mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara smiled brightly and jumped on Enzo slightly. She started petting his head, mostly his ears. "They're so soft!" A little giggled formed and laughter started again, still petting his ears. "My ears aren't as soft....but my hair is!" She touched her hair then touched his ears. Likara got closer, her upper body almost all on his chest. "So cute!" She whispered to herself, blushing a bit, not realizing what she had said just yet.
(Ssry guys ive been on vacation! But im back now! So um, whats happening atm? :D )
Enzo felt his eyes grow large, as Likara pretty much glomped him for his ears, they fluttered a bit before relaxing under her touch, "Nyuh ngh." He gasped a blushing going acrossed his face at how close she was. Breathing through his nose, enzo soon began to relax, enjoying the ear rubbing despite his unwillingness to quite admit it. Lifting one hand, it slowly laid on Likara's head, fingers traced gently in pink locks, before moving to her cat ears tracing them with the tip of his finger, the thin layer of white fur was soft like cotton, "They are, too." He argued lightly his voiced light and creased with comfort.

(Honnnneeeyyy! *hugs* Did you have fun? ^.^. Okay Ritsuka is with Ven setting up at the cafe. Enzo and Likara are in the park, in a tube, bonding. And Nichole and Rox are surfing. I was thinking sense the cake was done, once Likara makes it over there, Rox brings Nichole so we can do her surprise birthday party?)
(*huggles* :D i missed you guys >///< and okie thanks!)

Ritsuka sat in the middle of the room with a hand on her chin and thinking about how to decorate. "Hmmm..." She started,"we need streamers~!" She smiled and threw her hands up in her apiphony.
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Likara giggles and starts purring, leaning into his touch. She forgot about his ears and rubbed her head into his hand, flattening her ears a little. Her body was raised, now on all fours. Likara loved the feeling of people massaging her head. It made her fall asleep faster and make her smile instantly. "I'm a kitty cat~" Likara purred again, her tail swishing.
Rox smiled back laughing and giving a thumbs up, "You did wonderful, so who taught you to surf?" He asked letting the current take him back to shore.

Enzo grinned more as he rested his shoulders on the side of the tube,raising both hands he lighly massaged her ears, it was oddly nice to hear her so happy to purr, "You are, and I a wolf, funny that we get along so." A soft chuckle as eyes flicked to Likara face, her smile, it was nice to have such a resilient person to stick with...or more of a friend.

Ven clapped his hands, they had set up most things, he especially like the designer cheetah paws that led to the cafe, but streamers yes they needed them! Looking through a box he tugged some out, "Ooooo perfect colors like a magic box!" Ven beamed, "Catch, Suka!" He threw her some.
Rox bit his his gum as his board slowly came into the sandy shore Sister? But I never saw...does that mean...she is? Oh no. Rox reached out for her, eyes full of concern, he treaded his words carefully, "That is cool, real nice of her, my father taught me." Rox sucked in a breath woops, that slipped out.
Rox held out his arm moving his hand in a beckening motion, "You look sad, and I want to help comere," his spoke softly lovingly.
When Nichole was near by, Rox gently brought her closer into her grasp, holding her so her back was to his bare chest arms around her in a hug, "You don't have to talk about your sadness, unless you want, you know....I just want to offer you what I can, some comfort for one." He pressed a kiss to Nichole's cheeks.
nichole smiled but her eyes flooded with tears. she sobbed into his chest finally letting out the years of guilt and pain out. "it was my fault! sob i had accidently left a dishtowel on the stove and it caught fire. the house soon caught fire and and aaria tried to get us out as fast as she could b-but we were trapped! she then just gave up and kicked out a window and got me out but then the fire spread and a beam fell in front of her. i tried to get her out but the time i got back s-she was gone.."
Rox flinched ever so slightly A fire..... just like us Rox held her tight and rocked gently, "Oh Nichole, I am sorry that happened but listen, you can't go through life blaming yourself festering in guilt, I doubt Aaria would ever blame you, and she is always with you in here," He pointed at her head and heart, "And all around you in the air, sea and sky, I bet everytime you surf she is riding with you." He kissed her gently wiping the tears away as they came.
Ritsuka caught the roll of streamers woth ease. She looked into a closet and found a ladder,"oof!" She gave it all she got to pull the ladder,that was taller than her, out of the closet. She dragged it to the center of the room and stepped on it. She stuck her tongue out as she reached for the cieling, she was on her tippy toes and still couldnt make it. She took a step higher, to the very top of the ladder (where youre not really supposed to step) and stretched. The ladder wobbled, and now she stood on one leg trying to reach. "Almost there...." She told her self. Her hair hung and her blue eyes glistened from the chandelier that draped beside her.
Rox cuddled her gently sitting upon the warm sand, "No need to thank me," He whispered.

Ven watched Ritsuka climb the ladder, as it wobbled, he opened his mouth letting out a gasp, feet flew forward to grasp hold of the wood sides holding it steady, Ven felt his heart pulse in his chest louder than it usually did, planting his feet slightly apart, his face tilted upwards to view Suka, eyes lighting up in humor from they way she looked and amazement because she was almost there, "You can do it!" He encourged smiling, she almost had it, just a few more inches.
Nichole hopped out Zoey's arms and felt for the door. " here it is" she said with a smiled then walked. " doctor eldwig " she called and told him everything that happened. He gave her eye drops which cleared the bluriness. "bye" she yelled as she walked out and tugged on zoey. " im all ready and your very beautiful.." she said swiging back and forth.
Ritsuka stretched and made it. She taped a few streamers to the center of the cieling,"There~! :D ....WHA!" she took a tiny step back to see her work but her foot slipped off the step, and she tried to reach the ladder as she fell but she was too tiny to reach that far.
Rox rested his chin in Nichole hair rubbing her back in soothing soft circles, "It must feel a bit better, letting it out," He comforted kissing her head.

Ven cheered as she placed the streamers up there, "Wooohooo! Go Rituska! Yeah, yeah! God job! Party party wh--- " He stopped as she saw her falling, stepping back his eyes were wide as plates, "Don't worry I will- oof," *Thump* He had managed to catch Ritsuka, but fell off balance onto his back, he sat up moving them both as he did, using a hand he swiped up a handful of white hair away from her face, "Y-you, okay, boy that was something."
"Im sorry! im sorry! im sorry! im sorry!" Ritsuka repeated. She felt so bad for falling on him, she couldve hurt him! She worried,"Are you okay? Did i hurt you? Was i too heavy?!" she rambled on and didnt even notice she had a little cut on her arm. It bled a bit but it was alright. She moved her hair out of her own face now and looked at Ven in the eyes,"Good at least youre pupils are dialating!" she said as she inspected them. "Im really really sorry!" she slumped a bit, as if trying to hide in a shell and shut her eyes, a light blush came across her face, it stood out against her fair skin.

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