mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

"Um...i can do it...without the outfit right?" She was a litttle nervous these things embarassed her
Ven watched the snowflakes tumbled from the sky. He knew better than to speak about it now, but why could they not wait for them to say something back? He missed their voices....their laugh, giggles, soft light tones. Ven sighed clinching his fist lightly, he had to focus on tomorrow....and what he had to do.... Ven rested back against Rox closing his eyes. He had grown up during the passing time, but that did not mean he grew colder, heartless, so acting like it was going to be one heck of a challenge even, even if he had that power.... Ven sighed, he had ask several times...was all of this his fault? Each time, Rox had put a definent stop to that thought process. Ven looked up at the weight being lifted along with the light tug it brought. Rox was staring at the necklace eyes soft like luquid honey, Ven closed his eyes faking sleep allowing Rox to have time with the piece of the girl he so desperately loved.

Rox watched dusk turn to nightfall and the night grow darker. The necklace gleamed gently, " I bet, if I still know are at the cafe, or designing something just lovely...." Rox kissed the necklace gently before resting it back on his brothers chest. He rested his head back, closing his eyes.....daybreak......
Nichole jogged around serving customers as usual. She smiled kindly and loved keeping the cafe in buisness. The teen took order after order and kept moving. She missed her lover and her friend that became like a little brother to her terribly. But she knew moping around wasn't going to solve anything!
In black trench coats they blended well with the night. Rox go himself out of the car before reaching in and lifting a now sleeping Ven into his grip. Xanth slammed the car door and came around. Kaito stayed at the fortress. It finally stopped snowing, the air was still but cold. They made their way to a small building Xanth flipped lights on as he went, Rox followed begrudgingly in his wake. It was a small headquarters on a mountain ridge. Xanth stared into the night before turning to Rox a sarcastic cruel glee in his eyes,

"Welcome home."
Rox looked down at the town he new so well, he could spot the cafe, it had a way of standing out brightly. He was gritting his teeth, this was all some sick game to Xanth....not for much longer. Xanth was indeed chucking to himself before shaking Ven awake, open his eyes, as always when Ven woke up he was up and alert. Standing he looked around confused for a moment by the change of scenery, his eyes spotted the cafe too, he was not as good with hiding his emotions so a swarm of them crossed his features.

"Why so gloom, child? Tomorrow you will see your friends." Xanth was mocking as always and now Ven had learn to pick up on sarcasm and taunts. Ven turned to face him, "You just woke me up, so you could see my reaction and get some stupid little enjoyment out of it." Green eyes held scorn and resentment. Xanth nostrils flared as dark void eyes grew even colder. Rox quickly moved in between them, "Hold on, he is tired and...its hard even now...but he is still with the plan, right, Ventus?" Ven cringed lightly understanding the warning to cool it, he took a deep breath, he knew they had a different plan, "Yes." Xanth scanned the brothers for a moment before turning his gaze back to Ven,"Your loyalty and respect are in me." Ven dropped his eyes willing the fire to go from them, this was no time to for it now, "Yes." He answered softly.

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir, Master."
Alone now, the brothers stared out the window eyes still trained on the cafe. Xanth had left telling them to get sleep, but how could they?

"Why can't we just go..." Ven slid his hand down the glass looking longingly out. Roxas grasped his hand turning it palm up, "That's why," He patted the boy's hand, "We would have left long ago if not for that chip, if we get to far...try to run, well for me, poison will leak from it into my blood stream." Ven frowned and turned Rox hand over, "Have you always had that? And what about mine?" Rox nodded solemnly, "Yeah, I was surprised that night, when Xanth did not just end it for me, but he keeps me around. And yes, you do, but I don't know what yours does..." It frightened him not knowing.

"That is why, we have to get Nichole and Suka, so they can take it out, but why not just have them do it here?" Rox sighed, he had been vague with the plan hoping Ven would followed which he would, but now older, he asked more questions, wanting to understand more.

"We have to get Nichole and Ritsuka back to the base, because right now, we are outside of those walls, that means the chips are activated. But inside the fortress, they are not. We can't take them out out ourselves. Someone, anyone who is in the fortress walls can take them out while they are inactive so."

"That is why we have to get them." Ven finished understanding the picture now, "But....why can't we just tell them?" Ven looked up at Rox, "We have to make it all look real, unexpected or Xanth will know something is up, you already got him on edge." Ven clinched his fist lightly, "I hate him....." Rox nodded his eyes like venom, "Me too, but daybreak we will be one step closer to freedom." Rox rested his head against the window, "We should rest." Ven nodded shifting his position. His eyes on the cafe, "I am not a tool.....I'm me, not a puppet in their game." He whispered to no one mostly to himself before green eyes shut.

(I am ready for day break whenever you guys are)
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(Srry!! And me too :D )

Ritsuka did some last minute locking up in the cafe. She walked outside to meet Nichole,"All done..." She looked up at her,"Time to go home?" She tilted her head slightly.
As Ritsuka followed, she slipped on her coat and adjusted her scarf. She shivered in the winter stillness, and pulled up her scarf to cover her cold little nose. She exhaled and the heat was trapped in the scarf, defrosting her face. It was a great feeling...
"What?" She looked up at Nichole,"Oh, no no its okay~" her voice was muffled behind er scarf, and she gave a little sweet smile. "Ill be okay, i dont want you gettig sick..." She took it from her then wrapped it around Nichole's neck.
Daybreak came to quickly. Ven thought as he glided down the mountain ledge on an iceberg ice was his element persay it went well with his love of ice cream and there was plenty of ice. Ven sighed, he would he having a blast right now in another time in a different place. But no time for laughs and giggles now....his black cloak whipped in the wind as he went as he got close to town and off the mountain he pulled the cloak closed and the hood up over his longer spikier hair. Jumping off the iceberg it melted as his walked a soft crunch after each footfall leaving a trail as he went. He walked through the park before stopping.

Standing just between the park and the cafe he looked up and saw the signal lowering his head he stooped down and closed his eyes, reaching into himself he found his aura and coaxed the more darker part to grow. His hand went to clinch were the necklace still hung hidden by the cloak,

" me not lose it completely." He pleaded softly before the snow under him began to form standing he waved his hands molding the snow and ice into a solid like beast. Pressing his palm to it, he released dark chaotic energy into it grimacing roughly, but keeping his hand there till he was finished. When done there were two solid ice beast. The place were he had carved their eyes was black. Ven opened his eyes trembling some and breathing roughly before he opened his eyes. They were still green, but had black edges, thanks to Nichole's necklace it did not get any worse. He looked up at the things he created sickened by them but toughened his features,

"Destroy the cafe, Destroy the park, reek havoc, bring forth the mews." He repeated Xanth's words, off they went taring up things and exploding things with ice balls. Ven stood on the roof cloaked and hidden waiting.

Rox stood a little ways off in an icy tree watching, he would wait for his move now. The morning was very pretty as dawn rose, but to him it seemed gorgeously tragic....everything just had to go right.
Nichole was asleep in her room but still had her instinct and stuff of cheetah."Hm?"opening her eyes. Nichole really didn't change much her hair was an inch longer but that was it. She felt a disturbance in town.
Ven watched as benches, and equipment was pulled right out of the ground and flung around a bench hit a parked car and the alarm went off loudly.
Ritsuka fluttered her eyes open and rubbed them,"hmm? What is it?" She blinked and asked sleepily.
Ritsuka was wide awake. Now that she mentioned it she could feel it too! "Lets go!" She jumped out of bed, changed super quickly and ran out thedoor

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