mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox smirked lightly and crawled over to her before transforming, "How about we wake you up?" He smiled, "Hear the water rushing? lets race to it." With their highten senses the world really looked new something amazing, he wanted to test it out, while having some fun.

Ven took the apron with a grin wrapping it around him before rushing to a mirror, "Neato, I look cool!" He admired before walking back to the kitchen, "Chocolate is goood, Suka likes them, me too!"
nichole ran after him as a cheetah cub instead. so she wouldnt attract too much attention. nichole smelled the air with her hightened sense of smell smiling.
While resting the sudden smell of chocolate and pancake syrup filled her nose. She sat up and her wolf tail and ears came out,"Food..." She sniffed the air with her eyes still halfway closed. Her tail wagged a bit then she got up and drowsily wobbled to the kitchen still in her pajamas. She wore a cute little frilly night gown, it was blue but not as blue as her eyes and it had a lacey bow right on her chest. As she got closer the scent filled up her head even more and she came alive! Her eyes had that bright spark in them and her joyous smile started to come back! Grumpy morning Suka was gone, breakfast is always the cure (thats how i am). She skipped to the kitchen and sat on the floor looking up at Likara and Ven with her tail wagging excitedly and ears perked, the ends of her white hair were layed out on the floor. "Good morning~" her voice was light and airy and her deep blue eyes shined and had its luster back.
Likara laughed, flipping over the pancakes that were in different pans. "You can sit on the chairs behind me." She pointed with her thumb to an island with three chairs on the long side. There were newspapers, plates, cups, and some random mail on it. The chairs where stools that spun around and had skull patterns on it. She flicked her wrist and one pancake went in the air, landing on it's other side. "They'll be done soon."
Rox ran through the flowers seeing how vibrant they looked ans smelled. Heading for the water, he looked back seeing Nichole, she was so cute, making it, Rox sniffed around walking over to the spring with a little waterfall, he yipped excitedly running in a circle.

Ven smiled helping with stirring the ingredients and than watched Likara flip with wide admiring eyes, before turning, seeing Ritsuka, "Hi! Hi! You are awake now!" He could clearly see, how much awake and alret she was.
Rox raced through the water getting his fur all wet he raced back to land shaking off. He viewed Nichole who seemed like she was going after a rabbit, he trotted over to her nuzzling her and licking her nose. Don't eat that.
Rox gave a bark yipping sound like a laugh, looking at her with love in his eyes licking her gently on the cheek back, he nuzzled her gently than pawed at the ground wanting to see how fast she was a cute little cub.
nichole ran past rox smiling and ran through some trees and back. she rolled onto her back purring and pawed at the air. her eyes twinkled as she looked at rox with love. then she twitched her eyes growing hazy. nichole stood and backed up her tail at her side. there was a cherry blossom scent coming from her.
Likara flipped another one higher and grinned, glancing at Ven. "You can pour the batter into this pan." She pointed to an empty pan that was on the counter. "Do you want me to show you how to do this?" Without looking, Likara did it again and caught it easily.
Rox watched her wagging his tail before crouching and moving slyly on his belly as she pawed at the air purring, he stopped his trek though as she got up, his nose twitched gently smelling the scent, he laid there, tilting his head sniffing.

Ven turned his attention back to Likara clapping as she caught and flipped without looking, he moved to mixing bowl and nodded, "Yes, yes, show me how Kara."
Ritsuka rushed to the table and sat on the stools with her knees and leaning over the counter excitedly with her tail wagging uncontolably! She nodded at Ven with a smile in response and watched them cook.
Rox now got up trotted to her worry in his eyes, "You have a scent of..." He sniffed once more, "Cherry blossoms, its nice, but you don't look well." His tail was limp with concern and worry.
other cats..male cats started to come over to nichole. nichole's ears flattened and she whimpered loudly scared. one said"hmm exotic..but she smells great..."smirking walking closer to nichole. Nichole hissed and hid behind rox weakly.
Rox's eyes went extremely wide as the words, looks connected in his mind Oh hell no. Even in his mind, a cuss fromRox was not the norm, so you knew he was pissed. Crouching in front of Nichole his ears went back, and he let out a dangerous snarl that spoke dominance.
the cats hissed at him starting to close in around them. Nichole started feeling weirder and collapsed face flushed. "r-rox...."before she passed out. one cat pulled her away by the tail while rox wasnt looking. (lol our rp too xD )
Rox crouched lower over Nichole so that he was protecting her, he showed no fear at the hissed just barred his teeth and snarled again, all his hair raised. When they tried to drag her away, Rox was not having it. He laid right over Nichole and swiped at the cat who tried to pull her tail.
nichole mewled and her tail curled a bit. the cat growled at rox and his fur puffed up. Nichole opened her eyes weakly looking at him. "desu desu..."a darkish energy coming from her a spirit forming. (i forgot what it meant oh well im using it right at least ^-^ ;) the spirit said"you dare hurt nicho-chan?!"her face angry.
Rox snarled as the cat growled having enough he snapped at him, ready for a fight. But then something happened weirdly to Nichole a dark thing came out of her, Rox's tail went down and ears back, he let out a small whine. it was helping her...but it was dark too.
She nodded and took the pan, placing it firmly into Ven's hand. "Once you see that it's solid a bit, you want to move it forward and backwards to make sure it isn't stuck on the pan. After you do that, move your arm up quickly but make sure to stop it dead it it's track to make the pancake go into the air." Likara did all the steps as she explained them, showing Ven how to do everything. (Am I the only one thinking that Likara could make a great mom or aunt?????)
Rox whined again and licked Nichole gentle before lifting the cheetah cub up with his nose and carrying her to the lake, pawing gently he splash a little water on her, before closing his eyes, Rox turned back to just were his tails and ears popped out, Rox gather Nichole in his lap stroking her lightly.

Ven took the pan gripping it firmly, he watched Likara as she demonstrated each step, his eyes attached to her movements, he than tried his best to copy those movements going good right up in till the flip, it was not terrible though, the pancake just went half in, half off, it hung out over the edge. Ven blinked looking confused before looking to Likara for help.

{She would be a good mom! Ven already adores her because she so patient and kind.)

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