mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(OH MY GODDDD! Neko! *glomps* this is amazing! first Twi comes back now you! *explodes in happiness* Hmm, lets see? what could Enzo/Likara be doing in the year span besides getting closer? maybe Zeoy sent them on a special mission to another country? And they just got back? if you want them together on the mission or separated or hald and half? what do you guys think of this idea? Also they should know about rox and ven and even heard about them casuing trouble, but not all about their passed/ knowing that Nichole and Ritsuka are kidnaped yet? but have some clues? or find some? also right now, Rox, Ven, and the evil alien Xanth who pretty much is the reason why all this bad stuff happened are going to a small village like town called Hollow Chance were another layer is at, their main one.

*A couple things add to help.

* An alien named Xanth basically implanted darkness into Ven when he was younger and tested its power by using Ven to kill his foster family.

*Rox had been sent to another foster family, a good one, but gave up living with them to protect Ven.

*Their parents died in a fire purposely set.

*Because of the dark power that is why Ven would not change into a mew mew why Rox would not let him.

*Because Xanth had a control of Ven, Rox did whatever they wanted and was told to find all the mews, befriend them, than kill them. but of course Rox got to attched to all of them

*One night, Xanth got sick of waiting releaved Rox for his plans than forced the brothers to leave once again with him. Thats what happened.)

Rox watched Nichole fiddle with her hat and toy with her pistols before actually taking a step forward, Rox had to fight down the laughter that was itching up his throat, if it was any other time, any other place, he would have laughed. Yet a small smile trickled onto his lips, "Hi Nichole..." He spoke back before walking on, not knowing what else to say at the prior moment. After going up some stairs, Rox lead them outside a long limo waited there, "Now we head to were we been living for the passed year." And their you can help us, and if not, at least I can get all three of you out safe this time Rox opened the door stepping aside for Nichole and Ritsuka to enter first, Ven stood there giving a soft shiver not from the cold, well partly but excitment and worry mixed in the shiver, finally they could go back to that hell hole, were the real escape plan would take place. Ven looked at his palm and scoffed, a chip burried in his skin waiting to go off and do something horrible, but was completely dormite when at the base. One step closer to freedom.
(I like that idea of me coming back from a mission. Lets see if I can make it work :3)

"I'm finally back.." Likara had been away for a year, doing a ton of research that had been sent with her mission. She missed her friends, and wanted to meet up with them soon, but didn't know how to. She had changed over the year, and her hair had darkened in color, making it almost red. She cut it so that it was shoulder length. Likara had made new friends, but was always reminded of her old ones. "What should I do first?" Was the first thought that popped into her head. She felt stupid when she realized that she had to go home first. Likara hailed a cab and quickly got home. When she opened the door to her house, it was surprisingly clean. She set her luggage down on the floor, and collapsed on the couch. She looked at her clothes, still in the ones from yesterday. Likara got up slowly and stripped, not caring where her clothes went. She tugged on a blue and white tank top, and random shorts. "I'll start tomorrow..." After that, she closed her eyes and smiled, glad to be back where everything started.

(Is that good enough?)
(That's excellent! okay I am going to say that Enzo had not seen Likara since they met up to compare notes so like 7months they had to split up and take different missions?)

Enzo rested his head back against the leather seat letting a sigh seep through his lips as his midnight orbs caught the familiarity of his surroundings a soft smile pushed up his lips, Likara. Enzo sat up yawning his foot accidentally stubbing the brief case at his foot, making a face, he swore lightly gritting his teeth. Jeez I feel like an old man with a briefcase and I am just sixteen. Enzo felt the car stop and Zeoy turned around, "Okay, we are at the cafe!" The blue haired teen nodded getting out with her,

"Right, em thanks again." Enzo gave a light bow and a half wave before walking down the pavement, yes, a change from the boy that entered the cafe a year ago who was nothing but awkward and rude, yet he was still a bit awkward. walking along, he made it to the familiar home, he had been around the area a few months ago and stopped by to check on it. He pushed open the door his eyebrows pushed together as he worried about had he locked it?
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(I'm stupid :P )

Likara opened one eye and looked towards the now opening door. She quickly got up and slowly peeked through the crack to see who it was. "E-Enzo....?" She backed up, her hands coming up to her face. Likara's mind went blank, forgetting whatever she was thinking about at the exact moment. She suddenly had the urge to hug him. So that's what she did. Likara basically jumped on him, giggling while doing so. "I haven't seen you in so long!!"

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