mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara purred more and lifted up her hand like a paw. She noticed the cake and almost screamed. "We have to hurry!!!!" Her head poked out and she saw that the sun was setting, quickly. "Come on!" Likara gently grabbed the cake and jogged towards the cafe, making sure not to damage the cake in any way. She looked back at him, seeing that her tail and ears were gone.
Rox looked out at the sea too, it was beautiful, the setting sun reflected off the sea and the seals and dolphins just added a certain sea magic to the scene. Rox closed his eyes breathing the air deeply, "So scerne, I want to capture this moment forever."

Enzo blinked before remembering what they had been doing, "Oh." Midnight eyes blink as he slowly sat straighter why in the devil was Likara so....intersting? Enticing? Enzo watched her run off, "Hey! Wait!" He called trying to make his ears disappear, how in the world did you control that?? Pop! Enzo scrambled up and tore after Likara catching up.

Ven opened his mouth, but Ritsuka words tumbled out a stream,so he just gave a non verbal nods, shakes of the head, and a smile to her consistent worry and aplogizes. His eyes wrinkled with confusion dialated whu? Finally when Ritsuka stopped speaking, Ven rested both hands on her shoulders, "Its okay, really! I hadda lot bigger and far away things knock me over nooooooo biggie kay?" He smiled eyes roaming hers for a moment before lowering to skim and uh oh! "Ritsuka you got busted!" He excliamed in a sad tone, "Its bleeding...needta fix it." He looked closer at the small wound, and for a moment he had the strangest impluse to lick the cut as if somehow it could heal it. Moving back, Ven made a face at his thought and looked back at Suka.

(The licking thing was his hybrid wolf-dog speaking, just so you know :D )
Rox decided to start walking towards the cafe in a bit, the others should be almost done by now. He was excited but kept it under folded wraps, "Hey Coco, I never did ask, how did the court hearing go?"
Rox slipped his shirt back on, "Mind if we got back to your place to change? Than head to the cafe? for some food?" He took her hand listening, "Excellent, I knew you would that guy had nothing on all the work you did."
(oh! yea, i caught on xD )

She sighed in relief knowing that she didnt hurt Ven, and calmed down a bit. Ritsuka was a little surprised when he pointed out the cut. It was only till she noticed that she started to feel the pain. she looked down at her arm,"It stings a bit...." she said quietly with a fround on her face. She looked at Ven's face when he took his eyes off of the wound and looked at her, she tilted her head,"Whats wrong?" she asked while holding her cut arm.
Rox grinned at her as they walked soon reaching her house, "Alright let me go change." He dressed in beige slacks red button up shirt, and his favorite nine tails jacket made my nichole himself.

Ven blinked a few times before realizing what she meant, instead of saying nothing, or switching the subject, Ven was pretty honest and far to naive to think the truth might freak someone out, but he was a bit embrassed about so as he spoke a little pale pink blush touched both cheeks meeting under his nose, "I um made a face at my thought cuz I wanted to lick you cut, to make it feel better." Ven laughed a little, "But I think we need soap and a band aid stead of a tongue, hee, hee." He grinned lopsidely still blushing.
nichole put on her cheetah printed clothes that she made. she had a cheetah print tank top, a blue jean vest that had a cheetah on the back, a skirt with the colors and her flats. and leather brown and black fingerless gloves.
Ritsuka cringed a bit,"I-Is the soap gonna sting?" she frowned more. She stared at her cut as the blood glistened. "I dont like blood...." she gagged a bit, and wanted to throw up, her face turned a little green just from thinking about the blood on her arm. She shook her head,"I just wont....look at it..." she said while putting her arm down.
Rox saw Nichole and smiled she looked amazing. He slipped on his half gloves she made him too, "Arn't we the pair? Looking so awesome." He pulled her close to him.

Ven nodded, "It will, but only for a little, promise." Rox had cleaned his cuts many of times so he knew how. He stood offering his hand out for support, but knelt back down as Ritsuka face went a green huem, "Um, he picked up a napkin and touched it gingerly to th cut, "Okay, out of sight out of mind right?" His voice and smile was nervous, he did not know how to handle throw up.
Ritsuka nodded,"Thanks..." her tiny quiet voice spoke. She trusted him, if he said it was only gonna hurt for a bit, then it was.



Animal DNA:Bunny/Rabbit

Weapon:Twin Whips


Personality;Cute,Fun,Good Sense of humor,Loves to read,write and draw. Her fruit is a.....Star Fruit. (Can I join???)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Namito.jpg.e5a4f40a72c71fde6221f11f94565343.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Namito.jpg.e5a4f40a72c71fde6221f11f94565343.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rox spun her around with him slightly and smiled sweetly, "You are so cute when you do that, blush."

Ven help Ritsuka up and led the way to the cafe bathroom, but he stopped short,"Um oh which do we um go into Suka?" he looked back confused and flush.
nichole flailed. "im not cute!" pouting which only contridicted what she said. (lol butch and nichole as parents? do you know you doomed the class rox? xD )
(Yesh! I live for choas xD ) Rox laughed heartly, "I beg the differ, you are cute, cut and sexy." her trilled kissing her cheek.
Ritsuka thought for a moment,"hmm, no one is here, so it doesnt really matter~" she shrugged. "Cmon" she grabbed his hand and took him into the girls bathroom. "If you feel that uncomfortable, we could go to the guys restroom?" She said and let his hand go
Rox grinned slyly, "Ah, yes very sexy miss Nichole." He place his hands lightly on her hips, whispering this in her ear before kissing it, along her neck, and finally landing on her soft sweet lips.

Ven followed letting Ritsuka lead. When they entered the girls room he peered around, Not much different from the boys bathroom, not at all. Ven grinned a bit relaxing he shook his head to Ritsuka's offer to switch bathrooms, "Nah, I am okay, lets wash you arm off." He twisted both tabs so he could get a warm tempature of water, grabbing some paper towel, he checked if the there was soap, and there was, "Okey we got everything we need now just need your arm." Ven turned to smile at her reassuringly, "It will only sting for a sec don't want it in-fecked."
Ritsuka cringed, she shut her eyes and covered them with a hand from her good arm, and stuck her other arm out toward him, so the cut would face him.
Rox let his hands drop from Nichole's hips so his arms hung around her waist, his eyes shut as the kiss deepened tounges intwining in the kiss, it was a thrill, a joy whenever he kissed her.

Ven moved forward gently taking Ritsuka arm. Boy she is more scared than me, okay just do it how Roxy does, he mental told himself. With a little hesitation he started cleaning the small cut making sure no blood exited or remianed around the area, than he rinsed it, and lastly gingerly patted it dry. Letting go he said, "Done Suka! You okay?" He threw the towels away. It looked like he had done Iit right...

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