mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox grasped her hand as it hit his pulling her to him her board going safely into the sand, they were close the waves, sun, and Nichole it was pretty darn perfect. Rox eyes moved from her face to Nichole's hair, "I did not realize your hair before." He noticed.

Enzo's face went even redder, his eyes grew wide when she lifted her head, his opened his mouth to protest that he was not shy, but made a nonsensical sound when she ruffled his hair, his eyes twitched slightly, "I, I you...." Yes a sentence was hard right now, why did she have to be ugh! As Likara went to the fridge getting the cake, Enzo took rather deep breathes calming himself standing, he put his dishes into the sink before walking passed Likara with an eye roll, "Alright, but no need to fret, I'll be down in no time, unlike your female gender, I don't have to glossy up." On his mouth was a smirk full of tease.
Her eye twitched and she clenched her fists, trying not to punch him. "Just for your information, I do not wear makeup." She never like putting stuff on her face, it made her feel heavy and ugly somehow. "And I don't take long to change clothes." A small smirk crawled on her face. "At least I'm not shy about someone touching my forehead." Likara grinned at him in an evil way and leaned back on the couch, wanting to see what would happen next.
Rox raised an eyebrow, "You are just full of surprises you know that, its awesome," He watched a light wave roll along the sea, "Want to go for another ride? That so epic, I was afraid I would forget how to surf, but its like riding a bike."

Enzo smirked even more at Likara reaction and made a face at the forehead comeback, "I-I was not shy! Humph!" Arms crossed along his chest but the light teasing grin still stayed, "And besides you are such a girl, all cuddly and going nuts other sweets, so ha!" A tongue poked out to empathize the claim.
Now she was mad. "Well sorry for wanting to be that way!" Likara got up, forgetting about the cake, and ran out the door. She really was upset but also wasn't. Half of this was to see how he'd react, the other half was honest hurt. Likara ran to the park where she met another person she can't remember the name of, and went inside the tube, sitting down and waiting.
Rox grinned and nodded, "Lets play follow the leader," Rox wanted a challange, "We both catch a wave, than one of does a trick the other has to copy, up for the challenge mizz birthday?"

Enzo stared, this, was not the right reaction he was looking for, "But-l..." he started before she dashed away. Enzo just stood staring before he puffed up his cheeks and huffed it out, "It was a joke!!!" He half yelled hoping it would bring her back. It did not. And standing with a pissed off looked arms crossed was not helping. Throwing his hands up, Enzo squeezed his eyes shut before storming up the stairs and getting himself ready all the while ranting, "I can't even believe this!" Gets out of shower. "I did not even mean it like that!" Tugs clothing on. "I mean you already make me feel funny!" Brushes his hair, "I mean not in a bad way, but, but egh!" He stomped his feet into his shoes, "Confusing! Confused always with you....did that just rhyme?" Enzo snatched the cake up, "Even forgot your stupid cake!....did not even mean to make you all upset." Enzo shut Likara door gently, "See? I shut your door nicely! Instead of slamming it!" He walked down the sidewalk looking around, the park? He headed in that direction, "See? I, I care, a bit, somewhat....crazy confusing girl..."A pout formed on his lips. He was still getting used to her, in fact Likara was without a doubt the most cat-human he spent so much time with, and had emotional feels around, in a long time, it was all confusing, but not in a necessarily awful way.

(hmmm what does Kara have in store?)
(It's a surprise :3)

Likara heard Enzo and knew that he wasn't near her but in the park. She took off her shoes and threw them on the platform next to her, making a loud noise. Her head was pounding and so was her chest. She scrunched up in a ball against one of the walls and the tears started to come out. Likara could feel that her tail and ears came out. Her ears were flat against her head, her tail was curled up by her side, not daring to make a move. "H-He...doesn't!" She was whispering but was loud enough to make a noise. "W-Why don't y-you....understand th-that I...l-like..y-you....?!"
Rox grinned, "Awesome haha! Follow me!" He paddled in the water catching a way he did a 360 on the wave.

Enzo looked around the park before seeing a shoe...going over he set the cake safely aside and picked up the shoe looking at it, Likara "-HEY!" He called loudly before hearing a whispering sort of noise. Crawling a bit, he peeked his head around the entrance into the tunnel and saw Likara's cat form, her poster was a sad one, biting his lip, Enzo was lost for words for a moment, "Um....hi...I um, brought your cake...for the party...." Enzo rested the side of his head aginst the tunnel, "I was just joking....I like you, trust me...I-I never talked to anyone as much or been near them or stuff like that...." Enzo hunched his shoulders slightly, "I dont really get my own feelings most days..." Enzo let out a sigh, "Listen, I really was teasing, but I guess I just suck at that too...all the props to you Likara, no one can usually stand me for this long...." He shifted so that he was sitting gripping his hands together in his lap, "I am make me want to try, you know." His whispered his his cheeks redding slightly.
Likara looks up a little, her ears somewhat up. "You....y-you like me?" She extends her legs out, her face clean. Her eyes start to water again and she looks down, covering her face. Likara was happy at all the things he said, but her throat was burning and she couldn't talk as well. Her tail tapped his leg gently and it curled up in between them. "" She peeked out and smiled a little, her face flushed.
Enzo watched her react she seemed to uncurl herself and was hiding her face, probably blushing, hnm, they alwayss seemed to do that around each other, Enzo found himself with a small smile, "Well...thank you too...since er thanks are being thrown around." enzo felt himself chuckle as the soft fur of Likara tail touched his leg tickling it, "You know what? Things get confusing between us...right? but, we still end up liking each other regradless of that factor..." Enzo mused this out loud, "I um, I like those results."
Likara started laughing into her hands as she was wiping her tears. She laughed harder and looked at her, shaking her head. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..haha!" She finally stopped after a while and breathed out. "What do you mean thrown around?" Likara rubbed her eyes and looked at him a little confused. Her ears perked up in anticipation and her tail kept swishing quietly.
Rox grinned at Nichole, "Think you can copy that?" His eyes danced with play, he was having a ball.

Enzo watched her start to laugh, he did not get angry just tried to understand the joke, but he was at a loss here. Yet like tears, the feeling to laugh was equallly contagious, so his mouth started to twitch and laughter bubbled in his chest before arising and seeping out. Enzo covered his mouth in attempts to stop it, but it kept coming. Together their laughter filled the tube. Finally composing himself the occasional titter slipped out as Enzo looked over at Likara, why had they been laughing? He had no idea, maybe they were just crazy. Enzo grinned at this, grinning widely at Likara, "I dunno, you thanked me, so I thanked you back, I did not know why you thanked me in the first place." He explained. Midnight blue eyes blinked slowly, with a pop his ears and tail popped out, his ears fluttered a bit and his tail swished ever so slightly.

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