mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

As Ven continued the story, her facial expressions changed with the story. She frowned and looked really sad when she heard about the death of the gentle and kind King and Queen, she almost wanted to cry, but her tiny smile slowly but surely came back as she heard about the two princes coming together and being happy despite what has happened.

She looked at Ven once more,"That was a bitter-sweet story~"
Rox grinned into her hair, "Always, lets go get this scum." I am wondering the same thing, also how did you survive without me? And I you....its nice, the time we have shared...but I came here for a reason, I kind of forget why though...

"Yeah it is huh? But....i guess life is like that too huh? Sadhappy. It can never stay the same for to long."Ven gave a little yawn. Story telling was making him a bit tired now, but stuff sleep in a bag and kick it down a hill!
nichole jumped out of her pool and put her dress back on after drying off. she kissed her power pendant and said"POWER PENDANT MEWTAMORPHISIS!" transforming.
Yawns are contagious, and Ritsuka caught it and yawned herself. she blinked a couple times making the tears formed by the yawn go away, and her blue eyes were glossy. She rolled over onto her stomach and propped herself up with her elbows. She grabbed a piece of her hair and put it under her nose,"Lookie~! I have a mustache!" She giggled and crossed her eyes to look at the snow white "mustache".
Likara giggled a little. "You're not messed up...just...a little different from other than other people. Not every person is the same." She smiles and leans back, staring at the ceiling. "But I really want to know.....are you okay?" Her face changes into a sad one, glancing at Enzo.
Rox watched her transform than yelled, "Mew, mew activation gooooo!" He transfered into a fox with his red and white clothing, the nine tail fox shirt shone with the colors. His bow and arrows appeared on his back.

Ven rolled around giggling at Ritsuka's moustache, getting some composer back wiggling closer to Suka and gathered her hair up onto his chin, "Look, I have a beard, hehe," He made his voice go croaky, "You get off my lawn you whipper snappers!" He yelled before dissolving into giggles.

Enzo relaxed at Likara's smile, "I guess how I have always seen it, but never as a good thing....being different." He blushed not sure why and patted at his left cheek, "No, I am okay."
Likara smiles bigger and puts her forehead on his. "You feel a little warm, are you okay?" She notices his flushed face and wonders if he's blushing or sick. The back of her hand feels his forehead a little better, leaving it there to figure out if he was badly sick. "It doesn't seen bad, but you are defiantly red and warm." Likara looks a little worried.
Ritsuka giggled when Ven suddenly had a beard. She put her hands infront of her face as she laughed, hiding her blushes and giggles. She moved her finger and her eyes were only visible. She looked at Ven one more time before laughing again. She looked at him through her fingers with a smile,"We're so silly~" her tiny voice was a little muffled behind her hands.
Rox nodded running along beside Nichole. Reaching the peresite, he saw it was terrorizing a group of campers, it was so warped that Rox could not indenify what animal it really was. Rox ran fast an arrow flung towards it, but it had no effect. Throwing out his hands Rox's called, "Ramen Rope Vines!" They shot out of his fingers and wrapped around the peresite, tugging him back from the campers in the cave, "Nichole hurry!!! Get the campers mh out of her rugh." Rox groaned under the strain.

Enzo did not even move as Likara got close her forehead than hand pressing onto his skin, its not that he would have rejected the touching, but he would usually go all tense and awkward. Enzo watched Likara with midnight blue eyes they were a bit dazed, "Urgh mm, I am fine." Enzo tried to fight against the sick feeling, but sense he kept all those emtions locked inside, and got all worked up over it, got him ill. His watch, that Zoey had given him, flashed a bright red, "Trouble, trouble in two sectors, mew, mews are handling the one in the camping grounds, but another two peresites are spotted in the waters of Sillen falls and river." Enzo looked surprised, peresites? Two? Now? His eyes met Likara's.

Ven giggled to watching Suka's reaction as she hid, she was so pretty, fun and yeah silly, " Hehe, we are!" When the red light flashed, Ven sat up, Suka's soft hair falling from his grip as he listened, "Oh no, this is baddd." His green eyes become large with fear for everyone.
Likara's eyes widen as she hears the news. "We should hurry." She stands up and transforms, her cat ears and tail present. She had on a fluffy pink skirt with a matching tank top. Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. White high tops appeared on her feet. "I wanna beat someone up, lets go!" Likara runs around in a circle in front of the door and says 'nya' every now and then.
nichole nodded and said"FOLLOW ME TO SAFTEY!"leading them away. then made sure they were safe before coming back to rox. she got on one knee aiming for its weak spot. "CHOCO BULLETS!" at it but missed. she said"rox how long can you hold him?!"
Ritsuka stood upwith her ears perked and being alert,"Wh-Whats going on?" She looked a little scared as she looked around in a confused way. She saw the flashing red and her head tilted. She took turns looking at everyone hoping for an answer, she can sense the sudden panic that everyone gave off. She glanced at Ven worriedly.
Rox dug the soles of his feet into the ground, "Tighten!" His voice sounded as the vine noddles strenghened. With a lot of his strengh he pulled back dragging the peresite a little. Than made arrows stick into the ground holding the ropes as well, "Yes! Just hurry if you can!" His aura glowed a white red, the noddles a gold.

Enzo stood as well, "Wait Likara!" He called before turning to Ritsuka, "Peresits are attacking, its up to us to stop them, transform!" And with that he did his outfit a short sleeved shirt dark blue with a back wolf and blue jeans with blue black shoes, his ears and tail popped out, "Likara, you live here for the longest right? Where are the Sillen Falls River? And what do we do about Ven? He does not transform..." Enzo fought off the sickness, no time for it!

Ven kept his sitting position as his hands wiggled about nervously on his lap, "I'll be okay here, I won't do nothing." His voice soft before he looked up, "You guys go save the world." He smiled.
Ritsuka shook her head,"I cant control my transformation, it was an accident the last time i transformed!" she grew more worried, she didnt want Ven to be alone, what if they came to the house? Not only was she worried about him but about herself and everyone else, how can she help? Shes still new to this.
nichole jumped up and was above the monster's head. "CHOCO BULLET!" blasting the crap out of it. she caught the soul of the animal and mini mew ate the thing that made the monster. Nichole quickly ran over to a deer and placed her soul back into her.
Likara kisses Ven's cheek gently and smiled at him. "Please don't do anything, I'm trusting you to hold down the fort while we're gone. If anything shows up, call me." She ruffles his hair slightly and starts jogging out the door, motioning for them to follow her. "It's pretty close to here, but we're gonna have to run to make it in time."
Rox let the beast go once it went down by the bults than eaten letting out puffs of breathes he regained it, before running after Nichole watching the deer join back up with his soul, "So, it was a deer? That" Rox made a face of distaste for the things that keep doing this.

Enzo looked at Ritsuka for a moment than Ven the thought that ran through his head was not the nicest in the world. Running a hand down his face, he nodded, "Okay, than you two stay here, dont draw attention to yourselves, if anything comes after you, don't try to fight it, just run." Nodding At Likara he followed, "Lets go."

Ven looked up a Ritsuka his mouth open slightly. Yesterday had been an accident? But....she was so good! He stayed quiet his eyes trained on Suka. He nodded at Likara.
nichole saw a cynaclon and he said"hm that was a nice shot wild cat~ can you handle me?" nichole said"lets see."smirking. he flew at her with a katana and she dodged giggling.
She started running as fast as she could. Without knowing it, she transformed into a cat and could run and see better. Likara dashed towards the river, not looking behind her.
Listening to Enzo she stood behind, she was basically the last resort incase something would happen, but she would have to get lucky. She looked at Ven then around the house,"Do you think we'll be okay here?" She was a little scared, she played with the ends of a lock of her hair out of nervousness.
Rox lett out a snarl at the cynaclon locking in their appearance and weapon, he stood gaurd looking around and petted the deer before it ran off, "If you wanna tag team, I am all for that Coco!" He called watching, Nichole became so different if not a tad reckless.

Enzo ran after Likara taking how she turned into an actual cat in strides for now. Would she beable to turn back? Enzo ran beside her I hope we can handle them they got closer, Enzo could smell one, urgh a frog peresite huge and its poisonous.

Ven walked over to Ritsuka bringing her into a hug, "We should be okay, I am worried about the others...." The house did seem huge quiet empty, to quiet, "Um um maybe we could do something to take our minds off of stuff." Ven made a circle around the living room, but what?
Ritsuka looked around the living room, looking for any possible place to hide in. Shes never encountered these creatures before, she didnt know what she was in for. She did what Ven said and tried to keep her mind off of it. She sat in the couch with her knees to her chest, she hair was like a blanket around her shoulders, and her bangs covered her eyes as she stared at the ground.
nichole said"kay!" she and the cynaclon matched blow for blow. nichole hit him with choco bullet. BUT he disappeared and reappeared behind her. she got hit in the back but landed on her feet. "pant that all you got?!" he held up a green sphere. "nope!" throwing it at her. nichole's eyes widdened and she jumped out of the way. it became an onslot of those spheres. the cynaclon, jehu, smirked. nichole became tired and tried to dodge some more but didnt get out in time. "AHH!" she hit a tree and tried to stand but couldnt! jehu smirked and tilted her head up. "so this is all you have in you wild cat?~" leaning in and kissing her. with her good leg nichole landed a kick to the balls and he backed off.

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