mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Enzo smirked even more at the mew he got from Likara as she splashed into the water, he stared deep into her red eyes as the seconds lingered by, he gave a light smile for a moment before moving away, but just a bit *pop!* his wolf tail swished out and his ears sprung out of his head, he made them move purposefully in a teasing way, knowing her obsession with his “cute” ears has not dwindled. He was squatted in the cool water now by Likara side just over her bit, his right arm was extended, hand still rubbed at her ear, “Just a girl…” He mumbled not seeming really bothered by that fact. Than he let a grin cross his lips bent his hand towards Likara waggling his ears, but before she could reach he moved a bit down the stream, “Hmm, I wonder if you’re as fast as you used to be?” He challenged her tail swaying ever so slightly.

Rox rolled over in his sleep opening his eyes, he sat up looking around seeing Ritsuka on the other bed asleep confirmed last night was not a dream getting quickly up, he slipped on his boots and ran out into the hallway looking around letting his fox ears pop out he sniffed following her scent the front door did slip open allowing them out, but not far, an invisible force field held them in along with a visible one, and several other traps, but Nichole was just standing a few feet from the exit going out, the door slid open. Walking till he was a step behind her, his breath made puffs in the air, “Winters my favorite season.”
She blinked, confused about what he said. "What did you say?" Her eyes were a bit clouded from the recent activity. Likara noticed his ears and jumped on him again, rubbing them carefully while on top of him.
Enzo made a half noise as she swiftly pounced on him giving him little time to avid her like he planned wiggling a bit he spit out a flower petal making a face, "Ack, sickening," he looked up at her nuzzling his ears, "And here you are still ear obessed." He huffed yet did not push her off, frankly it really did feel good, but hell over high water was he admitting that! The flower petal taste in his mouth kept increasing, the urge to lap the water like a real wolf was very hard to control, finally screwing up his face he delcared out, "I need something to get this wretched taste out!" Without thinking pure instinct, he leaned up and licked Likara's pale cheek. As he jerked back, shocked at the action he could not help but notice the taste was replaced by a sweet one, like strawberries.

Rox felt himself laughing again as Nichole rolled around in the snow walking over to her, he flopped next to her in the icy flakes, "No snow angel? It would suit you." Rox leaned back and began moving his arms and legs.
(IM SOOOOO SRRY my ipod was stolen so i havent been able to get on as much DX)
Likara froze. "W-why...why did y-you do th-that...?" She was blushing madly and wasn't making eye contact, to nervous to try. She would never admit that she liked it. Her ears were up and her mind was racing.
(yea im srry DX)

Ritsuka woke up, she was feeling a bit feverish, her complexion was a little pale and her cheeks were red with heat. Her eyes half way open. You could tell by the noises she was making, it was hard for her to get up. She stood and wobbled a bit. "Wh-where am i?" she looked around, her hair a white tangley mess. Her luminous blue eyes looked a little dull. She looked out the window and walked over to it, "Snow...." she mumbled and coughed soon after,"not again...." she held her head. She tried to perk herself up so no one would noticed, but she even looked sick. She turned around and found some winter clothing, bundleing up, she slowly walked to the front door.
Rox sat up seeing her shiver, "Your cold," Rox stood up offering a hand, "Here, we can go in, get you warm." He assured.

Enzo was utilizing every curse word he knew in his mind, which was a lot. He wanted to lay back in the river and drown, this was embrassing, completely embrassing, the worse part was, he had no answer, "I uh...just uh the flower in my mouth...tasted foul so um....gruh!" He place a hand over his face, "I don't know! It just happened so, so just slap me or whatever..." his ears drooped a little as he mentally baraded himself thinking he ruined things, he hated flowers.

Rox helped Nichole up to look at the doorway to see, even from where he was, an unwell Ritsuka, "Morning, you look under the weather." His voice tinted with concern as he walked towards the door.
Ritsuka shook her head,"ill be fine...." she coughed some more, her breathing was shallow. She looked around (im gonna say theres a fire place xD ) and noticed an old fire place,"Ill be back...." she opened the door, and saw that the snow was falling very gently, but stacking up on the ground,"Maybe i can find some wood..." she said to herself.
Nichole went and fixed them some soup any way. She hummed anand sang "rich girl" to herself. Then soon finished rhe delicous looking soup. It was beef stew!
"No, no allow me, I can make it, you both don't feel well, why don't you go take baths? Hot ones or showers which ever you perfer, I'll go look for some medicine..." He looked at the fireplace, "I can get that, really, you two just relax, your body needs it if you are going to get better okay?" He gently guided them back towards the hallway, "There is a bathroom in your room and one in ours, go ahead and use ours, Ven is training with Xanth." He muttered out with tinges of spite, he would not really call it training not at all. 
((Hey twi give me some time to reply please? Now my post does not fit))
(srry for the huge sig =o=)

Ritsuka weakly pushed them away making sounds of struggle. "im fine!" she tried to look up set but her bosy was too weak to even make a facial expression, her cheeks turned more red. She turned and walked outside, closing the door behind her she looked back for a moment. She didnt mean to act that way, its just that shes had this illness since she was a child, the doctors didnt know what caused but only knew she would have it for life, and for some reason it always came during winter....she just didnt want anyone to worry.

She walked slower than an old person. Moving one. foot. at a time. Dragging them through the snow, leaving a trail behind her, she was very weak. Every four steps she would stop to catch her breath, huffing and puffing, her breath visible in the chilly air, huffing the snow flakes away from her face. She cringed and winced with every step, her hot cheeks evaporating the snowflakes that just wanted to cool her down. She stopped for a minute feeling dizzy and not being able to support herself, she fell on all fours, white hair dangleing around her face and touching the harsh snow. Her favorite mittens with cats on them, getting soggy with the frozen white powder. She got up steadily and re adjusted her scarf, she looked like a bundled up little kid. Unfortuneately, her shallow breathing got worse. She shook her head and pressed on.
((Its cool, I am just doing hw along with rping ^^))

Rox went to go get some wood thinking since Nichole cooked so wonderfully, he would ask her for a recipe for soup. Having an arm full of wood, he stacked it in the fireplace before lighting a match, making a comfortable spot on the floor in front he waited for the two girls.
((Cute outfit!))

Rox smiled when he saw her, she was very pretty in those colors, "Is Rit still in the shower? I was wondering if you had a recipe for soup?" He fed a few more logs to the fire.
(Cute cute cute! *Steals lol))

Rox grinned sitting down with her, "I bet I know where you got that from." Rox thought of Nichole's mom before asking, "How is your family?" He asked.
Nichole said"good mom and dad switched to the food business. They bought the mew mew cafe and we fixed it up." She ate more smiling. (Mine xD oh deadly academy! )
Likara smiled as an idea came to mind. She licked him back, but slower. "Hehe, now we're even." She waited to see his reaction. Hopefully he would blush or do something funny. Likara was still blushing a little hard to be seen, but she didn't really care at the moment.

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