mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka looked at Ven and nodded before looking back at Nichole with concern.

She sighed and looked down at her lap,"This is terrible..." She mumbled.

How are we supposed to get out of here? Everything is falling apart.

She looked at Rox, Ven, Nichole, then at her hands. Its like...we're not meant to escape! She looked out the window again, And yet, the scariest part is still to come... 
(I this time around, theres more insight in Ritsuka's thoughts xD usually she just stays quiet and no one knows what shes thinking)
With a great deal of effort, Rox made his way over to the other three, slumping down on the other side of Nichole, he took her other hand squeezing it ever so lightly, "It will be okay," He assured once more even though no one spoke he responded to the looks on the two youngers faces that spoke louder than any words. Rox laid back down besides Nichole, his eyes shutting.

Ven was staring at the window as well the snow done falling for now, the world seemed still, frozen almost, but it really was not, the loud ticking of a hand clock on the wall struck to loud in the nearly silent room laying back down himself, his finger reached out to tap the back of Ritsuka's hand, "It will be." He repeated in a tired yet confident way It just has to be, we did not do all this for nothing, if Xanth still finds us here... That thought lead to grapic pictures that forced eyes to squeeze tightly shut, they neededd rest, time was moving, but they had enough to recuperate.

((I love interdialogue! Its always nice and helpful to see what characters are thinking))
(Lolololol xD just thought we should know her inner self :P )

A tap on her hand snapped her out of her thought. She blinked a few times then Ven's voice reached her ears,"It will be." He echoed Rox. She turned to look at him. Her face looked like a childs before bursting into tears, How do you know?!, she wanted to ask but she didnt all she could do was trust him.

She sat there as he laid down just thinking about the possible outcomes of their situation. She looked back and everyone was resting, which wasnt a bad idea, the pink on her cheeks suggested illness, but she tried SO hard to fight it. She coughed some then sighed, kneeling beside him, she turned to Ven,"Im scared..." Was all she said. She didnt expect a response, she didnt even care if he heard her or not. She just needed to say that, to get it off her chest.
Nichole relaxed and soon calmed. She was soon out cold. Nichole felt so weak and she stirred about two days later. She groaned sitting up and rubbed her head.
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((Its finnnneee! I was just making sure. Two days would have been bad for them xD ))

Ven had his eyes closed, but he was not yet in the phase of sleep just yet, he heard the coughs come from the white haired girls lips, about to tell Ritsuka to rest, her quiet confession stopped his words before they reached his tongue. Opening up forest green orbs, a head turn lead them into eyes the shade of a powerful blue, reaching up he lightly placed a hand on each small shoulder tugging in a downwards motion an unspoken request to lie down. What he did speak took a few more moments to come out of barely spread lips, "Me too, Suka, I am too." It was hard to tell if the words were heavy to admit or if it was just hard to work up the energy to say, "A lot of stuff my mom used to tell me, I did not understand till now, and one of those things was, you can be afraid and frighten those are feelings, just make sure they don't go to high to block your courge, your determination and your uh...hope? Yeah, your hope." Ven smiled lightly as he unwillingly drithed into sleep before he could hear any reply.

Hours later as Nichole move, her slight movement roused him to wake up and stretch before sitting up, settling most of his weight on his palms, he sat up looking around feeling a lot better than two hours before hand, "Are you feeling better?" He asked Nichole as he saw she was awake.
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Nichole nodded and rubbed her head. "Owww...major headache." Her phone rang. It was zoey. "Hey coco I got the air balloon. Mark and I have it tied up in the park. You guys gotta hurry!" Nichole said"thanks zoe. We'll get there as soon as we can!" They hung up. "Ok zoe got the balloon."
Ritsuka laid beside Ven when he gestured her to do so. She had her hands together, just below her chest as she stared at the ceiling and his words of wisdom into consideration. Before she knew it, Ven was asleep and she closed her eyes aswell, she needed sleep...

Two hours later, Ritsuka could hear Nichole's voice and it slowly woke her up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"She did? That's great! Now...we just have to get there." standing up he stretched his face showed he was deep in thought, "...that is the hard part leaving, but not as hard now that we can do it without worrying about poison." Rox started to pace a little as Ritsuka arose and so did Ven, "Okay, it might seem like its not, but honestly the best way to bust out of here, is through the front door." Rox finally spoke up after awhile. Ven let out a yawn nodding, "The front has less traps and triggers than the back or side, although its still dangerous, Xanth said once that he planted parasites in the ground ready to spring in case we had unwanted company." Ven looked around as he gave the information. Rox nodded lightly, "Okay, so deadly traps and ground popping parasites...we can still do this."
Ritsuka listened to the plan as she started to mentally wake up. Thats weird, i didnt smell any parasites when we arrived...then again i was asleep when we arrived...but how did i not smell them while staying here? She had her hand on her chin as she thought.
Nichole said"maybe we can use our animal instincts to find where the traps are and advoid them. We might be lighter on our feet if we go animal..." she propsed her idea.
Ritsuka looked at Nichole, Took the words right out of my mouth!

She thought once again, It would be smart to do so but, have we recuperated enough to do so? Not only that but we're going to be out in snow...using energy to transform...i dont know if i can do this.
Rox nodded slowly, "That's true, avoiding would be best, trasnforming could help, but do we have enough energy?" His eyes lingered lightly on Ritsuka before he paced a bit more than stopped, "Plus with the readings we saw, I am a bit," he bit his lip choosing his words carefully, "Worried about your transformation Ven..." He braced himself for an reaction. Green eyes slowly widened a little before they filled with conflicted emotions,

"Soo what? Your saying I will go nuts and kill everyone, is that your worry?" The last words were spat out. Rox shook his head,

"No. Ven, you missunderstood-" but he was cut off by a snort,

"I always seemed to missunderstand don't I? Fine whatever, I won't. I got a plan of my own. You three go all super mew mew since you all so controlled and I meanwhile will just go through the vents because they lead out of here too. And before you worry some more, there are gas mask that work for 30 minutes, the only small enough person that could come with me is Ritsuka." He turned away from them walking to the window looking out, the sun had and was shinning melting some of the heavy snowfall. Rox looked at Nichole, it was a good plan but he wished Ven would stop seeing things as if Rox were against him....
Ritsuka was torn. Why were they fighting? They never do!

She stood in the middle of the room, looked at Rox and Nichole for a moment, then turned to look at Ven. She walked up to him and put a hand on his arm to get his attention,"Are you sure about this? To go your own way?" She had a small frown. She just thought it was weird to see the oh-so-close-brothers do something without eachother. It didnt feel right.

She paused for a moment, her promise to Rox popped into her mind, she has to keep Ven safe, she has to bring him back! She took in a deep breath,"What ever you decide, ill be right there."She looked back at Nichole and Rox with a frown then looked at Ven for an answer.
Ven kept turned towards the window his hands tensely gripping it as he stared intently at well, nothing really maybe the snow or maybe that tree whatever the case, he was not focusing on it lost in his own thoughts still a hand touched his arm grabbing his attention, "Yeah, I am sure." He answered with out hesitation before letting himself untense, "It's best, since I can't transform, plus I know the vents in and out..." He turned his head to look sidelong at Ritsuka now, "With me..." It was a one breath response with a bit of surprise tingling in it, "Okay, we will have gas mask just in case Xanth was serious about the poison....we will probably beat them outside." The last line had a bit more lightness to it almost as a tease.
Ritsuka smiled,"i hope we beat them," she giggled lightly then coughed a bit.

Nichole handed her a headset which she hesitantly took with a puzzled look. But it all made sense when she realized it was for communicating.

A thought occured to her, quickly she ran to the closet, grabbed boots, a coat, scarf, and mittens and took them back to everyone. She sat on the floor and started to put on the boots,"I want to be prepared..." She stood up slipping her coat on,"If im going out there,in the snow, i want to be ready..." Both boots were on and both arms were in the sleeves. She continued with the scarf and mittens.
Rox grinned as Nichole passed out head sets and Ritsuka came back arms full of winter attire, "Yeah, I forgot about the effects of the weather." Rox shrugged on a coat and slipped his feet into boots, "Yeah we can! Time to get out of here!" Rox put his hand on top of Nichole's.

Ven was a bit hesitant, about the headset but took it into his hands positioning it on his head. Nodding at the coats and hats, he tugged one on and stomped his feet into boots before tugging on mittins at the enthused cheers of the other two, a smile could not help but tumble onto his lips, moving forward, he rest his hand lightly on the pile, "For freedom!"
Ritsuka put her hand it as well, she was just following the others. She looked around and didnt understand the point. After the cheer, she looked at her hand and tilted her head,"What was that about? Why did we do that?" She asked herself.
Rox and Ven teach gave a good natured laugh after the cheer, Ven turned to Ritsuka nodding after Nichole, "I used to be in boy scouts and we would do a cheer and a salute sort of like this." He remembered with a faint smile before it vanished shaking his head sending brown spikes swaying, he adjusted his head set, "Come on Suka, the faster we get the gas mask the faster we can get outta here, meet you on the outside." He spoke to his brother and Nichole giving a sort of half salute and walking out towards were he knew the gas mask were.

Rox grinned lightly before turning into a fix himself red and brown tail lightly brushed Ven's and Ritsuka as a saying of farewell for he gave a light bark at Nichole before trotting out the room.

@HoneyBear-Kat @twilight sparkle Sorry that took so long! D:

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