mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp


Ritsuka smiled at Ven then looked up at Likara,"Yea we did it~!" She grinned. She went back to normal and yawned, a little exhausted from the energy taken when she transformed.
Likara transformed back and smiled, a little dizzy. She didn't show it though, not wanting to show her weak side. "Is anyone else tired, I'm beat!" She yawned slightly and rubbed her head and eyes.
Rox grinned eating his meal, "No problem," Rox ate some more, his nose twitching slightly, "Ever get a feeling you missed out on something?"

Ven released them from the hug and yawned after Ritsuka, all of this was waring the excitment and fear was wanning bringing back the sleepiness, Ven yawned again squeezing his eyes shut as he did, "Me me I am."

Enzo finally made it back to Likara and opened the door looking pale, "I would not mind lying down." As he gave a sloppy sort of smirk, "I got the frog monster defeated."
Likara stretched and started walking upstairs. "If you want to change clothes I have some of my brothers clothes. They're pretty big but it might fit you guys. I also have some of my older clothes that I could loan to you Ritsuka." She had just washed all of it, still wanting to keep them fresh. Likara jogged to her room and quickly put on a loose tank top and soft shorts.
Rox stratched his head lightly, "I dunno, sort of just have that feeling..." He peered out the window at the day before shrugging, "I dunno I am probably reading to much into it." He smiled sipping at his drink as well.

Ven nodded saggily, "Okay can I get some jammies Kara?" He asked after going to the bathroom before finding Likara.

Enzo blinked at Likara, than at the steps... I don't know if I can climb these.... Enzo made it shakily to the couch and slumped onto it, This couch is soft and has no stairs....I'll sleep here. he thought as midnight blue eyes closed.
Likara came back out with t-shirts, one small, and one pretty big. She also had pajama pants for both Ven and Enzo. She gave them each a pair and told Ven to put them on in a random room. Likara looked at Enzo and sat down next to him. "What happened?" Her voice was serious, wanting to know what happened to him.
Rox finished off the drink even crunching on the icecubes, "Hey! won." He pointed out.

Ven took the shirt and pants and trotted off to a random room as he changed he got extremely dristracted by all the different items in the room.

Enzo's eyes cracked back open to look at Likara, a bit annoyed he could not sleep yet, the couch was alluring. His eyes moved towards the sleep wear before waving it off, "Don't need th-" her question overlaped his as midnight eyes came more awake, they blinked a few times, never was she so serious...."Ithought a frog peresite, defeated it, than threw up on the ground." His face blushed at that part being sick meant being weak almost helpless.
Rox eyed the money on the table before sighing, what could he do? Not like he had oddles of money if any, "Alright, but just you wait, your going to have one heck of a birthday." Rox got up to stretching lightly before heading for the door.
Likara was worried now. She got in closer and put her forehead to his. He is really warm...what should I do?! "Is there anything I can do for you?" She didn't move from her position, but now had on a smile. Likara didn't care if she got sick too, as long as he was okay, that's all that mattered to her.
(Srry, internet again...)

Ritsuka rubbed her eyes and blinked,"Is it sleepy time?" Her eyes were heavy and full of drowsyness.

She sat on the couch and hugged a pillow, resting her chin on it.
Rox eyes lit up, "Really? I-I can for real?" He was literally bouncing with excitment a very boyish grin on his face.

Ven finished getting dressed and hopped over to Ritsuka, "I found a cooler place to sleep come on!" Eager yet gentle, Ven led Ritsuka to a room that almost looked like the jungle, "Pretty huh?" Venny laid down on the bed.

Enzo stared into Likara eyes as her head got closer and closer, his shoulders hunched just a bit, but when Likara rested her head onto his, he let out a soft sigh of relief, compared to his, hers felt almost like an iceberg, "I don't know, not moving would be a start....." Enzo stretched his body a bit as he nugde a bit closer, eyes half closing in comfort.
nichole nodded before grabbing his jand and running out. she made it to the cafe and quickly put on her uniform. Nichole handed rox his. it looked like Wesley's only like a tan color.
Likara smiled and leaned back, letting her head fall. She yawned quietly and looked at Enzo. "Do you want me to stay down here? Oh and do you want anything, anything at all?" Her mothering side started to show. Likara couldn't help but 'baby' someone who was sick or in pain.
Rox ran with her and took the unifrom changing, he was still in a little awe and extrememly pleased and excited! He beamed over at Nichole once he was all dressed, "Okay ready to work!" He declared.

Enzo made a protesting noise in his throat, "Heyyyy!" His tone was really close to a whine, "Why'd you have to move? It was nice when my head was not so know....
Likara giggled at him and moved to face him, legs behind her. She crawled towards him and placed her forehead on his, feeling how warm he was again. It made her blush a little at the thought of how close they were.
Rox nodded with a friendly smile on his face, he showed costumers to tables and took orders, chatting with some of them, and nodding that he was new here, yes. He caught Nichole eye and grinned, this was really cool and not that hard.

Enzo's face became content again as Likara's forehead pressed against his, "Ahh, yeah that's better," Enzo mumbled, his eyes half open, "Thank you, Likara..." His voice soft as his eyes explored hers, "You know, up this close, your eyes are a nice shade." Enzo was a bit different when sick, and Likara was making it hard to reform his little wall all the way around.
nichole spun and said"heres one apple pie, banna creme pie and lemon pie! bon appetite!" as she handed them their orders with her country accent. Nichole wasnt from tokyo she was from louisiana so she has a country accent.
Likara blushed deeper and tried to look away but couldn't move her eyes away from his. "Th-thanks....." She felt like collapsing, feeling weak already by a simple compliment. "I like the color of yours better though.." Her voice was quiet and soft. She still couldn't take her eyes off of his. They were like a trap, once you look in them, you can't look away. Likara wanted to hide her face and never look back up.
Rox took the big platters to a table. He balanced on his finger, a trick he had learned with a basket ball, spinning the tray, he got the dishes as they spun sliding them to the customer's, "There you are ma'am, sir and miss, do enjoy," He bowed respectfully and gave a winning smile, backing away, his eyes watched Nichole for a moment before going to clear and clean off a table, the cafe sure was busy today!

Enzo blinked his eyes, into Likara's watching her as she spoke, "Really hm, I dunno yours are like red ruby color," A red blush flushed his hot face deeper, "You know what....our eyes make purple, cool huh?" His voice was still light not so guarded, breezy. A finger came up to rub at his left cheek, than moved to his right cheek.

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