mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka nodded to Rox, she was still confused but did what she was told. "I-I think i can....>.<" she took a deep breath and held her hands out to the sides. Her hands had like a blue, luminous shielding membrane it seemed, almost looking like water. She cringed and focused as much as she could,"In order to do what they want..." She thought,"id have to project my healing abilities out to a physical state, instead of it internally healing someone through their soul." She focused more. She closed her eyes,"C'mon..."she mumbled. "Maybe if i...." She got an idea and brought her hands closer to her chest. Out popped her wolf ears and tail and with her outfit to top it off, she transformed. "Im stronger this way." She opened her eyes and pushed her hands out once again, a thin luminous bubble covered them, as luminous as her eyes were. "Im not sure how long i can hold it..." Her eyes rolled to look at Ven, a serious look on her face, her pupils were different, a slit like a true beast. "Ive never done something like this and i can already feeling it drain my energy..." She cringed once more.
Rox growled in anger, "Stop tantalizing her! Right, wrong, justice, vice. They are not black and white! Some things are meant, need to happen, sometimes doing the worse thing can really be for the best so shut up, shut your mouth like you have done any better!" Rox thundered out before running towards her, he thrust an arrow at the image of the boy and thrust seven arrows at Aaria. Before coming down to Nichole, "I know this is your fight, so let me help." He placed his hand on her blood stained chest transfering his energy too her as he did he spoke softly, "I don't care what the past holds, only in a sense that it won't ever change my love for you."

Ven watched the blue light glow on Ritsuka hands as she muttered to herself concentrating. Ven watched her transform before the bubble same as her eyes, her aura grew around them, Ven looked up at it, letting his finger tips graze against the shield, "Whoa...amazing Suka." he turned to gaze at her starting just a bit at the difference in her eyes, they were a true markings of a wolf a big one at that, he could feel her inner wolf. With determind look in his green eyes, Ven shut them tightly, he breathed in and out slowly before his own brown ears pointed popped on his head and a rather dog like tail swished out, opening eyes, he removed Nichole's and let it fall over Ritsuka's head, as it came to settle around her neck, it glow with a vibrating glow trying to replenish the power, Ritsuka was exerting, "That should help for a bit, it always helped me." Ven looked over at the still bodies of Rox and Nichole, "They gotta come back..." Ven turned to look at Suka once more, "I don't know exactly what I can do to help your shield, but, if you run out of energy...I won't yet anything hurt you." He grinned slightly canine teeth showing. I can keep control, its my power not his!
Ritsuka knew the potential danger in Ven transforming like this,"V-Ven, you dont have to do this..." sounds of struggle in her voice. She watched as he put the necklace around her neck and the her level of worry grew more.

"Guys..." She looked at Nichole and Rox,"Please come back..." She thought. She looked at the ground and shut her eyes.
Nichole gasped looking up at rox. Tears brimmed her eyes as she threw herself at him crying. "Aww isn't that sweet? Prepare tod die you two..." aaria said. She walked closer and Nichole closed her eyes. 'Sister I ask for your help' her guna glowed turning white and Nichole got om one knee aimming. "Just a bit closer. ..there! HOLY BULLETS!" Aaria felt something pierce her and screamed in pain. Nichole continued shooting til she and rox were the last ones standing. She got a good headshot too. The darkness of her subconscious lifted ans showed a beautiful meadow.
Ven's eyes squeezed up shut even tighter, "I can!" It came out a bit more hard pressed than he meant it too, "I....I can." This was softer more leveled, "Just trust me...even if only a little....because you help even just sitting here, you help me..." Ven spoke out quietly his aura keeping a steady orange sort of shade dark like wisp crackled through it, but it was his and no one elses.

As Nichole fell forward, Rox embraced her passionately thinking bringing her closer and nuzzling his nose against her neck, tears pricking at his own eyes, it was hypocritical really how he always told Nichole it was okay to cry, and Likara too, yet he kept his tears inside. He never had a change really to cry thinking of others before himself, he never wanted his sick mother to see him cry, to make her feel worse than she already did. He never let himself cry in-front of Ven, he had to be the strong one at least when they were alone. Than came Nichole, loving him for him, letting him find a side of himself he had to shove off, even now with all his faults...they were wrapped in an embrace and as Aaria spoke about them dying actually seemed like the perfect moment, to go.

But no, they could not, they had loved ones waiting for them. The Holy Bullets attack rocked Rox backwards as he shield his eyes from the intense light blaring all around him. When he dropped his arm from over his face, a gasp left his lips as he found himself sitting in a grassy meadow it was gorgeous. Getting up, he slowly walked over to Nichole taking in everything as he walked, "Whoa....your soul is more divine than I imaged it would be."
Nichole blushed and hugged him tight. "I'm so happy to have you back rox." Tears going down her face. Her heart was filled with love again. She glowed and kissed him sending him back to his body. Nichole stirred opening her eyes.
"Uh..." Her voice was barely over a whisper. Then, a good idea suddenly popped into her head. "You're gonna have to get the truth out of me then." A big smile appeared on her face as she turned away from him, continuing to walk forward. The plan unfolded in her mind, going through the details to make sure nothing went wrong. Likara quietly giggled to herself, hoping to get the right reaction of of Enzo.
Rox felt the kiss press onto his lips and a spark that grew into a flame that once again burned a wildfire along his heart came back it sent his whole senses a glow as he felt his spirit floating back into his body, “Thank you, thank you so much your love means everything.” Rox whispered into her ear before he returned to his body sitting up slowly he let out a little huh noise and looked around back in the car they were. He sat up fully and scooted over to Nichole, amber orbs peered into opening hazel, “Hey love.” Rox whispered cuffing a cheek gently with his hand, bending he placed a kiss on her lips. He then turned to Ven and Ritsuka giving them a warm smile,

“You both did great, it’s okay now.” His voice obviously proud of them they both had grown stronger he could see that. Ven smiled from Nichole than to Rox before banishing his power as his ears and tail went away, he slumped in his seat breathing a bit roughly.

Enzo frowned a bit leaning forward so that he could hear the soft tone of Likara’s voice before she suddenly was beaming at him saying in an almost sing song tone he had to get it out of her. Midnight orbs blinked in sessions as the she-cat turned and started walking again, “….” He stood quietly for a moment watching her walk away while slightly admiring her new hairstyle without knowing it, it was really vibrant, even in the dull December sun. Moving with a swiftness to catch up to her, Enzo peered at Likara a moment more before speaking, “….Okay…a game than? Hmm.” It had been a while since he played any type of game it sent a twig of excitement through him. Walking a bit faster, he got a bit in front of her walking backwards a challenge look in his eyes, but not a harden one, it was more playful, “Okay how about a guessing game is that how I get it out of you?” A blue eyebrow was raised gently up in a questioning way.
Likara slowed her pace so that he wouldn't trip over his own feet. The mischievous smile never leaving her face. "Sure, if that makes it easier for you." Her strawberry eyes gazed behind him as she dozed off a little. Likara's mind drifted elsewhere, suddenly thinking of horrific things. What if Enzo did trip and bash his head open. What if her foot got caught on a sharp piece of glass. What if something is following them without knowing it. Her eyes slowing got bigger as those thoughts raced through her head. She kept her smile and regular pace though, not wanting to freak Enzo out.
Enzo blinked for a few moments still walking backwards each footfall seemed graceful and well placed he tapped his chin for a moment before sighing than a half smile worked his way onto his lips, "Hey I just got a better idea." Moving with a half spin he was behind her now with a little hesitation he placed his hands on her slender shoulders being careful not to capture any of her red locks. With his hands lightly on her shoulders, he bent slightly and blew on the nape of her neck making it tickle, "Words are overrated with you, now spill or be tickled to death by air." He threatened though in a way to show play.
(( its Fine! we understand ^^ Nichole and Rox just got back from helping her))

Rox let out a breath, but none of this was over yet, and the car coming to a firm halt reminded him of this. Wiping the frost of the window, Ven's green eyes peered out before he let out a hollow laugh,

"home sweet home." In front of them was a massive layer decked out in pillars, towers and shrouded in black and gray. Rox sighed and got out first.
"Finally..." Ritsuka released the shield bubble thing and instant changed back into her normal self. She was so tired she plopped back onto the car seat while everyone got out,"ill be there in a second...." She layed across the seats...why not? Shes small enough. She closed her eyes, reminding herself to get up and get out, but she had no energy. The car door was open, letting in the cool breeze that was caressing her to sleep
Rox helped Ven and Nichole out, before peeking inside to see Ritsuka stretched acrossedthe seat half alseep, he smiled gently, still viewing the white haired girl as a sister he scooped her Iinto his grasp, "Let's take you to a more comfortable place to sleep, kay Suka?" He shifted her small frame in his arms making it comfortable, her little body weigh was nothing compared to his eighteen year old stature, as they walked through the melting snow, Rox placed a light peck a brotherly kiss on a slightly banged covered forehead. He did not say anything with the gesture because sometimes actions spoke louder than any word.

Ven caught up to Nichole and took her hand squeezing it lightly, in his eye was a grateful happy understanding, they both had a dark part of their hearts that took over, and they both were concuring it. His eyes glinted with a respect for the Nichole, he always had the first time she protected him, "Coco? will you meditate with me?" Ven asked hopefully, he had been learning how to on his own.
Ritsuka's eyes opened a bit, barely recognizing who it was that was carying her,"Im sorry...." She whispered. She felt a little bad for being such a burden but before she could say more she fell limp once again and went back to sleep.
Rox shook his head gently For what? but before he could ask he felt her slipped back into sleep. Walking into the base he found a room that suited Nichole and Ritsuka to share, his room was right down the hall. xanth had long since shown back up here probbaly talking with kaito, he let them roam free inside the fortress knowing they could not get out.

Rox set Ritsuka in the bed, slipped off her shoes and before bringing the blankets high around her, and tucking them in, "Sleep well. "
Nichols sat in her bed and wrote in her journal. She smiled sadly at ritsuka and kissed her forehead. She saw her as a sister to protect. Nichols continued writing and soon put it away. It was full of her memories,thoughts, dreams and her fears.
Rox walked over to their door and knocked lightly before turning the handle,"Uh hey, Nichole? I brought some clothing for you two to change into tomorrow." He said stepping more into the room an armful of clothing piled up to his chin, "I did not know exactly your sizes," He let out a nervous laugh setting them on a near by chair.
Rox saw they were both alseep and rubbed the back of his head chuckling on how he had been speaking to the walls, he turned to go, and only got a flew steps to the door when he heard the low whimper than the sleep filled voice, of course he remember even after all that time, the story about Nichole's sister...Aaria, funny how her sister and that demon had the same name....but Rox would worry about that later, going over, he sat lightly upon her bed, stroking her soft brown locks and gently holding her other hand, "Its alright, shh, its alright."
(Sorry, school has been so annoying! >3<)

Likara blinked a couple times, trying to understand what he just said. Laughter started to bubble in her chest quickly. "Hahaha!" The idea of him tickling her to get his answer wasn't going to work on her, or so she thought. Likara was secretly very ticklish, but she was trying to hide that from him. "You're going to...haha...tickle me?! Hahaha!" Likara started to bend over, laughing quietly to herself as her eyes quickly shut.
Rox brushed at the tears lightly as each one came stroking his thumb against Nichole’s coca skin, “Its alright.” He spoke again before slipping off his shoes and bringing his body up into the bed, “I’ll stay here,” Rox moved Nichole slightly so that she was more against him, the side of her head pressed snug to his chest, “With you, don’t worry.”

Enzo backed up a step a Likara bent over a bit laughing, the smirk on his lips grew a bit wider as his left hand went off her shoulder and slid down to her side making a drumming crab walk motion to tickle her there as well, the other stayed on her shoulder briefly before tickling at her neck, his fingers brushing though her red hair to do so, it was soft, “That is the idea, is it working yet?” Enzo could not keep a few laughs down as Likara laughed on, “Tell me, your secrets.” He lent over slightly blue strands mixed ever so slightly with red.

((Its fine! I completely understand how busy school is))
Nichole gasped opening her eyes. Her pupils widened then dilated as her eyes brimmed with tears again. "Hic hic..." She sobbed into his chest letting it all out.

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