mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka jumped down from Enzo's back as he opened the door. She hid behind him a bit, a little cautious about this new foreign place. She gripped onto his shirt and looked around.
Rox sat his face still in his hands mentally trying to not beat himself up, he hated failing people wether he could stop it or not. Rox took it rough, personal, the last time he felled to help someone, happened. Rox sighed deeply, pushing those thoughts away, his mind going back to Nichole, this was not the first time it happened to her, the first day at cafe, then that red head guy, and now this....

Enzo was about to take a step when he felt the hand clamp on his shirt, Enzo looked back over his shoulder than into the house, "Its okay Ritsuka, Likara lives alone." He thought she was nervous of meeting new people again.
Rox heard his name in her voice and got up, he ran a hand over his face and through his hair. Controlling his emotions and composer as he collective did, Rox pasted a smile on his face before walking up the stairs, "Coming Nichole!" He called before making it to her room, he leaned in the doorway, "Yes?"
Nichole backed away from the maniquin smiling. "tada!!" showing him the outfit. it was black jeans, a white shirt with a nine tail fox on it and a short sleeved blue jean jacket with a fox design. she also had a collar too. it looked awesome!
Ritsuka quickly let go,"I-Im sorry!" She tubbed her wrist a bit and blushed,"Just a habit i too dependent..." She felt a little bad that shes always dependent, she doesnt want to be seen as vulnerable or weak.
The false smile on his face lightened into a brillant real one as he raced over, "Nichole....I..." He traced his fingers along the clothing, voice unable to finish his stunned delight. Rox gently picked it up holding it to him, "For me?" His amber eyes met her hazel ones.

Enzo blinked than sighed, he was really not good with this interacting stuff. Enzo flicked on the light filling the room with light, "Don't be sorry, if it makes you feel more comfortable...."
nichole nodded blushing. "i made it to fit your personality..." giggling a bit. "here i even made some fingerless gloves!" handing him some red and white gloves to go with the outfit.
(My internet is back for awhile so I should be on more.)

Likara finally made to her house and put Ven down. She sighs and sits down on her couch. "If anyone wants a tour, I'll do it now. Oh, and did you lock the door?" She asks Enzo. Right now, they need to be really careful.
Rox took the gloves than turned away looking down at them, the outfit in his hands, "I should go try it on," He turned around smiling, "Model your work for you, give me a moment." Rox walked out the room and towards the nearest bathroom and undressed and redressed in his new clothing. As he slipped on the items, Rox was suprised how comfortable and well they fit, how did Nichole even know his size? Rox just chuckled and slipping on the gloves did a bit of a swagger into the hallway before calling in a loud announcers voice, "Presenting the handsome Rox, modeling outfit 1000000, made by the gorgeous and talented Nichole!" With that, Rox did a modeling walk into the room and a spin to show off the whole outfit laughing as he did so.

Enzo looked back at the door, before turning and going to check, before locking it, "All locked." Enzo informed coming over to the couch to lean against the armrest, his eyes viewed Ritsuka and Ven looking around before finding Likara and grinning a little, "Giving piggy back rides...I never had till now."

Ven hopped off of Likara back before wondering over to her collection of video games, dvds, and books. His orbs opening wide, "Its like a store." He grinned busying himself with sitting on the floor and looking at the titles now and again pulling something off the shelf to get a better look.
Likara giggled at Ven and opened some cabinets. "I have a lot of games if you want to play something. If you find something you really like, feel free to play as long as you like." She started taking out games for different consoles. Of course she only played romance games, but since her friends would come over, she would buy all kinds of games. Likara then opened a separate room and smiled at Enzo. "I guess I forgot to show you this room." Her smile grew a little as she started walking in, the room was a pretty big library. It was filled to the max with all kinds of books, any kind you could think of!
Rox pretended to be camera shy, he covered his face with his gloved hands, "Oh no, I am much to shy," Rox spread his fingers apart and made a silly face at the first flash, but when Nichole asked for anger, Rox modeled his body in a almost crouching position, barred his teeth and made amber eyes into slits, he let out a little growl just for show. Good thing she took the picture because he could not hold the false fury for long without cracking up. Than he kept posing, making dashing smiles and goofy faces mostly really enjoying himself. Going up to the camera he slipped it from her hands, "The run way needs a cheetah, the fans demand the designer herself model her outfits, Rox snapped a shot of Nichole grinning slyly, "Don't keep your fans waiting now, pose for me darling!"

Enzo curiously followed Likara to a door that he thought was just a closet, but it really lead to a...could this even be called a library there were so many books. Enzo took a few stumbled steps in, his brain to stunned to give his feet proper directions. Enzo loved to read, it freed his mind from his problems in reality, when he was reading he got so lost in the book that he was the character, it was an escape, a coping mechanism really, hiding in books was easier than trying to understand the real world and the people in it.......and yet, he had been doing just that, conversing with people in reality....he actually liked it for the most part, it was nice, the change of company from words too, Enzo looked over at Likara, too people.

Enzo let his surprise show as he walked a little more into the room stopping at one of the plush chairs that looked extremely comfortable. The fifteen year old let the glee show in his eyes as they roamed from row to row, book spine to book spine.

Yet wait. If he had all these books to read, wouldn't he lose touch with the others? With Likara? He had always been taught to focus on one thing, never on how to exercise balance. Midnight eyes went over to Likara again, he did not want to get so consumed in books, he would lose her friendship.....

The happiness vanished in mere moments and his face became as blank as a white board he turned from the shelves looking out the window and gave a careless shrug, "It's not that impressive, I've seen better." His tone was bleak.
Likara made fists and grabbed one of his books. She throws it at him and hits him on the shoulder. "Take your stupid book then baka!" Tears were on the brink of escaping as she ran out of the door and walked down the road.
Enzo was not expecting the reaction. The book hit him sharply a small cry of shock came out, the book tumbling to the ground. Enzo took blinking absentmindly rubbing his shoulder than his face screwed up, "Baka??? I just gave up books for you!!" He yelled punting the book it skidded hitting the oppisite wall. Enzo slammed his fist into the chair, why oh why was so hard to understand? He was always saying the wrong thing....
Ritsuka skipped merrily to Ven, for she too liked games (i have an addiction to gaming =w=b). She sat next to him, with crossed legs on the floor, her ears and wolf tail popped out and wagged excitedly,"Look at all the games~!" she grinned with her wolf canines as she looked through each of them. Her ears instinctivly twitched back as she heard the sudden sound of a book hitting the floor and an upset Likara,"Hmmm?" she turned her head to see Likara running out of the house. Ristuka's ears flatened a bit and she frowned,"What happened...." she mumbled to herself. Her tail stopped wagging.
Likara collapsed in an ally with only a box in the corner. Tears started falling slowly. "Why am I crying!?" She was confused and didn't know what to do at this point. Likara knew that she couldn't face Enzo, it would be to embarrassing. She didn't hear heavy footsteps slowly coming closer to her. The sound of her sobbing drowned out any noise around her.
Rox snapped the camera as she did angry, "Oh, oh, you send shivers down my spine darling!" Rox pretended to shiver, than gawked a moment at her sexy pose before smirking back clicking the camera, "That picture is personal for me no?" he grinned adapting a french accent.

Ven looked up from a fantsy game, he had been reading the booklet inside, Likara ran off, out of her own house..."Oh no..." Ven climbed to his feet eyebrows pinched in worry, "What do we do Suka?"

Enzo felt himself sinking further into the chair with a groan. AARGH! He blew out his breath, only anger at himself. Where did she run off too? He had to find out....getting up, he emerged from the hidden library to see Ritsuka and Ven, "Er....." he stood not knowing what to say only looking realitvly pale and guilty before looking away, "I need to go after her, will you two be okay here?"
(oh yea just leave two preteens alone enzo... -_- ) nichole said"yep the last one was for your eyes only."winking at him again. "ooh we should put on a fashion show!"
(Enzo: "........." eye switches, "If its not obvoius by now, I suck at these things..." )

Rox cracked a sly smile, "I'll make sure to take excellent care when these get developed then." his amber eyes winked back. Rox found himself grinning, "Yes! love the idea, let's!"
The unknown man slowly came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder gently. "Likara?" The voice was deep, yet kind and soft. "T......T...Tomoe?!" Her eyes widened at seeing her childhood friend. He had pure white hair, and deep purple eyes that made her sleepy. He smiled like usual and hugged her tightly, happy to see her not crying. Likara pulled away and got up, confused at why he was here. "If you're wondering why I came here, I came here for you." Tomoe whispered into her ear and leaned back, watching her reaction. She blushed and pointed to her house. "I should get back, you should also come with me...." Likara started walking with Tomoe at her side. They reach the house soon after and walk in, both sitting on the couch. He glanced around, remember a lot of memories.
(nichole:"enzo cmhere right quick!" -hiding a spray bottle- *water*)nichole clapped her hands jumping up and down. "we should tell the others!" she then glomped him giggling. "thanks roxy~"kissing him.
(Enzo: *gives Nichole a wary look, yet slowly comes over*)

Rox stumbled back yet caught his balance wrappinng Nichole in a hug, and kissing her back sweetly, after breaking it, he said, "They would like that, wonder what's keeping them?"

Enzo was still waiting for an answer which was not coming, the spiky head kid, just stared unsure of what to say. Enzo saw the door open and Likara reappear along with another guy. Enzo found himself frowning yet again speechless.

Ven however was much more vocal and friendly, "Kara! You okay, who is your friend?" Ven reached out, petting the older males head once, "Its the same color as Suka's, oh hi, my name is Ven."

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