mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox gasped at the exact same moment his amber eyes wide that Nichole had woken up, he held his breath slightly as she moved turning so her face was pressed to his chest, letting out the breath, Rox held her more tighter in a secure way he leaned his forehead nears hers and started humming a soft melody he grew up listening to as a child, it was soothing even to him, enough to make his own tears start to stream making him pull Nichole even closer if that was possible.
Likara couldn't hold back her laughter as she squirmed, hoping to get loose. "Hahaha! Please..hehe.....s-stop...Haha!!" Her laughter got louder and louder, getting uncontrollable as the seconds passed. Likara scrunched up her body, trying to make him stop.
Rox buried his face into her hair feeling the soft breaths push out of her mouth, Rox soon got control of his tears yet still inhaled the scent of Nichole slowly to brought him into a peaceful sleep.

Again just as before Likara's laugh was pretty darn contagious so he was laughing too, just not to the almost hysteric volume she was, Enzo shook his head as she tried to scrunch into herself to get away, "No way miss kitty I will stop if you tell me," He tried to reach his left hand around to tickle at her stomach, "If you do I will cut it out, come on you are so stubborn!"
Likara continued to laugh loudly while she struggled to stop. Her stomach was starting to ache, screaming at her to stop laughing. "Okay..hahaha! J-just stop with the hehe tickling!" She wanted to take back her words but she knew that she couldn't. "You've changed so much, and I...don't really like it. I hate when anything changes....even people..." Likara looked away, embarrassed at her confession.
Enzo stopped tickling her when she said okay, backing off and watching her compose herself as he did the same, he listened to what her answer was, he quietly thought over it again words following through his head, walking a bit so he was a beside her, he buried his hands in his pockets looking off into the other direction as well, "I think I understand....but than I don't....your so confusing....always have been." The sun was dying leaving them in a twilight sort of light, " I did not much care for people when I first met you, so I guess my question change sometimes that can become okay, that you can get used too? Or is it all just discord?"

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Rox rolled over to his back gently still sleeping it was the most people sleep he had in a year and a half.
Likara slowly looked at Enzo, gazing into his eyes. Dark strawberry hair blew with the breeze as she thought deeply about his question. Did she hate all change that much? Or was it just with Enzo? The thought made her stare more deeply into his eyes, trying to find her answer. "Change is mostly bad for me, but not all of it. I changed in a good way by not giving up like I usually do when I'm with someone. You were so hard to get along with in the past, which made it fun for me, always challenging myself. Since I broke your barrier, there's nothing to tear down anymore...." Likara looked away once more, staring at her hands as her fingers overlapped each others.
Enzo stared back into those orbs as she stared into his trying to understand it all, even before she spoke, he listened seeming very confused as she came to her final conclusion, “Is that what you think? That you figured me all out? That somehow we are going to turn out like those old people who cuddle and gaze into each other’s eyes kissing every five minutes?” Enzo let out a snort that turned to a few laughs as he shook his head, he moved in front of her, “Just because I understand you more now, does not mean you still don’t confuse me….frustrate me even, just because I might hold your hand does not mean we are all ladedado, even if you broke down a barrier as you say, does not mean I don’t have others, to be honest there are lot of stuff you don’t know about me…and I don’t know about you.” Enzo let his eyes roll up to the heavens as if they would help him explain finally he stepped forward and poked Likara in the head applying pressure in till their eyes met again, “Just because I got used to you a little does not mean I am not Enzo anymore…such a silly feline, this is why we don’t usually mix canines and cats.” With another roll of his eyes speaking one last time his usually smirk on his lips, “Besides is in my blood to annoy the hell out of you, can’t defy nature now can we?”

((They have the weirdest relationship and I love it <3))
((I squealed so hard when I read your post!! >3<))

Likara started to tear up when he finished. "Th-that was so beautiful.....are you really Enzo?" A small laugh came out of her throat as another tear fell from her eyes. She quickly wiped them away, hoping that he didn't see them and get worried. A small smile formed on her lips. He was right. Everything he said was just what she needed. Likara jumped on Enzo making him fall over in the river of flowers that surrounded them. She laughed and snuggled into his neck, purring while doing so. Her ears and tail had decided to pop out at that moment. Likara smiled once again at their crazy thing that they call a relationship. She didn't move from her position and kept nuzzling into Enzo's neck, still purring.
Enzo watched as a few tears streamed down her face Oh good god more tears? "Those better be happy tears even though god only knows how many versions of tears you have....Ah! Whoa!" Enzo felt himself following back than the shock of cold water seeping through his shirt, he made a face, "Aurgh! Of all the places we land in water." He muttered his blue eyes shifting to see a flower go by, "With flowers...ugh you planned this, didn't you? Sneaky cat." He complained and as the purrs traveled through the red head as she nuzzled him, Enzo flushed lightly as her face was in his neck which was pretty close to his face. As those ears popped out, Enzo let his right hand come up and fiddle with one, "You know its really....wet down here, why don't you have a feel." Before Likara could register that sentence, Enzo flipped her off of him, to beside him instead, still fiddling with her ear and smirking away.
Likara made a meow noise as she flipped around, now staring deeply into his eyes. The feeling of him touching her ears made her purr louder, nuzzling into his hand even more. Her tail swished with pleasure. She shut her eyes and smiled, small canine teeth now showing after her change. "That feels soooo good~" Likara purred more, moving her head more into his hand.

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