mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

As the door open wider Enzo lifted his gaze to Likara there, her hair was different than the last time he saw her, he froze to before taking a few steps forward the soft little smile pressed on his lips again. Before he could think what to say, Likara had leaped at him causing him to stumble back a few steps. Once steadied he lightly hugged her back, "It has been far too long indeed." Enzo answered his face close to her hair, "You still smell of strawberries," He muttered contently making the hug a bit snugger, it was good to be home.
Likara blushed at his comment but smiled. She slowly pulled back and looked at him, top to bottom. Another smiled appeared. "Welcome home Enzo!" She threw up her arms and danced around for a bit. A quiet giggled came from her lips as she grabbed his hand and pulled him in, closing the door while doing so. "What should we do first?" Her voice came out a cheery and excited.
As the car was driven, Rox, Ven, Ritsuka and Nichole sat in a circular like seat. The car was very quiet...and it was not a comfortable silence it was pretty awkward. Rox switched from looking form the window to Nichole than back again. Ven let forest green eyes bounce around nervously before settling them on his fingers.

Enzo laughed at Likara display of excitement, "When did you get back? How is everything, oh!" He said as he got pulled inside the door shutting behind him. The blue haired boy had gotten a few inches taller and his hair was longer tied back in a pony tail, His eyes wondered briefly around the room, "Uh, can we go on a walk? I have been stuck in a vehicle all day."
Nichole said"so tell me rox. Why didn't you tell us any of this a year ago hm?" Clenching hrr fists. She was trying her hardest to refrain from jumping into his arms and kissing him.
"I'm fine with a walk. I wanted to see if anything has changed in the neighborhood." Likara smiled more and opened the door once again. She walked outside and light jogged to the pavement, turning around to face Enzo. "I wonder if he's changed at all..." Her voice was lowered but not low enough to be a whisper. A small smiled appeared on her face again. Likara looked to her left, the wind being warm and inviting.
Rox turned lightly to Nichole and shook his head before leaning it back staring at the ceiling, "Because as stupid, idiotic and pathetic as it sounds now...I did not think anyone could do anything to help, so why tell?" He whispered. He was quiet a moment before speaking, "I had always done everything on my own, always had too." 
Enzo grinned lightly before nodded he wanted to see if a place changed too, Enzo joined her on the sidewalk taking her hand into his before leading the way to his little inclosed place by the lake he had shown Likara once before. As they walked the wind blew gently, Enzo had eyes that cared less about the neighborhood and more about the girl next to him.
Nichole said"oh so even when I told you EVERYTHING about me you didn't trust me enough to tell me that one important detail?" She bit her lip. "Ok ok I thought I could trust you with anything but I guess you didn't trust me enough." She laughed sadly. " a relationship is built on trust rox. Not secrets." Her ears were flat and her tail puffed up.Nichole lookee away steaming.
Ritsuka slouched back in her seat. She sat like someone in a stranger's house for the first time. Good posture, hands together, and just staring straight forward. She could feel the tension and she didnt like it. Her fingers twiddled nervously in her lap. Her eyes widened and her wolf ears went flat when she heard Nichole.
Rox felt her anger even though he was not looking at her, "Its not that....its not that I did not trust you, I was trying to keep you out of it, keep everyone out of it, I had to much to lose it I slipped up, but everything failed in the end anyways...what could have been done if I told you anyways? It was not your burden to bare."

Ven tensed slightly before looking at Nichole, "It was all because of me...everything, I made friends with Xanth, trusted him... which led to Xanth making me k-k-kill my foster family, they were nasty...but no one deserves too..." Ven shook his head voice hitching slightly, "Than Rox left those good people to protect me, than joined with Xanth to protect me, and kept quiet to protect me." Ven's hands tightened around his shorts gripping them till his knuckles went white, "So don't you yell at him." Ven yanked his head up to stare at Nichole voice going up an octave, "Don't! If anyone you should be angry at me!" Ven shouted his voice cracking a bit as he did.
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Nichole was suprised then her canine teeth poked out and her ears were flat against he head. She covered her ears hissing. "No notthis ttime aaria. You are not causing anyone else pain. Ever again. Ven I forgive you but I have something important to do. Can you guys watch my body for me? " she closed her eyes and went to her subconscious. "Aww what's wrong nicky? Don't want me to hurt the ones who hurt you? Remember all that fun we had hurting that last guy ? " "don't you dare compare me to you you sick freak!" "Don't be mad you brat. I made you who you are. Oh do I see fear in your eyes?" Aaria said as she walked around her. "Is it that you don't want me to hurt rox? Even though he caused you so much pain when he left? You still protect him?!"
Ritsuka layed a hand on Ven's gentley, she gave a soft, comforting smile. She said nothing but hoped the gesture would say everything, her eyes said she was sorry and her smile it was going to be okay. She wanted to hug him but now was not the time...
"Aaria leave him out of this!" Aaria cackled moving her black and red hair from her eyes. They were crimson and she was smirking. "Don't you remember that day? I was there for you when no one else was. Don't forget that my dear hikari." Nichole growled and said"that was a mistake!" "Oh it was a mistake! Me a high level demon stuck in the body of a 5 year old! Oh ho ho I remember when I firsr bloodied your hands. You want to forget that day forget his screams don't you?" Nichole's fists clenched and she punched her. "SHUT UP! (
Ven stared at Nichole for a moment before dropping gaze away. Rox shook his head, "It's not-" Yet Nichole spoke and Rox turned to face her eye brows drawn together, "There is nothing to forgive from hi-" Yet she zoned out. Rox caught her body at it laid motionlessly in his arms, "What...?" It was not that Rox did not care for her, he was keeping an emotional distance, like things could go back to the way they were, and if things worked out for once...Ven would be okay with them, he would not be alone anymore, it was his burden to bare.

Ven just stared at his lap, squeezing his eyes shut, he understood more than anyone were Nichole was going...inside deep inside like the inside place were he went to work on controlling his powers. He felt a gentle hand being placed on his and looked up slightly to see Ritsuka, he understood the look in her eyes and smile. He took a deep breath before leaning slightly against Ritsuka, closing his eyes tightly, there was no going back to the past, but it was hard now, so hard to see some sort of future were things would be okay.

(G2g guys sorry!)
(Bai rox!) Nichole and aaria fought. The fight started to turn bloody fast. "YOURE WEAK!" Nichole bounced off the wall and coughed up blood. "You've had this body long enough. Its my turn!" Aaria said as she picked her up by her hair. Nichole screamed and aaria smirked seeing her in pain. "Nitey night!" Nichole coughrd up more blood before collapsing. "Nom. ..rox...." aaria opened her eyes and looked up at rox. Nichole's normal hazel eyes were now crimson. Aaria said"so your rox eh? Not that good looking if you ask me."getting up. She smirked and fingered the trigger on one of Nichole's pistols. "Such a shame that weak hikari of mine couldn't protect you from me...."she smirked cruelly at him.
Likara blushed and looked down at her feet, hearing every little noise around her. She loosened her grip a little on his hand and smiled. "I guess you just answered my question." He seemed like he had opened up a lot more. Likara missed that side of him a little. The excitement that she got when she would make him break down a wall in his heart was now gone. Her smile turned into a blank stare, still directed at her feet as they moved in front of her. Likara felt a little pain in her heart but she shook it off, hating the feeling.
Enzo blinked his midnight blue eyes watching Likara as they walk, he felt her hand loosened and stretched his fingers. He watched her the soft smile turning into a little frown he let a small huff, "I don't understand....what could possibly be wrong?" He inquired stopping just as they walked into the grass that was high around them the strands blowing back and forth.

Rox jerked as soon as Nichole opened her eyes her eyes..... "Who...." He choked out as she got up he gripped the seat his eyes wide and focused on the person in front of him, "Protect me....?" He whispered voiced confused before growing louder, "What are you!?!" He demanded.

Ven's eyes snapped back open as he still rested slightly against Ritsuka, "Oh no she lost..." Ven whispered hoarsely before sitting up and touching his brothers arm, "Rox you fight is not out here, but inwards." He said with an urgency before Rox could speak Ven kept going, "Yes you can reach her, you know you still like her, love her." Rox blinked back at the non Nichole gulping lightly.
Ritsuka scooted closer to Ven to comfort him some more, resting her head on his shoulder. She started to fall into a light sleep then her ears tickled and bounced, something disturbed her. She opened her eyes and blinked a few. The sight of Nichole,no, it wasnt Nichole. Whatever it was it frightened her, she gasped and sat up,"W-Whats happening?!"
Aaria said"save her if you can rox but I can assure you. She will fall and when she does I'll have all the fun I want with you." Her crimson eyes flashing. Nichole was on her side In her subconscious feeling very weak. Aaria giggled and said"ah its great to have a body again. Sigh I wonder who I will kill first....maybe I'll take you to the woods and kill you slowly. .. oh ho ho ho you know Nichole didn't always have me. The weak fool...she was near deaths door when this one guy took it that far trying to make her his. She snapped and guess who hot sealed inside her? Me."
Likara stopped as well, looking towards the horizan. She smiled at Enzo. "What do you mean? Is something wrong?" Her words were a lie, she knew he had noticed her not being as cheerful as usual. "I'm sorry if I did something stupid, I'm a tired and I get a little grumpy when I'm tied."
Enzo stepped so that he was standing in front of Likara, he looked down at her for a moment studying her face quietly before giving a huff, "Fibber." He acussed shortly as he stepped back folding his arms looking out along the small meadow before turning to face the newly red head again, "When your grumpy, you get this face," Enzo attempted to mimick her face that she usually protrays, "But you got a different one now, maybe that's changed over time...I dunno." Enzo let his arms go back to his sides before sighing looking back at the girl that never seemed to cease fustrating him or challenging him, it brought the smallest smile to his lips before he placed a hand on her shoulder, "So what's wrong already, I'll keep bugging you till you tell. Besides it would be no fun if you were the only one who could puncture a few holes in the wall." He was speaking figurtively about the walls, they both had their secrets, as friends that were becoming more they were quite the odd pair.

Rox breathing was heavy as what the demon said burned in his ear drums. His eyes still wide unable to disconnect from crimson flashing eyes that held a sadistic pleasure. Rox shook himself out of it, "Talk all you want, soon you wont beable too." He insisted with a venom in his tone, "I won't let you hurt her or anyone else!" Turning to Ven and Ritsuka, he focused on the white haired girl, "I don't know if you ever tried this, but try to make a barrier with your ability to heal around you and Ven till I get back. Chances are, that thing will follow me anyways, but just incase." Ven felt something than gasp yanking on the necklace string to bring it up,

"The necklace Rox!" He understood it might have kept the demon at bay, but Rox shook his head,

"You keep it, it will help you both stay safe, I will help Nichole find the strengh she needs, just as she helped me find myself and so many bueatiful things." He smiled placing a hand on each of their heads before turning to face Aaria, his hand over his heart his aura began to glow, "Hey, catch me if you can." Rox taunted before his spirit disappeared diving into Nichole heart and probably causing some pain for the demon who did not want him there.

Landing he saw Nichole and raced over dropping to his knees placing a hand on her shoulder Rox gently lifted her to sit up, he glew in his red and gold like aura, "I promised, I'd be here, when you needed me most, I am confident to try and keep it."

Ven watched his brothers body go slack, he casted a look at Nichole before looking back at Ritsuka, "You think you can do that? The shield?" He asked while putting Nichole necklace back around his neck.
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Nichole was in a puddle of blood and her pupils dilated. She struggled to get up but arria growled appearing in the subconscious. "You shouldve stayed down kid. But now you will see my true power. I'm sorry it has to end this way...wait I'm not!"cackling. Nichole struggled to stand and her eyes were cold. " this time." They ran at eachother and Nichole's eyes dilated as she kicked up. Aaria hit the ceiling and they clashed again amr again. Aaria smirked and punched Nichole. She dodged swiftly and was starting to tire. Aaria giggled and said"tired are we? Oh do you remember this guy?" A guy with black hair and golden eyes was soon next to aaria. She walked around him smirking. "Remember what he did to you? When he almost took your innocence away? Remember how it felt to kill him..." Nichole held her head falling ro her knees.

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