mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Getting closer and closer, Ritsuka could smell the stench of the creature,"ew..." She pinched her nose closed.
Rox ran in the middle of Nichole and Ritsuka as they got close he could not help but wrinkle his nose a bit, Phew that smelled awful! Rox took out his weapons and placed a hand on Nichole shoulder, "We can take this slimeball." Rox's amber eyes flickered back and forth surveying the beast, "Okay, I have a plan, I'll hold him by making a cage and charge energy into it, so he just can't leave, Ritsuka you chop the guy up, and Nichole you blast the pieces to dust, so that he can't regenerate. I can use my arrows to help also." He looked between the two girls, "Sound like a plan?"
Rox nodded in agreement and with their animal senses it was worst, "I got an idea." Reaching into his arrow bag he pulled out three handkerchief's he used to clean them with that were clean, "We may look weird but it will save us some nose pain." He chuckled gently handing both girls one.
nichole covered her nose with the hankerchief and saw something blue in the ground. "whats that?"she used her choco bullets to make a hole and started digging.
Ritsuka nodded in agreement to the plan Rox came up with and gladly took a handkercheif and tied it around her face "i feel like a cowboy!" She made a gun with her hands and aimed it at the ugly creature "pew pew pew! Not my town, outlaw!" She giggled. She looked at Nichole who was mysteriously digging. She cautiously looked back at the beast to make sure it wasnt coming closer or anything.
nichole had dug a lot and came up holding a small blue sphere."whats th-WAH!" as she was hit by one of the predisites slimy tentacles. then that alien came back...erm kaito. kaito said"blue aqua?! how did that mew find it first?!" nichole felt stronger with the blue aqua and gasped.
Rox blocked the tentacle coming his way jumping over it, he saw the alien and his eyes got wide, he seemed to lose a bit of his focus, as fear crossed his features.
nichole jumped up glowing blue and kicked the alien. they started to fight and kaito said"GIMME THE BLUE AQUA!" Nichole said"WHY DO YOU WANT IT?!" dodging a punch. he had a whip on him and cracked it at her but she dodged and grabbed it. her guns glowed blue as well and she held them up."CHOCO BULLETS WITH BLUE AQUA DROP!" shooting powerful bullets more powerful than before at kaito and the predisite.
Rox stood still watching the alien, he seemed to be frozen, before he snapped out of it, just in time to see, Kaito curse as he as hit, than get up snapping his fingers a ground hog peresite came up. Kaito met Rox's gaze and they shared an odd almost missed meaningful look before Kaito vanished. Rox slowly turned back the others before shooting off his arrows, "Strum of arrrroowwws!" He called forth strongly and they attacked the ground hog peresite.

Meanwhile back at the cafe another alien lingered in the shadows, Xanth was his name, with a normal appearance he slowly started walking in to the cafe, smiling gently, yet with hdden motives, "Oh am I intruding on something?" Xanth said a black eyebrow raised in question.
Kaito smirked as he fought Nichole, "Filthy human! this plant is ours!" His smirk got nastier, "And so is something else." He taunted.

Xanth peered in the door way seeing a man and woman and bingo! Ventus or as he goes by Ven. Hiding his glee, Xanth stepped into view waving at all three, "Hello!" He gretted. Ven looked at the new boy entering the cafe, he looked oddly familiar.....Ven waved back a smile crossing his lips.
monica and daniel felt something off about the boy. monica held ven close. nichole said"NO ITS NOT!"aiming and shooting a powerful blast from her guns."woah...this blue aqua stuff is great!"
Kaito hissed as the blast connected, he covered his wound laughing, "Oh yes it is! WE were here first till you dirty rotten humans stunk up the place!" He snarled before disspearing into thin air, but he left one last present, slither snakes parasites wrapped around Nichole! Rox destroyed the ground hog and hit the ground on his feet panting lightly, he gritted his teeth. Why Nowwwww? He was lost in thought.

Ven was full blown smiling now, "Hello, you look familiar." He pipped in his honest way. Xanth smiled friendly, "I should, its been awhile, Venny." he moved closer looking at the couple, "No need to be almared, as you can see, we know each other." He turned to Ven, "How about we catch up, my little friend?" Xanth looked younger but he was eighteen.
Rox snapped back out of it for the second time, and throw arrows with his hands at the snakes stabbing them through and into the ground. The mini mew at them up. Rox ran to Nichole, "You, you okay?"

Ven smiled back at Xanth he seemed nice, but Ven made no move off Monica's lap, he looked up at her when she finished speaking, "How come you don't?" He asked innocently.
Rox sighed relieved and looked around catiously, "Are they all gone?" His eyes looked sharply around.

Ven blinked not understanding. Xanth had lost patience, "Come on, Venny, lets go play and catch up, my arura is just fine." He reached for Ven grasping his small wrist, "Ow! hang on dat hurts." Ven whinned as Xanth pulled harder.
(Srry ive been at work xD )

Ritsuka's wolf ears twitched as well. She spared no time and took off. While in her transformed form she did not want to be seen, so she took a different route: the rooftops. She was comfortable with them anyway. She ran, jumped across or even did cartwheels and flips across. Afterall, acrobatics was her thing. She made it back to the cafe and jumped infront of the entrance from the rooftop. She casually walked in making sure her ears popped away so she wouldnt give herself away, no weapon armed yet. She panted,"Whats going on?" She asked as she could see Ven in a stranger's tight grip, and it was clear Ven was uncomfortable. She could sense the uneasyness of those whom she is loyal to, just like a dog. Her canine teeth just wanted to bite this guys arm.
(its ok honey ^-^) monica growled at the alien. she was just as protective of nichole."let venny go." nichole said"cmon rox!" grabbing his hand then rushed to the cafe. she went in through the back calmly and came in seeming normal and in her uniform. nichole nodded to ritsuka, ven and her parents. she walked to the alien and said"would you like something to drink sir?"
Ritsuka lofted an eyebrow at how nice Nichole was to him. She wanted to tear him apart!
nichole mouthed to ritsuka."im pretending dont worry." she pulled him away from ven and her parents. nichole nearly broke the alien's wrist in half though.
Rox ears twitched with his brother’s voice and he froze again, but as Nichole ran he ran too coming into the café normal as ever. He took quiet deep breaths when he saw the boy with his brother. He knew him, those onyx black eyes like empty black holes, Xamth. Rox felt the world began to slip and turn, none of this was supposed to happen…….. Not like this……

Xanth moved a bit gently bring Ven to him, the small boy not even reaching his chest. Ven looked relieved he let go of his wrist but squirmed a bit in protest, he tilted his head up to look at Xanth,

“Let me go, please?” Green eyes than went to Ritsuka, Nichole, Monica, Daniel, lastly Rox, “Roxy…..?” His arm extended forward as his hand outstretched for his brother, but finger tips grazed against a barrier, Ven looked confused, and a short laugh came from Xanth,

“Shh, now little one, I cannot do that, you are the prize after all,” His eyes looked form face to face, “Don’t try to play weak, mews, I know about your transforming, and powers……that is why this barrier is here, it’s very strong and if you break through it, why risk me harming the little one?” As he said that he stroked Ven hair, who normally loved that kind of motion, but only looked frightened and squirmed trying to release himself. Xanth just tightened his grip a bit causing Ven to whimper some.

Rox could not take any more of this, “STOP!” He thundered but Xanth did not even flinch he just frown, “How dare you talk to your superior like that Roxas, this could have all been avoided if you would have did your job.” Rox went pale, “Shut up!” Xanth smirked, turning towards Nichole, “Do you know why you met him, and this little mit? I sent them, Roxas or Rox as he goes by, was supposed to find Café Mew, Mew and find who was in it, and kill everyone in it that was his mission, right?” Ven’s eyes got wide than angry and he tried to kick Xanth,

“No! Don’t say things like that!” Xanth easily dodged the kick,

“If it’s a lie, deny it, Roxas.”

Rox stood his face still a ghostly white and he looked at nobody but his hands that were tightly clinched into fist, he said nothing to deny these claims.

(Don’t break through the barrier yet okay guys? Xanth won’t get Venny, but I got some stuff planned before the mew, news figure out how to break it ^^)

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