie, but she knew he would never choose it. In her mind, he would pick a comedy or scary type movie. Likara hated scary movies and always jumped at the smallest things in the movie. She could take a comedy, but would probably make a fool out of herself. Why am I thinking these things!?!
The steps of the fourteen year old did not cease even after they were no longer heard, he kept walking, kept going, but his thoughts caught up with him anyways. All he could think about was how this was not how he thought things would play out, not at all. Slamming his back against the nearest wall, he slid down it, clamping his hands to his head, "So much for optimism, I've changed, and everyone else...stayed the same mostly, so it does not work anymore...does it?" that thought made his head hurt and to many emotions at once pump through his very heart slamming it against his ribcage, squeezing his eyes shut, he gave into sleep that he needed inturn he got to go back into a place were things made sense, happy memories of the past were now only dreams.

Rox gave a little yip noise as Nichole batted at his tail, he playfully moved around to make it challenging while trying to give little affectionate nips at her ears.

Enzo just gave a half grin as he led the way into the living room letting go of Likara he shuffled through her dvd collection and took out the disk, and put it in without letting a peek be known of what it was. Grabbing the remote and plopping on the couch he twirled it lightly in his fingers, his face not giving away anything about what movie they were about to watch, little did Likara know, oh but probably suspected, today was going to be full of surprises.
((What is Enzo thinking?? >3<))

Likara smiled lightly at him and sat closer to him, wondering what he chose. She tried to pick up any clues from him but failed. "What did you pick?" Her mind was going through all of her movies, trying to remember them all. She watched maybe one of them in her collection, that being a comedy. Likara half knew he wasn't going to tell he what he picked, but the other half thought he would.
Enzo looked back at her shaking his head, "Do I have to define the word no to you? But I will tell you something, once before I saw this movie and mistaken it for something about writing, I watched it only half way before the vcr broke. I can't say I was in tears about not seeing the end, but know that you have it, we can watch it." Clicking the play button the screen came to life and the words the notebook popped on the screem menu before Enzo pushed watch movie, settling back on the sofa.

((Enzo is hard to predict xD ))
((The Notebook!! Yes! xD ))

Likara smiled, remembering that she never finished the movie either, and that he didn't pick anything scary. She cuddled up next to him and watched as the movie played. She had gotten 20 minutes in before her TV froze and she had to get a new one. The movie has been untouched for a while since then. Likara purred without knowing it while nuzzling into him, her eyes half open.
Enzo made himself equally as comfortable against Likara his eyes on the movie, her soft purrs that went up her throat did not distract him, he found his hand having its own mind and moving itself to once again stroke at the fur on his ears. He smirked at the movie as it played showing the crazy couple getting to know each other through the summer, "They are meant for each other...both just nuts."
Likara somehow ended up with her head in his lap, her ears and tail out. She had her hands on her stomach as she watched the movie. Her shirt had risen a little to show some skin, the same with her shorts. Of course, she hadn't noticed this and continued to watch the weird movie. Likara mentally laughed at his comment. She imagined them, meant for each other but they were both weird and would never work together but they somehow do.
Somewhere along in the movie Likara's soft and warm head had found its way into his lap, he stared down at her, even though her strawbeery eyes were on the movie slowly he resumed his ealier petting of those cat ears. His own wolf features made an entrance. As the movie got to the part of the couple meeting again after all those years, how awkward it was yet it soon picked up were it left off, Enzo was surprised, "I guess that is what they mean by love is timeless." he muttered placing his other hand down, on her thigh, when his fingers connected with skin he looked down than back up his face a cherry red, trying to be discreet, he tugged a bit at the hem of her short leg pulling it bac into place, though it was still rather short all and all. Am I thinking tht Likara has pretty legs? She does Enzo placed his other hand on her knee working on getting his breathing back to normal. 
rox grinned letting her catch it before curling it around her small body, he nuzzled her, his eyes saying that Nichole was just to cute.
Likara made a whimper like noise as she felt his warm hands on her legs. Her ears flattened against her head as she blushed a bright red. She didn't move her position just squirmed a bit, feeling weird inside. Her eyes had half closed as she looked at him with glazed eyes. Likara was breathing normally but her heart was beating quickly. She hoped something would happen but she was a little scared of what might not happen.
(*has never seen The Notebook* OwO *does not like sappy movies* OuO)

After a few hours Ritsuka blinked herself awake. She sat up, looking around almost forgetting about the conversation her and Ven had. She stared at the door he went through, debating and questioning, should i? should i?. Wrapping herself in blankets she got up with her plushie in hand, shivers up her spine as she set foot on the cold floor. Each wobbly step she took closer and closer toward that door. She stopped in front of hit, fever raging and shallow breaths, she set a hand on the knob, it felt like ice against her burning skin. And the question came again, should i? should i? She took a deep breath and turned the knob, a small breeze hitting her from the swing of the door. She poked her head through and looked around, her eyes landed on Ven, way down the hall, was he sleeping? She took more steps, getting closer. She stood above him with a sad but sickly look. She gave a sigh "He would fall asleep here..." she thought. She knelt beside him, her muscles aching and bones shaking. She hesitantly took her blanket off and wrapped him in it, as gently as she could, making sure not to disturb his peace. Rox was right he does seem like his old self when he sleeps. She gave a little giggle at the thought. She fell back on her bum and adjusted the blanket, her plushie in her lap. She crawled to the other side of him and sat beside him, leaning on him. The hard work of making it there tired her out and once again she rested, plushie in one had and Ven's arm in the other,"I missed you Ven..." she whispered and rubbed against his shoulder with a small smile. She felt safe, despite her illness, and she slept, her heart content that she was beside him....

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