mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

there was another 'pop' and nichole blushed deeply. she chirped and quickly covered her mouth blushing deeper. nichole said"s-sure."smiling showing her cute cat fangs.
Rox looked up at the popping sound and smirked gently, looking about in the meadow they were completely concealed, "Ithought you might do that." And with a pop! his ears and tail came out, he leaned over, nuzzling her neck before continuing his clover search, "Ah, ha! I found it!" Rox held a four leaf clover up triumphantly before tickling Nichole's nose with it.
nichole's eyes dilated and she gently pawed at the clover. she sang softly to herself. "~ah aha ah!~" some birds chirpped the tune flying around her. "~aha aha ah~" going a bit higher in pitch. the birds copied. they started playing a game with it. "~do do do do dododododododo~" they copied yet again and nichole smiled softly. one laned on her head near her always twitching cheetah ears.
Rox rolled onto his back into the patch teasing Nichole witht he clover as he moved it about, finally he tucked it behind her ear sneakily. Watching the birds and Nichoke sing, he smiled brightly, reaching up to pet the little birds beek, it let him.
nichole crouched and hid in the flowers and tall grass. the birds flew around singing something close to "can you feel the love tonight?" nichole smirked and stalked rox before pouncing on him pinning him. "tehee~"
(Loads of fun :D )

Ritsuka looked at him with a grumpy/sleepy expression. She said nothing but blinked at him a few times. She pulled covers over her head and a very quiet and sleepy,"Good morning....".
Rox watched her and got up off his back looking around suddenly he felt her weigh added to his, causing them to topple, she pinning him down, he gazed up at her before kissing her lightly on the lips, than he flipped her, onto her back, before hopping off, and racing away singing, "Gotta catch me, come on, come on!" He laughed.

Ven looked down at her and watched her reactions, he canted his head more as she snugged under the blanket again, "But morning is not under there, silly." He giggled poking the lump that she made while under the covers, "Hmmm guess you are a not morning person, oh I know! What will get you up, okay?" Ven bounced over his friend landing on the floor and dancing about on it, "Dah dah dah dahhhhhh!" He sang, "Today is Coco-chan's birthday! yippy yip wooo!"
Ritsuka curled more and gestured her hand for Ven to come closer
Rox regconized the little cartoon jingling and busted up laughing so hard, he lead his sides slowlying down in his pace.

Ven grinned before hopping over to the edge of the huge bed, stilling humming his own little song her created, he peeked over at where he figured Ritsuka's head was, "Yessssssssssssss?"
nichole giggled as she caught up and tackled him. they rolled around in the grass and she smiled up at him as they stopped rolling. nichole blushed a bit and said"hey rox wanna go to the arcade?"
Rox leaned down capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, before hovering close to her as she spoke, before he pulled her up, sitting and pulling her gently into his lap, his kissed her face, than her lips again before whispering, "Anything you want, birthday girl."
nichole blushed deeply and kissed him. "nevermind it can wait~" kissing him deeply. her ears flattened in happiness. nichole blushed a bit from siting in his lap but didnt care afterwards.
Rox hmmed delightfully into her lips kising them sweetly his ears switching laying down as well, he moved a bit to get some air trailing her fingers threw her silky hair, he curled them into it lightly as his lips devilered another kiss claiming her mouth as he kissed deeply.
She peeked over the covers and reached out a hand and a finger to his lips,"Shhh shh....sleepy time..." She closed her eyes and rolled over,"How could you be up this early?" Her tiny voice asked.
(I had to go to my grandparents and listen to the number one rule there many times, "No computer what so ever while you're here!")

Likara quickly put on her outfit and put her hair into a tight ponytail. She jogged into the room where Ven and Ritsuka were. "Ritsuka, do you want breakfast? I'll cook anything you want~" Her voice was quiet but still a little angry that she wasn't up yet. "Ven do you want to help me cook?" Likara smiled at him before glaring slightly at Ritsuka.
Ritsuka rolled over to look at her,"Can i have pancakes? If its not too much trouble..." Her voice was quiet, tiny, and sweet. Her voice was always the same
Rox nestled her head into her hair sniffing the rose in it, as he did, his chest rumbled with his own purrs. He wrapeed an arm around her waist, stroking the over hand along her back smoothly.

Ven just giggles behind her soft fingers, "Cuz the sun is up, its morning." He explained simply. Ven smiled as Likara came in, his eyes going wide when asked if he would like to help make breakfast, "Oh boy! Yes! Yes! Please!" He bounced on his heels a bit beaming his tone was its usual entergetic and chirpy self.
Rox held her and laid back in the meadow, it was really nice. to let himslf relax, and play, not having to have the role of responsible big brother, don't get him wrong...his brother was his world....his kin, but Nichole, he did love, felt relaxed around, who he was loved by, in a different sort of way. Rox watched her sleep truly content, he hoped the others were doing okay with the party idea.
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Likara laughed and nodded at both of them. "Yes you can help me, and you better get up before I finish. If you're not, there will be no pancakes for you!" She smiled and jogged out of the room, heading straight for the kitchen. Her plan was to wait until they were energized and fully awake before telling them about the surprise party.
Rox felt her tongue on his neck, it sent good shivers down his spine, he lightly picked a few flower petals out of her hair kissing her forehead lightly, "Hello, nappy cat."

Little did Likara know, that Rox had entered her house by throwing rocks at the window till Ven opened it, telling the boy about the birthday idea before coaxing him back to bed. So Ven raced after Likara, already fueled on his own natural energy, "Suka wake uppppp cuz pancakes are yammy!" He called before exiting the room going down to the kitchen, he hopped to the sink washing his hands first, "Roxy said always do that." Ven grinned proud he remembered.
She smiled at him and dried her hands, getting an apron on and handing a smaller one to Ven. They were all white but protected their clothes. "Okay, what kind of pancakes should we make? I was thinking chocolate chip ones, but if you want another kind, I'd be happy to do that one." Likara tightened her ponytail and began getting out basic ingredients.

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