mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Nichole said"ive missed you too ven. we can beat this darkness within you. together."gently getting helping him up and pulling him to the light side.
Ritsuka raced towards him as well. But when she got close enough she slammed her scythe into the ground, inches away from Rox's body. Senused the momentum of the scythe as a swing, she gripped onto the handle and swing around him, over his head. She landed just behind him with her fists ready. He was now bewtween her and her scythe. She looked up at him dead in the eye,"Scythe against nunchucks? Thats not fAir now is it..." She mockked him and decided to just fight with her hands. She disnt mind, she was tiny but because she was small she could often run circles around her enimies when it comes to close combat. She was trained to know the himan body and its weak points, so she used her swift strikes to hit those pressure points.
Rox continued to grin lightly, "No not really almost like I am not out to hurt you or something crazy like that." Rox shrugged as if he clearly did not know the answer. than he got into combat hand to hand mode sharing dodges and occasional blows with Risuka, he always knew this little wolf had a bit.

As nichole lifted him up, the darkness latched onto his body, like a second skin. But fighting against the struggled through and as he stepped to the more stable part of his heart, the darkness clung to his skin purfied into its own shade.Ven reached out grabbing Nichole wrist before she could leave,

"Nichole, listen, we need you and Ritsuka, if you want us back...we need you to come..." his grip slipped and he fell unconscious as he did inside he also passed out on the outside falling into the cold snow.
Ritsuka was confused. Should she trust them?what. If this part of some bad plan? She went along with it but still kept her guard up.
Rox jumped back as Nichole came back out, he was panting slightly. He looked between the two, than flicked his eyes in a different direction before turning his attention back to them.

Ven layed breathing softly the necklace under his cloak glowed with his aura healing the pain the power still inflicted on him, even with trasforing that over amount of darkness was never good for someone. Slowly he awoken and got up walking towards the door, he peered out seeing the fight had come to a standstill.
Rox spread his feet again getting back into a stance. He eyed the both of them, before bracing his weapons again. Ven watched shaking his head No more fighting...I hate Xanth Clinching the door frame he ran out and stood looking uncertain seeing that everyone had weapons, he with a great hesitation pulled out his too.

Xanth meanwhle giggled to himself liking every moment of conflict.
Nichole said"you have three seconds to drop your weapons." her eyes like slits now. "1…2………3!"she cocked her guns and shot a warning shot in the air.
Rox winced at the gunshot but shook his head, "Can't do that, you have to come with us, drop yours." Ven flinched at the warning shot but tightened his shaky grip on his weapon and nonverbally shook his head.
Ritsuka sighed and put her hands on her hips, surrendering. She didnt want to but she followed Nichole. Her scythe disappeared and her tail swayed with anger. Her ears were a little flatened.
Rox blinked surprise filling his face for a second before he nodded getting out of his stance., "Okay ours go away too." He clipped his weapons to his belt and looked over at Ven who's weapon had long since vanished his face not surprised but rather blank as if he had zoned out. Rox walked up to them, "Okay, listen you have to come with us...and if nothing else I can promise, I can managed will stay alive and come back here, to home okay? Now hold out your arms straight."
Ritsuka was uneasy about all this. They MIGHT make it out alive but whos to say theyll be treaded right till then? She didnt say a word. She crossed her arms and just being stubborn, she narrowed her eyes at Rox...
Ven walked up slowly till he was side by side to Rox his green eyes on Risuka, "Please, Ritsuka? I swear I won't let you get hurt." His voice was soft and quiet, but sincere. Rox nodded, "We just have to make it look convincing okay?" he gently tied Nichole wrist togther.
Nichole was very pissed off at the moment. And the breeze chose that time to blow her skirt a bit. "Sigh lets just get this over with before I claw someone."
Ritsuka's face turned from angry to wanting to cry. She put her wrists out and looked at the ground. For once the loyal dog has surrendered
Rox stepped up tieing Ritsuka's wrist lightly too, "I'm sorry, I know this looks bad and completely crazy, but I swear it will turn out okay." At least for you both Rox sighed softly, before turning to Ven who had his arms wrapped around himself head down. Ven could feel Ritsuka's sadness in his inner wolf, all he wanted to do was hug her, but was uncertain about that....sommething he would never be hesitant of, hugs, now he wrong, no fair....

"Ven?" Rox had called the boys name twice to receive no answer finally touching the kid's shoulder, "Can you make one of your ice things? It will be faster than walking." Did he have enough energy? Roxas thought with a blink, but his question was answered when Ven let his arms drop to his sides and a ice cap formed under them all. He made it so no one would fall off the edges. Taking deep breaths it slid forward with ease along the snow.

The trip was short and extremely awkward, but soon they reached the mountian peak and the ice cap dissolved under thier feet. Rox took hold of Ritsuka and Nichole and began leading them to the small layer. Xanth walked out smirking in glee, "Well now, how good of you to join us ladies."
Nichole hissed at him and her tail puffed up the fur on her ears and tail standing straight up. She was pissed!! Nichole tried to calm herself but wanted to claw Xanth badly.
Ritsuka looked at him angrily. Her ears were flatened and she growled quietly. She bit her lip with her long canine teeth, holding back her tongue. She took a deep breath then let it out she looked away with no emotion,"Showing emotion is letting the enemy win, they know youre bothered..." The lesson as a child echoed in her head. She looked at him, stared him in the eye and blocked off emotion. She could think better that way. She scanned the room, mentally taking note of everything in case of an escape attempt
Xanth just raised an eyebrow at both girls, "Why so hostile? Everything is going to be just fine." He walked towards them reaching out he took each of their chins in his hands staring into his eyes, one hatred, the other emotionless. Rox stiffened and forced down a growl as he watched. Ven gritted his teeth and growled roughly yet lowly at Xanth.

The villian raised an eyebrow his dark oynx eyes flicking to the boy as his growl cut off.

"Hm touchy, arn't we?" Xanth purred moving to the side of Ritsuka and placed a hand on her head stroking the white strands, "I do as I please with them." Xanth toyed with Ritsuka hair being all creepy. It happened so fast Rox almost missed it even with his keen eyes.

"Ven no!" He called even though the spiky haired boys teeth were already clamped tightly on Xanth's wrist.

Xanth let out a sharp hiss of fury and pain, "Why you-!" A heavy and sharp punch made Ven let go, and hit the metal floor skidding a bit.

Xanth glared furiously and looked down at his bleeding arm. "You will learn little one, I am your master one way or another." His voice was dark fire as he pulled the child up by his hair, "Even if I have to beat it into that brain of yours, you are mine." He struck him roughly again,

"Xanth stop!" Rox yelled and after gripping the boy tightly in warning earning a whimper he let Ven drop. Turning his eyes were still in fury, "Take them to the holding cellar we leave in an hour."
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