mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka nodded a bit and stared at her lap,"I guess we have no other choice do we?"
Likara took a silent deep breath and looked at Enzo, light seriousness on her face. She wanted had meant what she said about wanting to get stronger. Her power was getting weaker since she hasn't fought anything is a long time. Likara noticed that her ears and tail were gone, mentally slapping herself for not noticing earlier, but doing so again for realizing that she couldn't have with what just went on. She had a mini battle inside of her before she focused once more on Enzo.
Rox saw how worried and strained Ritsuka got, and not out of context, she had a valid reaction. To his credit, Rox had done as much research on this, and snooping, it was the only idea he had, "I am not going to lie, its risky, really, but we need these things out of us, or we are prisoners here, we can't go out the fortress barrier without consent or else the docks will open posioning us, its are only way for Xanth crowardest hold to be released." Rox took a breath as Ven gave a light bitter filled laugh,

"Yeah, for you. One word and I am that devil's puppet." He spat. Cleaning off the rest of his cut with a napkin. Rox turned to him,

"We are working on it, you have all of us okay?" He turned to Ritsuka lightly shaking his head at her comment, "We won't be doing this till everyone is well and at full health, I am not risking either of you in this."

Enzo saw her attention come on him. He kept his gaze on her eyes as he started to speak, "I meant beating yourself up for a condtion, one you had since birth? Anyways something you can't control is pointless, wasting brain power on worry or tears, don't do it, I won't let you." His eyes were fixed on hers a stubbron yet caring look in them, he was not going to let up on this area, "Now the rest of you, if you want to get stronger, not just strong add the er, than okay we can do that...more practice, more moves and attacks never hurt anyone." Enzo let a little smile spread on the corner of his mouth, reaching up he flicked her nose lightly.
Nichole said"I just want to bash that ugh man or whatever's head in!" Growling. Mess with her family and friends you see a whole different Nichole.
"Then i guess its the only way.." She glanced at Ven who seemed very frustrated then frowned once more,"Im in then." She looked out the window.
"Alright thank you, and sorry Coco, but we are not looking for an all out fight this time, we need to focus on getting out of here first and formost."

Ven turned from the window, "What??! Xanth needs to die." He hissed green eyes darkening with a flash. Rox raised a hand in peace,

"He will. Just not at this time-" Ven hopped off the seat shaking his head,

"No not later, you must be crazy, there is no 'not at this time'!" His shook his head voice raising with fustration and panic, Rox moved to put a hand on his shoulder,

"Ven, calm down, I won't let anything happen to you." Ven shrugged Rox shoulder off backing up before balling up his fist,

"liar! Lair! And you know it! You can't do anything! Not when he has a hold on me like this! One word, one f*cking phrase and I turn on you!" He looked at Nichole than Ritsuka than turned away from them, "All of you, I'll try to kill, and you know it!"
Ritsuka agreed, "we need to be patient", and nodded to what he said toward Nichole. Her head quickly swivled to Ven as his voice raised and the level of intensity did as well. She had that feeling again, that feeling of just wanting to disappear right then and there, with every word of anger Ven roared out she just wanted to be gone. She slumped back into her pillows, bringing her blanket to her face, disappearing from the nose down behind the soft sheets. Should she say something? Should she just stay quiet? Maybe Rox can handle this, it seems like its between them, maybe? These thoughts raced in her mind as he ranted. These raging emotions can be sensed by canines, and Ritsuka quivered from the negativity. Then he turned to Nichole and her, and his response was utter poison to her heart. She wanted to cry, she did, she gripped the blankets more,"If im to keep my promise to Rox, then ill need a little more backbone..." She thiught to herself, telling herself to hold back tears. She stood quiet, the room was quiet, the moment of silence of the old Ven made her shudder. Ritsuka grieved with a small frown and concerned eyes as she looked at Rox her heart sinking to hopelessness...

...but she cant give up...
Nichole stood and brought ven into a hug. "~ fate has been cruel and order unkind. How could I have hurt them this way? The blame was my own the punishment mine. The harmonys silent today. But into that stillness you brought me your song. And with your voice my compamy kept. For your tired eyes and sweet lullabys. In exile I pay you my debt. Once did a pony who shone like the sun. Look out on her kingdom and sigh. She smiled and said" surely there is no pony so lovely and so well beloved as I!" So great was her reign so brilliant her glory that long was the shadow she cast! Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved and grew only darker as days and nights passed! Lullay dear tia good night sister mine. Rest now in starlights embrace. Bear up my lull aby winds of the earth. Through cloud and through sky and through space! Carry the peace and the coolness of night and carry my sorrrow in kind! Tia you loved me much more than I know forgive me for being so blind! Soon did her sister do what was demanded and gave to the moonlight her due. Breaking the harmony she saved her ponies and banished her as a wise ruler must do!! But such is the weight of the crown sister! Duties we always uphold! May you forgive me that foolishness mine and live with no burden upon your soul!!! Lullay dear tia! Good night sister mine rest now in starlights embrace! Bear up mh lullaby winds of the earth through cloud and through sky and through space!! Carry the peace and the coolness of night and carry my sorrow in kind! May troubles be far from your mind and forgive me for being so blind! The years now before us. Empty and forelorn. I never imagined we face them all alone! May these sunless seasons swiftly pass I pray! I love you I miss you! All these miles away. May all your dreams be sweet tonight. Safe upon your bed of moonlight. And know not of heartache fear nor gloom. And when I dream I'll fly away to meet you soon...sleeep...sleeep...sleeep....sleeep......~" tears went down her cheeks as she sang the lullaby she didn't want to sing ever again. It brought back too much pain. She hugged ven and rit close.
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Ven stiffened as Nichole pulled him into a hug, and began to sing, sing a lullaby,maybe a year ago that would have sufficed to calm his worries, when his problems were small and silly. But now, now he was not the iggnorant child who saw the world as a bright place that had some dim lighting and a few dark patches. No. He knew more now, saw more, done more. Tugging himself out of Nichole hold, he spun unsteadily for a moment before regaining his balance only to walk backwards till his back was against a wall, he clamped a hand to his head mushing the soft spikes down from the implied pressure,

"Just stop, stop, stop, stop!" He repeated the word against his lips several times more as he brace his other hand aginst the wall to keep him up, "I can't do this, I can't give...give you what you want!" He half yelled half groaned this part out, "It was bad enough with you," lifting a finger, he pointed it at Rox," but now her and her..." his arm trembled so violently, he gripped back at his side. He did not look up at them, "This plan...has flaws don't you see? Even if we do get those things out, there is still me don't you understand? Dont you see? You can't let your, your whatever for me cloud you, make you delusional. If we don't kill Xanth now, if we just escape, he will still control me whatever he put inside of me," Ven paused taking a heavy shaky breath, "We don't know anything about it, he could make me attack again, anyone, anything....don't you get it?"

Rox had taken a few steps forward without realizing it, "I thought of that Ven, I have, we will find a way to-" But he was. Interrupted by the thack of Ven slamming his fist into the wall, he whipped his head up to look at them all,

"No! No no no! There is no "we will figure it out Roxas! There is none! Because while you are figuring out something could happen!!! Anything!!! Dont be selfish! Don't put people in danger just because I am your brother! Don't just because you love me, dont...none of you, dont you remember I attacked you when I was like that. Nichole, I hurt your mother don't you recall? So don't just don't." His voice faltered. As his arm against the wall gave way, he collapsed to the floor still shaking his head, "I'm sorry," His voice cracked, "So sorry..I can't give you, who you want, the old Ven, the old me, your little bro, your Venny. I am not that kid anymore who saw everytthing through rose colored glasses...I'm not." He curled into himself more, but looked up and over at the three of them through teary eyes that refused to fall, "I know you want him, but I am not anymore, there is just me now, okay just me." With a hitched breath he turned his head away to the side hiding his eyes yet tears could be seen spilling down his left cheek, "I'm sorry," he whimpered again swallowing, " I don't mean to make you sad, or fustrated, disappointed at me, I hate it, I hate to see you frown to worry," he bit into his lip going quiet as he rested his cheek still streaming tears against his bunched up knees, "I just don't want hurt anyone anymore...and I want you, Roxy, to be happy, you always, always took care of me, but I keep holding you back....shut up, yes I do! Dont care if your my brother, I still do...I don't want, I just don't want to anymore." He then fell completely quiet still trembling and huddled up smaller amount of tears coming out now, when Rox moved towards him, Ven put up a hand still curled up, "I don't want a hug, I don't wanna hear words, no singing okay? Please."

((whoa long post be long and sad))
Ritsuka did not know how to react except cry. Shes never seen Ven like that before. She wasnt only crying bacause she was scared but because she was losing hope, she felt as if everything he was saying was true. She didnt want to believe it but the thought sank into her head more and more. Upon Vens request of silence, she tried to stop crying, she didnt anyone to hear her so she just tried. 
Nichole hugged rit close. Then got up and put on her coat. "Ok ven. I'll give you all the space that you need." She put on the rest of her winter gear and walked out the door slamming behind her. Nichole went out into the snow then went cheetah and ran out into the forest. She sat in a cave thinking to herself and then finally just broke down crying.

(Its so sad!!! :'( )
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Her head backed away slightly but not fast enough. She blinked a couple times and started to giggle, soon turning into a fit of laughter. Likara looked at Enzo happily and hugged him tightly. "Thanks, again. You always know just what to say." She snuggled deep into his neck and loved his unique smell of coconuts. A light blush appeared on her face but she didn't mind. Likara was too content at the moment to realize she was sitting in his lap.(D:)
Ritsuka wanted to do the same. She wanted to go out of the house but she was chained by illness. There was no escape no way to forget this stuff. Luckily her fever was down and she wasnt red at all, just weak and lots of coughing, but still not well enough to go outside. She looked out the window and sighed wiping her tears, her breathing was choppy from crying (i hate that) and her eyelashes were clumped and damp and sapphire eyes glossy, she glanced at Ven at the other side of the room. She didnt know what to do. She moved a piece of her platinum hair behind her ear and layed down putting the covers over her head, waiting for night to come...
The slam of the door echoed through the room as Nichole exited. Ven stayed still his face that held tears now dried pressed into his knees. Rox looked from the door to Ritsuka who burrowed under the covers. Closing his eyes, he stood still for a moment. After a while his footsteps headed towards the wall grabbing Ven's attention. Rox slid down to the ground next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder, he started humming lightly, Ven tensed locking his shoulders,

"What are you doing?..."

"Humming." Came the simple reply, Ven made a noise in his throat,

"I asked-"

"For no singing or hugging, I am doing neither of those."

"Your talking..."

"Yeah, well, you talked first." Ven let out another noise,

"How come you don't just...Nichole needs you..."

"I know, but you need me too"


"Listen, any other time I would leave you be, but I just can't right now, call it pestering, but well here we are." He started humming lightlly again a soft light melody, the same he hummed to Nichole during her nightmare. Ven sat tensely and did not respond to the familiar tune,

"Okay one last thing before I do leave you alone, you can sigh, but you never left me alone when I was sad, so playback time, you always made me smile. But I am not asking for that, all I ask is that you trust me, that's all, I will even say, some of the points you brought up are valid, true, and you don't have to smile, you can be whatever Ven you want, all I want is your trust in us." heading out the room as he promised, Rox changed into a fox and sniffing out Nichole getting to the forest, he changed to human again, he did not know if Nichole wanted alone time or not so he picked a tree above her to sit in, his presence known, he hummed more softly to himself.

Ven heard the door close softer this time, completely wiped of energy, Ven layed down on the floor were he had sat, looking up at the ceiling, he gave a few coughs his throat clogged from crying, rubbing his whole right arm over his face a few times, he kept it there, breathing in and out slowly, shutting his eyes, he really just felt drain everything seemed like it was disloving, slowly he did into sleep.

Enzo let his hand drop down onto Likara shoulder, and as always her wild and silly laughter was intoxicatingly captivating causing him to laugh out of control as well, it was like that time in the play tunnels at the park, funny how things could change yet elements of it stayed the comfortable same. Getting control of himself, Enzo rubbed at laugher flushed cheeks that went a bit deeper, because now Likara sat in his lap, smirking he let his arm lightly wrap around her, "I think you must have laughed so hard you brain got confused, I used to be horrible with words," He let out a little laugh, "Glad my first pep talk went well, don't count on more just as good though." His voice was more self teasing than anything as he rested his head back before dropping his chin lightly into red rose colored hair, he buried his nose into natural s locks content.

(( You guys ready to skip to the next day or two? *Eats some of Twi's cake*, i need some! ))
(Sure lets skip and ok lol its ok -noms her slice-(

Nichole was huddled in a corner of the cave. She rocked back and forth in the fetal position. "It all rests on me. The fate of the love all on my shoulders.....I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!" Crying and then punched the wall repeatedly. (Me feel bad now and she just cracked) "why does this always happen to me?! I take a few steps forward trying to help then get sent back! why? Why? Why did I have to have such a kind hheart to these things!?! W-why can't I just not be followed by my bad luck?! Its all my fault. I shouldve just close my heart off but No!" She coughed into her hands and saw small red specks. She sniffled then went deeper into thw cave holding her bleeding nearly mangaled hand.
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(I dont mind)

Ritsuka heard Roxa speech and it made her smile. In a way it cheered her up to. He was right, we just need to trust eachother.

The door closed and she raised her head, poking from the sheets, big blue eyes landing on Ven. "He shouldnt be sleeping there..." She thought. She got up and walked to him, reaching a hand out to wake him she remembered his rage and anger, and her hand retracted. She shook her head, was she scared? Perhaps...

She stood back up and walked back to bed a little sad. She got under the covers and watched him, her eyes heavy with exhaustion, she fell asleep....
((so many breakdowns!))

Rox climbled down from the tree and into the cave, somehow he felt okay, because even in all this...they got to see, to learn, more about each other then ever before today. It was not easy, it was not pretty, but as long as they could start with trust....they could build to greater heights and work on the rest, no matter how long it took, Rox had another family now, he was not giving it up that easily. Rox went into the cave after Nichole and they spent half the night talking and consoling each other, and Rox helped fix her hand. The night turned to day.....


It had been a few days at the layer now, and everyone seemed to be still asleep in the ealier light took the sun into the sky. The smell of breakfast cooking seeped into the cracks and under the door lingering, but not one of the four captured mew, mews were in the kitchen. Suddenly the door to the room Ritsuka and Nichole were in, also occupied by Rox and Ven swung open,

"Rise and shine my little toys! Breakfast is served!" Came the croon of Xanth as he wore a smirk thinking his pun about them being toys was oh so funny. Rox sat up, and Ven who had made the spot on the floor his own shot up, they both stared confused,

"Um what?" Rox asked "You poisoned it didn't you?" Ven guessed. Xanth slapped his side as he laughed,

"You think I? Hahahaha what a card! I can't do anything with you if your dead, stupid! Now up, up come eat, today is a celebration!" He turned marching out of the room.

((whoa girls! I just noticed we reached a two hundred pages!!! :D ))
A vase came out from Nichole's side and hit Xanth in the back. "SHUT UP ALREADY! GOD!" she grumbled and covered her head with a pillow cranky. she was back to sleep again her butt in the air. "Zzzzzzzz...."

(Omg yay!)
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(Oh yea :o )

Ritsuka's eyes fluttered open, she sat up, her hair a white mess. She rubbed her eyes while still in bed,"Whats happening?" Her voice sleepy and words slurred, she looked around blinking. Ritsuka...was a different person before breakfast. With out food for energy she was impatient and slow with a short temper, and being sleepy just made her grumpy. She sat there hunched over in bed falling back asleep while sitting up, her head bobbing as she tried to stay awake, then finally, plop! Right back to bed, sprawled on the sheets in her pajamas with cookies on them.

Not too soon after the door was left open, the scent of cooked food drifted in, hitting her nose in a pleasurable way. Ears and a tail popped out and she opened her eyes. She sat up once more, sniffing around, and after a few days of recovery, she now had strength to get up on her own and thats exactly what she did. She walked out of the door way with feet dragging and a yawn followed by a few coughs.
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Xanth turned around glaring, "You get your little girlfriend up, before she ruins my good mood, and I have to hurt someone to get it back." He threatened slowly. Turning back around he walked into the dinning room as Rox nodded before chuckling as he watched Nichole and Ritsuka deny the morning. Going over to Nichole he watched the brown hazel eyed girl slumber not wanting to wake her hearing movement and some sniffing, Ritsuka got up leaving for breakfast. Rox leaning down and kissed Nichole's soft cheek, "Rise and shine grumpy cat."

Ven sat gazing in wonder at all the food on his plate, poking it with a fork he still eyed it. Green eyes raised as Ritsuka came in with a few coughs,

"Oh please will you stop being so distrustful," Xanth chided as if Ven had no reason not to trust him taking some of the boys food he ate it, "See? Its fine, stop being silly and eat, all of you come, come eat, we are celebrating!" He excliamed in a booming voice again.


Enzo had woken up a few hours ealier from a sort of a nightmare, but was more of a it was not false but true. Going down stairs, he had put on hot coca to try and calm himself. His thoughts had flown back a few days of how he and Likara trained a bit, mostly exercised, did some hand to hand combat with each other. God, she could kick! The practice in their animal froms learning how to control them better. Staring as the hot coca was made, he rested his elbow on the counter leaning his forehead into it. Why had the memories started again? He thought he had them locked up tight....
Ritsuka, still sleepy, took a seat at the table. She sniffed a plate of food and dug right in. She hid it but her blood boiled at the sight of Xanth in her presence. Ritsuka was good at hiding her emotion but somethings gave it away.

With each bite she took she became more awake, her face gradually went from sleepy to emotionless. But every time she glance at Xanth her grip on her utensils got tighter. He stopped prevented her tail from wagging, even though she was happy from eating. Her canine teeth grew larger when she would hear his voice. It even seemed her face was beginning to look annoyed.

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