mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Tomoe glared at Enzo and twitched at Ven's hand. Likara noticed he was getting annoyed, so she said her goodbyes and pushed him out. Of course, he knew what she was doing and left without hesitation. "Oh um...that was a childhood friend, Tomoe. My mom had a cousin, her being a fox, she still had the same color as mom somehow. When we were born, we of course ad the same color hair. I always thought he was a wolf but he's not." She inhaled deeply and sighed, speaking too much. Her throat was getting dry from ranting on and on about her past. Likara's gaze locked on to Enzo, still flustered about earlier she moved her head down.
Ritsuka,still sitting on the ground, gentley grabbed Ven's ankle, telling him to do nothing. She smiled at Enzo,"We'll be okay~! Its not like we'll burn the house down~" she gave a fanged grin and wagged her wolf tail a bit. She looked back up at Ven,"Its best we let him solve the problem..." She gave a reassuring smile.

(Ritsuka: *pouts and flails* "Hey! Im not a pre-teen! >o<")
(Enzo: *sputters water, looking horrified, his eye twitches* "I am never having children......")

Rox stratched his head with a thoughtful expression, he was a bit worried....when it came to Ven... and now of Ritsuka, but he trusted Likara, "Alright, I am guessing you have a pool?" Rox smirked lightly raising an eyebrow.

Ven's eyes watched the guy leave, his lips jutting out in a pout, "That was the worlds shorest visit ever!" He declared before sitting back next to Suka, a smile replacing the pout, "Lets playyy a game! Likara said we could."

Enzo watch the guy appear and leave just as fast, Enzo watched the door close. Before making his way over to to the couch, "Child hood friend? It must have been nice to see someone like that again," Enzo traced the patterens in the sofa as he sat on it, "Its amazing, having a friend for that amount of time....I, I hope my ealier actions did not ruin that possiblity, completely for us?" Midnight blue eyes lingered on Likara features before fleeing away.
Ritsuka bounced in her seat a bit,"Yeah yeah yeah~!" She nodded and agreed,"Games~!" She grinned at him,"Whatre we gonna play?" She tilted her head as she looked at him then looked at all the games, not knowing where to begin..
(Are Nichole and Rox at my house? OH! By the way, Tomoe, the one I'm talking about, is from an anime.

Likara smiled and thought about Tomoe. He would always protect her and do things for her. She heard Enzo talking and nodded slightly, not hearing what he said. Upon hearing Ven though, she giggled and pulled out a large bin, filled to the top with more games. "If you find one you like, I might give it to you." Likara smiled at Suka and Ven.
Ritsuka's smile grew from Likara's words,"youre so nice!!" She grinned and her wolf tail wagged again. She searched through the new bin, taking out each game and skimming the back to see what they were about. She had two seperate stacks on either side of her, and the stacks grew taller as she searched through more games. She looked over at Ven,"What games do you wanna play?" Her white ears perked in her long white hair and her crystal blue eyes were bright with inquisitiveness.
(Rox and Nichole are at Nichole's they stayed behind.)

Rox grinned, "Brb babe." He ran down the hall, pulling out his trunks and changing. Running back, his eyes shamelessly trailed Nichole in her suit before blushing, Rox tried to look away, "You look great." He finally pushed out. Rox trunks were a solid red, but his slight muscles really showed more without a shirt along his front and arms looking good with his tanned skin.

Ven grinned happily, "We could play a fighter game, a fantasy game, a racing game, a sports game, which you like bestest Suka?" Ven eyes grew wide at the new box before pouncing at it rumanging through, picking up the fantasy game before chucking it aside, "Nope its gotta be twoooo player!"

Enzo watched the three of them interacting, before tucking his leg under him, resting his cheek on his hand. Likara was so good with kids, no just people in was admirable, at least for him.
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Likara sifted trough the pile, looking for a game she could play in the future. She found a fantasy, fighting, romance game, perfect to what she was looking for. It had fighting scenes, which had the fantasy part in. Romance was in there obviously, but some scenes were hidden with love messages. Likara found this interesting and set it by her waist, turning her attention back on Ven and Suka. She pulled out as many two player games as she could and set them in front of them. Some were romance, fighting, sports, racing, puzzle and fantasy. It would be pretty hard for them to chose which one to play.
Ritsuka looked at all the games Likara chose for multiple players,"Ooh ooh!" She picked up one,"This one looks cool!!" She held up a fighting game to cover everything below her blue eyes.
Ven dropped the other game he was looking at, in favor of Ritsuka, his eyes scamming over the game with interest before clapping, "Yes! Oh yeah! That one, lets play!" He looked over at Likara, "How do you put it in the machine thingy?"

Enzo slipped off the couch and wandered back into the library picking up the book he had kicked, dusted it off and fixed it. Tucking it under his arm, Enzo walked back into the room sitting on the couch. He opened the book flipping through the right page, but did not read. Enzo wanted to join in with the others, but had no idea where to start, and it seemed Likara was upset with him, granted she had all the right to be..... sighing, his shoulders slumped a little as he started reading, he was on the part where the governess was taking taking the children for walk, they referred to her as their flashed him back into a memory far left behind.


Enzo itched at his ear, the sun was warm today. He walked along the brick path in the magnificent garden. Flowers and different types of plants bloomed, dancing gently in the spring breeze. He was dressed nicely, his long blue hair tied back in a braid.

"Lorenzo! Dear, over here!" Midnight eyes locked on the owners voice, his mother. She looked so lovely in her spring dress, brown hair done up in a swirl, deep brown eyes sparkled in the sun as she waved him over. It was such a change, from how she looked before, where they had come from.... Enzo let his foot steps get faster, his arm stretch out and high in a wave. His cheeks pushing up to expose a hidden dimple on his left cheek. Stopping at the gazebo, Enzo was pulled into her ever warm embrace,

"Hello Mother, lovely day." He muttered happily as she stirred him to the bench and poured them both some iced tea. They sat with content smiles pointed out things about nature, and making peaceful small chatter. They no longer had to discuss how they would try to met basic needs, it was provided for them now, and so much more thanks to the master.

"Enzo love, read to me." Pulling the boy closer to her. Enzo did not waver from her touch. And pulled out his small pocket book of short stories, his mother could not read, but that was fine, she was brilliant in other ways, opening the book, his voice quiet and smooth read along the words of the pages. The day turned to dusk, but neither noticed, they were lost in another world.

Enzo blinked shaking his head, he had been staring at the same page for the last fifteen minutes. Enzo blinked again feeling the wetness in his eyes, dumping the book face down, Enzo quickly got up rushing towards the bathroom. He would not cry, over such a memory, a simple flick from the past. It was foolish.
Likara giggled and put the disk in, explaining carefully the controls and how to use the console. Once she thought they had it down, she gave Ven a controller and placed his fingers on the correct spots. Likara started a practice mode and placed her fingers over his, teaching him what button does what. After she was done, she stepped back and told Suka the same thing. Likara stood up and looked around, noticing that Enzo was gone.
Ritsuka gave a quick glance to Enzo, she noticed he was deep in thought. His look was deep and focused. He looked a little bothered but she gave him a reassuring bright smile then turned her attention back to the game her and Ven were playing. She pressed the buttons as fast as she could with her tounge sticking out with tension and focus
(why am i not getting alerts?! >=/) nichole blushed and said"thanks and so do you...."letting her eyes stare at his chest and muscles. "cmon!"smiling and pulling him to the pool.
Ven smiled happily as Likara helped him out and showed him how to work all the buttons, he liked that she helped him so much without getting frustrated with his questions or not understanding right off, he happily pressed at the buttons. Using the moves, He giggled at Ritsuka's expression mimicking it. Suka, Likara and Nichole were so different form the other girls he had experience with.....They would torment him with dressup and makeup and tea parties, all types of horrible things. Than they would always blame him for things he did not do, and pick on him.....he hated it there. His focus had come off the video game, causing him to lose the first round, but he just laughed, "I'll get ya! Man, I never new girls who played video game, just tea party." He voiced out his thoughts.

Enzo sighed, the water he splashed on his face dripping lightly, he wiped it with a towel taking deep breaths. Calm yourself get a grip! Enzo gritted his teeth, curling his fingers into his palm so far, that his nails bit into his skin. Taking a few more deep breaths he leaned against the sink, She is gone now, not that woman anymore its only a memory straighten up! Finally gaining back enough of his composer, Enzo emerged from the bathroom slowly walking to the living room, he saw Ven and Ritsuka playing a fighting game, his eyes met Likara's before showing embarrassed guilt Did she see? before lowering away as he sat back on the couch. 
(D: I dunno! )

Rox rushed along with her towards the pool, a light blush on his face.
Ritsuka laughed and giggled as she played,"Ill win just you see~!" she smiled at Ven. After a couple rounds, she couldnt take her eyes off the tv, she was so focused and for once she was silent and paying attention to the game, she blocked everything else out, eyes glued and fingers moving rapidly, the buttons and sequence already lodged in her mind.
Rox laughed getting sprayed by the water that her cannon ball had caused, he than took a bit of a leap and twisted like a tornado before going under the water, he stayed for a moment, letting his body adjust to the temperature before popping back up, "Wooooo! Su-um-ummer!" He said in a sing song way.

Ven started forgetting the buttons Likara had told him and just did his random button pushing as fast as his fingers could take him, "Ack! Aw man! Whipped again! Okay, let me pick a new character!"
Ritsuka nodded and stopped so he could pick a new character. She blinked a couple times and with each blink her blue eyes burned a little, from staring at the tv for so long (happens to me all the time when i play xD ). She yawned a bit and cracked her fingers,"This is fun~!" she smiled.
Ven clicked around getting another character, a smile never leaving his face, "It is! You are excellent Ritsuka!" After picking a different arena, Ven smiled over at her, eyes bright with a playful challenge, "Ready? to lossseeee" He teased as the screen loaded.
Ritsuka looked at him with a confident smirk,"Im ready to win!" she playfully corrected. She picked up the controller and waiting for the game to start aswell. Her fingers itched to press buttons and try to win, even though her eyes burned, she still stared at the tv
Ven the laughed gripping the controler, "Uh-huh, you will, but only in your dreams!" The game began and Ven jabbed at the buttons his green eyes flicking from the screen to his fingers.
Ritsuka looked at the top right corner of the screen, and judging by the score it was obvious she was losing. She continued to press the buttons and focus on what she was doing. She did a few sequences and slowly started to catch up to Ven. She stood quiet for her sake of not beng distracted.
Ven watched his guy fall from the combo moves, his eyes flicked to his bar seeing it drop, than to the bar below it was blinking white, grinning he pushed a sequence of buttons watching his special attack hit full force.

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