mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(got it! :D ) Nichole said"w-what?"backing away a bit. "r-rox is this true? no it cant be true! stop lying to me!"growling at Xanth. she looked at rox despreatly. "please tell me this isnt true rox."her voice breaking. her parents gasped in shock.
Rox kept looking away, down at his hands, his breath came out heavier, “You don’t understand it all….” He whispered. Xanth just laughed at this amazed by Rox’s distress, “No they don’t Roxy,” He mocked, “Why don’t we give them a flip show?” Snapping his fingers a virtual monitor came up. Rox shook his head, “No don’t.” His protest was weak as his voice faltered. The screen lit up, “We have been watching these two for quite some time have a look.” The video started playing

"Subject watching, parent’s death by flames, boys split into foster homes, names, Ventus Radian Sasaki, aged 10, and Roxas Skyler Sasaki aged 14." The voiced died to than display a video of Roxas being taken gently by an elderly couple looking cut off and distressed. It switched to a man carrying a failing and sobbing Ven trying to buckle him in the car, Ven's green eyes were panicked and woeful streaming tears as his brother’s name screeched form his lips.

The video switched to Ven rushing into a room and into Rox arms visitation was set up for the two, they both collapsed sobbing in relief and happiness for each other,.

The next clip was Ven in his foster home with five girls it was not very pretty the tormented the small boy daily blaming him for things they did and picking on him, making him wear makeup and dresses. The eldest girl on day said no one loved him. With a passion Ven told her Roxy did, with all of his heart. The girl laughed cruelly squeezing Ven’s face as the other held him down, she said no he did not, Rox hated him. Ven went still before a hot anger flashed through his eyes. Leaning back, he head butted the girl in the face, “Don’t you ever say that.” Ven said voice crackling with anger. He did not care about how the girl had a busted lip, at least now he would get in trouble for something he actually did.

It switched to a scene with Rox sitting on his bed reading manga there was a gentle knock and the woman that was taking care of him came in. Rox moved for her to have a seat. She and her husband were kind and gentle folk who let him grow to know them at his own pace, letting him come to love them as he choose and not trying to push anything on him. The woman Ellie was seen telling Rox that the process to adopt him and his brother was closed to being finished, and how she did not believe that Ven was the terrible kid the others parents made him out to be. There was a warmth in Rox eyes as well as tears and the woman told him it was alright, to cry sad or happy tears, but it was good that they were happy. Rox cried all his tears out as she cradled him in her arms. Slowly, Rox returned the embrace something he had never done in till now.

Xanth watched emotionless even at the touching parts. Rox stood still as if he were not there as he watched. The video was not over yet. Rox squeezed his eyes shut, the terrible part was yet to come.
The clip switched from the heartfelt scene to various short clips of Ven making a new friend Xanth, a cyndaclon in disguise. One night they went along in the woods and Xanth tried "magic tricks" On Ven, one magic trick blinded him with a black dull red light. It erased his memories of Xanth and also did something to him. When Ven woke up, he was in bed, making him believe it was some far off dream.

The next day the girls were picking on him extra cruelly by cutting his hair, saying his spikes were ugly. When the woman found out she went thundering at Ven screaming blant abuse that caused the boy to crumble in tears and cover his ears trying to block it out. When the father got home, he joined the screaming but ripped Ven's arm away from his ears screaming and twisting his arm, which made Ven yelp in pain. The man began to shake Ven roughly as he scream in the boy’ face.

The alien Xanth watched from a tree, and mouthed a word. Ven stopped moving going slack head hung lolling to one side. It scared the man, but then the kid started growling, snarling, his body pulsed painfully as his limbs grow, and bulked up, Ven let out wails of agony as his whole body transformed into a massive black wofldog. Throwing back his head, he let out an agonized yet crazed howl. When his eyes opened they were pitch black with red pupils. The alien mouthed something else

Ven attacked the man, woman all the girls, killing them chasing those who tried to run and ripping them to shreds, blood and body parts scattered the once clean home. The alien watched, and so did a fox, its amber eyes terrified. The alien whispered something else and the wolf dog whimpered and whined before slowly changing back to Ven who throw up blood, before passing out. The fox went at the alien, but he smirked vanishing, the fox went and got Ven onto his back, with a heavy look in his eyes, the fox ran off into the night.

The video disappeared.

Xanth looked over at Rox, “You ran with your brother that night to protect him, ran from the opportunity of having a good family, choosing your brother over everything else,” Ven had passed out from shock, “Oppsy, you were trying to protect your brother from remembering what happened that night……oh well, as you can all tell, I control his power, he is a precious gem, I was going to let Rox hang around…..but he failed. So your brother is all mine now.” He lifted the boy easily over his shoulder. Rox head snapped up, “NO! LEAVE HM ALONE!” He ran recklessly at the barrier without any weapons and slammed against it, a shock wave of energy shot through his body causing him to scream in pain falling to the floor,

“No….” Rox vision blurred from the pain, “No….” He protested weakly “Let him….go….only…….promised.” Xanth laughed but the barrier cracked and started to shatter,

“Don’t anyone move, or I will say those words and have the little one turn into his brilliant form, and kill you all.” Xanth smirked stroking Ven’s back as he was still passed out, “Such a precious tool, a sweet boy turned into an unstoppable weapon.”

nichole growled loudly and roared in anger changing into her cheetah form. she was seeing red and wanted blood. "NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS. NO ONE!" she wanted to run at Xanth but couldnt risk ven getting hurt. she looked to her mom who nodded and sneaked up behind Xanth gently grabbing ven from him.
Xanth gritted his teeth, "Foolish humans you never learn, now die!" He made a symbol hand sign, "Gemma dimittam!" He said in a powerful tone.

Ven had snuggled up to Monica when she had took him, he was dreaming off before the terrible fire, "Mommy." He muttered softly from his dream, his arms latching around Monica's neck. When the Latin words were spoken though, his body went very lax before he started to growl softly the beast had been awoken inside him. He whimpered though as his body began to pulse it, hurt terribly to be forced to grow so massive. Ven finger nails began to dig in Monica's neck.

Rox struggled to his feet, as the word was spoken, "NO! Xanth! Call it off!!!" He turned to see Ven already changing, "Monica! Let go! Run! He will kill you!" Rox looked frightened, he remembered that night, they all saw it, in this form, Ven was not himself, he would kill anyone untill called off.

Xanth tisked at Rox, "Should have just followed your orders instead you got to close, fell in love. Now kill or be killed."

(Got to go!!!)
(kk) monica gasped falling to her knees letting ven go. nichole screamed"MAMA!" She turned to Xanth blinded by rage and attacked. nichole grabbed him by the neck ready to crush his windpipe with her powerful jaws. monica covered the wound on her neck gasping.
Ritsuka didnt know what to do! She wanted to stop them but didnt want Ven to get hurt in the process. She cared about him alot and wanted to help but she froze she sat there, her ears and tail out, canines long, she appeared to be physically ready, but mentally she was stuck. She stood there with tears rolling down.
Xanth was taken aback by Nichole's attack, but he stayed calm as ever, "Do it then, kill me, and the child will never turn back to the boy you care so dearly for."

Rox watched Monica drop Ven, he was just as frozen as Ritsuka. Ven meanwhile was anything but still he wringled on the ground his small body pulsing and glowing black as it began to change. He was whimpering with angst as his arms and legs got bigger buffer his clothing ripping to shreds as he started changing. His whimpers turned to yelps, than wails, his eyes snapped open and his green eyes flood tears looking dull and empty. Rox could not stand it running over he wrapped his arms around Ven as if trying to stop him. But Ven struck out at him with a heavy pawed hand and his claws almost ripped Rox's flesh. In a matter of seconds the boy was replaced by a huge black wolf dog, it stilled whined in pain before green eyes flooded black, and red pupils appeared in the middle. The beast let out a hair raising murderous growl.

Rox swore loudly, "EVERYONE GET OUT!" He told his voice drew the beast attention on him. Rox took a deep breath and got in a fighting stance, but the look in his eyes clearly said he could not hurt the beast in there was his brother somewhere.
Nichole shook her head and tossed Xanth to a wall and pinned him with a paw. ""her voice had venom. Monica tried to get up bit felt weak. Daniel got everyone out quickly.
Ritsuka walked to Monica and helped her up. "You should do as he says and leave." She gave a fake reassuring smile and ushered her out side.
Ritsuka looked at Xanth with tears in her eyes and begged,"Please stop, he doesnt like it. Ill do anything.." Her tiny voice pleaded.
Xanth chuckled even through the pain, "But why? He is a magnificent weapon....why turn him back because of your foolish human atttachments?" Xanth pushed Nichole away staggering up, "emotions only make you weak...example Roxas, he was supposed to complete his task, but look, brother against brother, how enticing." Rox dodged and malnuvered out of the wolf dogs way, " I promised mother," Rox flipped, "that I would keep you safe," he moved left right left right dodging attacks, "I can't...break that!"
Ritsuka looked back and forth from Rox and Ven to Nichole and Xanth. She felt helpless and useless. She didnt know what to do! She just knelt on the floor, held her head and just broke down crying. All the conflict and feeling trapped. Shes been through it before, she was helpless then and helpless now.
Xanth shook his head, "You don't are strong granted...but Ventus has a hidden power that I happen to taint turned dark and made my own weapon...your power can't compare, the little one will get over the pain, he still has a lot of growing to do...." Xanth talked as if Ven was not human, but a tool. Xanth frown at the tears....disgusting! "fine, I will call him off, but they both come with me."
Rox stopped panting, "You know my answer, I'll do anything for my brother...." well almost anything..but he could not kill Nichole, Ritsuka, Likara or Enzo...that was impossible. Xanth extand his hand making quick hand signs, and muttering more latin. The wolf dog went stiff before whimpering as its muscles shifted back to the body of a thirteen year old boy, he let out a scream that half died as he passed out. Rox caught him before he hit the ground, he took off his shirt and slipped it on the nude boy before gingerly lifting the boy into his arms. Even in his light hold, Ven viseble flinched and wringled in pain.
Rox looked up from his brothers face to Nichole, "Nichole.....I never, I just...." Rox broke off choking up, "This must be your worst brithday ever...I am so sorry." He was not even thinking about himself but of her, them...."I don't want to go....but..." he looked down at Ven as tears hit the boys face, " I never was planning on it, killing you, espically when I saw you....and got to know you, all of you....I....should have ran....but I was sick of running, and Ven....he was so happy....I just thought we could stop running, make a life here, be a family......but I was wrong, stupid wrong and selfish for wanting that." Rox voice cracked as he spoke and the tears flowed freely still, "I do love you, always have."
Nichole said"I love you too rox and I will always love you to the end."tears falling from her eyes as she kissed him. She took off her necklace her sister gave her and placed it around ven's neck. It had magical abilities and will assist the one who wears it.
Ritsuka immediately ran to Rox and Ven. Using her hands and healing properties to heal surface wounds. She hasnt learned to heal things internally yet. She glared furiously at Xanth with those piercing sapphire eyes. She growled under canine teeth. Like a dog with its fur, her long white hair was puffy. (I love when fur on a dogs neck get puffy xD ) Ritsuka looked up at Rox,"but with every mistake theres a chance for redemption. You made the right choice by going against what you were told." She moved her hands to Ven's core,his stomach "ive been doing everything i was told for years, and i went through alot of pain...". She looked at Ven worriedly

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