mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox kissed NIchole back it was breif, but conveyed a deep intense love. Rox knelt so Ritsuka could heal Ven relieving him of pain, he relaxed in his sleep, a gentle smile crossed his lips, completely unware of the world beyond his blissful sleep. "I understand RItsuka, thank you," Rox kissed the girl on her head like a big brother would to a little sister. look over at Xanth who was waiting, Rox turned back to them, "we will be okay, ddon't worry, we are always okay." Rox assured, "Here," He handed them both communicators, "to keep in touch, but somehow, someway, we, we will come back, this is where our hearts lie now."
(Of you want :o )

Ritsuka cried when her head was kissed. No one has showed that much kindness to her. She didnt want him to go but she knew it had to be done...theyve become her family and it hurts to see a big brother figure go. She wiped her tears so they would be unseen. She continued to heal Ven.
Rox could not help, but feel more tears stream down his face, yet he quickly composed himself standing, he nodded at Ritsuka, "That should be enough, thanks." His eyes loomed over to Xanth who was waiting ever patiently, but met Rox eyes and nodded. Rox stood squeezing his eyes shut trying to think of a different way, but nothing came up, "I love you, and Ven does too." Without opening his eyes, Rox turned walking slowly out the door towards the alien, he haulted though at Monica and Daniel, bowing deeply to them, "I'm sorry, and thank you, thank you for being so kind." He walked over to Xanth, words could not discribe his loathing towards the alien, "I'm not ready, but I have no choice in the matter."

Xanth snorted, "Indeed, now, come." Rox looked back once more at them all the wind blew softly around them as Xanth summoned a glider platform for them.

(How about a year and a half from now? we could start off with how they are doing after all that time, stuff like that. )
(Sure!) A year and a half passed since the whole predesite thing. Nichole was now 17 and was a junior at her school. She smiled at her friends as they walked home together. Her parents had taken ritsuka in.
Rox now 18 in age leaned against a wall, he had grown a bit taller, but looked the same otherwise. Amber eyes watched the spikey head among others exit the school building. At fourteen Ven had grown a bit, but was still on the short side. Spotting Rox sandeled feet slapped along the sidewalk in till Ven was panting in front of him. Nichole's necklace hung from his neck, well taken care of, he hardly ever took it off.

"hey Ven, good day?" "Yeah it was cool! haha okay get this miss. cary she almost fell off her seat!" Ven cracked up in amusement and Rox chuckled some.

To any normal passbyer, they looked like brothers which they were, sharing a laugh, which they were, but they were not going, their home was miles away. Not a fortress where aliens lived who were bent on taking over the world...there true home was with the mews...a group of wonderful people they have not seen in a year and a half. Never forgotten, they keep in touch only by voice, it helps...helps them both get through the days.
Nichole smiled hugging ritsuka and her parents. She was going to put on a fashion show in a few days. Nichole picked up a picture of her and everyone. She smiled sadly. She stayed true to rox but some guys have been hitting on her.
As they got close to the fortress, Ven's feet stopped scrapping lightly on the pavement, "I saw a girl, in a book today...her hair was white like Ritsuka's...." Rox stopped walking as well. turning to look at Ven who looked away before meeting his brothers eyes, "How much longer?" RRox walked over bringing the smaller boy into a hug, "Very soon...I just don't know if this is the right way." Ven looked up at his brother nodding eyes holding a determination, "it is, they love us, and we love them. We will go home soon." Rox looked down at Ven smiling, he had matured a bit over the year, learned a lot about people and trust and about himself...his power he possed, though dark or evil, even though Xanth had a hold, Ven was slowly without notice rebeling against it, making the darkness, his own. meanwhile the plan to attack the mew, mews tomorrow had been twisted by Rox, it may look different to Xanth and Kaito, but really it was to bring their family together at last.
Nichole finished the outfit and sat on her bed holding her kitten angel. The white kitten had beautiful ocean ble eyes and Nichole laid down petting her. She missed rox and ven a lot but could tel them she loved them and stuff via communicator.
Ritsuka didnt change much she was still smallest amongst her friends and shy but she looked a little older. Physically she looked older her body was more mature with that of a young woman. Her hair was still long and wavy and her eyes were still blue, but they lost that sparkling luster from sadness.

She looked at Nichole's design,"Wow...thats pretty!" She smiled. But no matter how many times she smiled, a frown would always come back. Since the leaving of Rox and Ven, shes toughened up a bit. Despite her quiet nature, if someone messes with her or her family too much, she'll get defensive...really defensive.
Ritsuka got up and sat near the window sill, and looked outside. She sighed then turned back to Nichole,"I think im gonna take a walk..."(im just gonna say its winter lol idk thats how i pictured it.) She grabbed a coat and scarf and bundled herself up, she looked like puffy marshmellow, the coat and scarf made her look tinier and adorable. She slipped on some boots and left the house, the snow crunching under her. Her hands were in her coat pockets. She took a little trip into town. She passed the cafe and sighed and her hot breath danced in the air as she stared at it,"it seems so long...." She thought and kept walking. She walked into another store and came out with cookies and a hot cup of tea, the steam was visible in the air. She walked to the park, where she met everyone for the first time...the memories hurt.
She sat on the bench near the fountain she fell in with Ven, and giggled at the memory and sipped her tea. She nibbled on a cookie as she stared into the fountain water and observed her reflection. "What if weve been forgotten..." She whispered to herself. And with each word her breath dissolved into the wintery coldness. Snow flakes started to gentley fall on her nose and eyelashes, then melt on contact. She looked up and watched them drift, then looked back into the water...
"Look, Roxy snow." Ven face was pressed against the frosted window. Rox came over and gently pullled Ven back, his eyes on the snow, "I see, but you need to be meditating." Ven nodded and re-positioned himself and closed his eyes, meditating helped tame of power within him, along with the necklace, that help keep his aura stable glowing a light orange. Lashes fluttered closed as he ventured into the recesses of his soul, when he was there, he saw them all clearly, walking towards him.

The person he liked to focus on most was Ritsuka. As she came towards him, her pure white hair swished delicately, side it side with each step. Her eyes held a soft smile, and her lips held a larger one, she was....bueatiful. He placed his aura around her as it glew a soft orange illuminating her beauty all the same. The darkness that crackled and burned inbetween the orange, made the color a deeper shade. It still frightened him....that power, so dark, tainted. But, but it was his to conquer, to still scared him neverless. Still, he pushed through the fear, his determination to be no ones weapon his inspiration.

Rox footsteps echoed in the long quiet hallway as he went. His mind on tomorrow, on Nichole, on Ritsuka...would they understand? Was it to dangerous? Why risk it? Why not just leave them to their lives? Rox sighed knowing was just not complete without them. Going to the door of the throne room, a scanner went acrossed his left hand, before he entered. Walking along the black carpet, Rox knelt in front of two thrones, no matter how many times he did it, it never made it easier,

"Roxas Sasaki reporting." The now twenty year old Xanth looked down at him, "Where is Ventus?" Rox looked up at him, "Doing homework, you said, he could still go to school." His voice pacid. They could not let the aliens know about Ven's meditating. Xanth nodded lightly,

"Very well, the plans for the rest of today, we shall be deprating here in the next hour, in order to make it to our location spot. We attack before daybreak, understand?" Kaito chuckled in his seat, "Should be thrilling." Xanth nodded along, "Indeed, no reservations have you? Speak!" Rox shook his head, "No, we will do what we must, for the mission to succeed." Xanth dark eyes scanned him before he smiled, "Very good, retrieve your brother, make hast, we must be on our way." Rox got up bowing low, "Yes."

An hour later Ven and Rox stood alone in the undected part of the fortress. Rox took out the communicator, time to send a quick message. Pressing it, he spoke, "Nichole, Ritsuka....whatever may happen, please trust us, and look towards us as the people you know in your hearts. Not who you see." Ven reached for it, "We love you, don't forget, its the truth." Together they placed their communicators on the ground, raising a foot they destroyed them cutting off signal and communication for Nichole and Ritsuka, not even giving them a chance to respond. Flinging the pieces into the snow, they walked side by side towards the waiting vehicle.
Nichole had heard what they said her eyes wide. She bit her lip yet still had her powerpendant but the cafe was closed for a bit. Wes was gone and so was Eliot. She put on her coat and stuff then walked to the cafe. Her family was helping her keep it in business. She unlocked the door then walked inside turning on the lights.
Ritsuka kept her communicator with her at all times, hoping for a call. At last her dream had come true, the voices of missing family members rang in her ears. She sat there not moving at all as they spoke. She stared into the distance, tears forming. Not knowing what to think, she almost didnt recognize them. She set her tea down and hurried to look for the device in one of her coat pockets. She scrambled to find it and when she did, the signal was lost. Not a chance was given to reply and it broke her heart. She stared at it hoping that by some chance shed hear them again. She sighed,"only one miracle at a time..."she reminded herself. She put it back in her pocket and tears hit her hand as they rested on her lap. She cocked her head back at the sight,"Crying?" She mumbled. She wiped her eyes and with a droplet dangling on her finger. She hadnt cried for a whole year, since they left. Her heart had become so broken, it became stone and emotionless, so for her to see one of her own tears was rare and strange to her 
(So intense *o* *flails*)
(Intense) Nichole sat down at a table after cleaning them off. She got dressed in her uniform smiling and turned the sign to open. Hopefully she would see the others again. Nichole sighed sadly.
Ritsuka stood up,"Its should be time..." She walked to the cafe and waved at Nichole with a tiny smile. She put out table cloths on each table and set basic utensils. "Need anymore help?" She asked her.

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