mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox nuzzled Nichole back, he did not want to ruin the moment so instead of asking the question he waned too, he went for a lighter one instead, "So, miss upcoming birthday, how old will you be?" It just occurred to him knew none of their ages.

Ven rested his chin in Likara hair again, closing his green orbs to think, "I dunno, I guess just Ven, my animal side makes me feel bad, very sick, and, icky and I don't remember nothin."

Enzo sighed good he was doing things right, "Me, well, I change into a wolf, its pretty cool, I like the claws the best," Than he frowned remembering that Likara got so frightened of them, "What about you?"
Nichole said“16..”blushing. “hey wanna go for a ride? i have my permit...”blushing. she had to take her test one more time to get her license.
Ritsuka smiled brightly,"No way! Im a wolf too!" She held onto him tighter but it was more like a hug,"Its nice to know im not the only one~" she sighed feeling a little more comfortable with him now. It should have occured to her by his scent, by what she recognized now as a wolfish scent, but she wasnt really paying attention. The scent was familiar and nostalgic in a sense, she felt even less lonely knowing he is like her. She giggled at bit,"Youre like a big brother~!"
Rox smiled, "Ah sixteen a magical age, you get to driv-" But than she said it, hopping up, Rox positively beamed, "Yeah, yeah lets put the petal to the metal, what type of car do you have? Color? Old or new? Yeah, rox really had a interest in vehicles.

Enzo stopped walking as the last sentence left her lips A big brother? His nose lightly sniffed her scent, yes, she was a wolf alright but people around here make connections so fastly....but I guess its in the wolf way, Enzo felt his lips push into a smirk, "Never had a sibling," He let out a short laugh-snort, "We are one small pack." enzo started walking again.
"Well sure enough every one else is in our pack~ I mean we all love eachother! And dont worry, i never had a sibling either!" She giggled shyly. If her tail was out, shed be wagging it uncontrolably, she had the spirit and energy of a canine! She was always excited for everything and everything, not to mention loyal.

She put her chin to his shoulder and closed her eyes,"I like having a family again.." She gave a sigh of relief and smiled.
Enzo kept walking listening to Ritsuka, it seemed so easy to everyone, connections, trust, bonds.Yet he was so different, his past had shaped him that way....yet Likara had a bad past....Enzo shook the thoughts from his head and gave a shaky laugh, "We have an odd pack, two wolves, a fox, a cheetah, and....what is your friend? Anyways its odd."
Ritsuka giggled,"We are odd, but opposites attract. But i think us being different is why we get along! We just understand eachother and we know how it feels when one of us is upset or sad. And we're there for eachother, thats the best part!!! Which is why i feel like we're a family! is hard to open up sometimes, even with family. But i think it helps to know that theres still someone there for you..." She said out loud. She was really talking to herself and reassuring herself, but she also said it to Enzo.
Rox took a bit of time walking around the camero, rubbing it gently with his palm, he let out a low whistle, squatting to admire the tires, "She is a beaut," He admired before finally getting in the car and strapping up, "Let's see how she rides!"

Enzo listened trying to digest all the information and feelings spilling from Ritsuka's mouth, "Yeah, I see, what you mean." He sort of did, "So, what's your powers? I know Nichole can shoot chocolate bullets, and rox has ropes and arrows, I don't know what Likara can do..." He trailed off.
nichole smiled and put on her sunglasses. "lets go!" pulling out and put the pedal to the metal. SCREEEEEECCCCCCHHHH!!!! Nichole smiled after doing a burn out. "listen to that engine!"
"What can i do?" She thought for a moment, letting one arm go of Enzo and putting her finger to her chin,"hmmm...well i can heal aaaaaaaand oh i get this really cool scythe thingy!" She said excitedly, of course she only gets the scythe when she transforms (which she cant control). She shrugged and put her arm around him once again,"Thats it for now i guess, until i get stronger~" she grinned with her long cannine teeth.
Rox hopped in and buckled his seat belt his body pressing against the seat from the pure speed, Rox grinned rolling down his window, "Wooooow!" He howled laughing, than grinned over at Nichole, "She drives like a pro and so do you!"Even if they were going fast it was not unsafe.

Enzo raised and eyebrow, "That is it? Sounds like a lot to me already....." He mused what she said in his head, "Healing? What can you heal?" Enzo thought for a moment than cleared up, "Can you heal only flesh wounds on the outside or also inner wounds, like a lung or kidney?" He wanted to know.
nichole blushed and said"thanks.." she drove down the road music turned up and you could feel the beats. she sang"~gold all in my chain! gold all in my ring! gold all in in watch dont believe me just watch!~" she loved "all gold everything"!
Rox grinned and danced along in his seat not knowing the exact words he picked up on the chorus when it came around again, his ears vibrated with the music but in a good way, he was having a great time and it was showing!
"I never thought about it...." Ristuka started,"I can heal all sorts of things but the worse it is the harder it is to heal." She explained.
Rox looked around to see were they were at, a movie theater? A slow smile took his leans and he leaned over, really close to Nichole to see the movies advertised on the outside, "Which one do you think?" Rox asked right near her ear.

Enzo nodded, she was new at this, so that made sense, "You said a scythe? Like a grim reapers scythe?" Enzo scratched his chin, "Interesting."
Nichole shivered lightly in pleasure, her ears flattened as she blushed. she said“um wanna watch Cabin in the woods?”she really didnt know why she wanted to watch a horror. Because she is terrified of them,maybe she wanted to be braver.
"Yup! Its really cool! But kinda heavy, and pointy" she put her hand in a fist and swung it around,"Swish! Swish! Woosh!" She immitated the weapon. "Interesting?" She added,"Interesting how?" She questioned.
Rox gave a light little smile as Nichole shivered lightly. "Ahhh, a nice horror film, lets see if it can remotely scare me." Rox loved horror, but a lot of it didn't do justice, he perfered the old fashion movies, they seemed to focus on the fear factor more.

Ritsuka's immiation earn a few amused chuckles, "Its interesting you would be granted a weapon like a scythe, but now that I think of it, it suits you," Enzo nodded before explianing his meaning,"Scythe's are long but not that heavy and has a blade at the tip, with your size and I am guesing fast speed, its the perfect distrubution of power and agility for you to wield, with a deadly precision as well."

(Wonder where Heart is?)
Nichole smiled getting out. she went to the ticket booth“two please for Cabin in the woods!” the guy did a double take then gave her the tickets. she went to get some snacks.Nichole noticed the cashier looking her up and down and shivered. (hey rox wanna do a 1x1?)
Rox stood by Nichole and amber eyes narrowed at the ticket booth man, and narrowed even deeprer at the cashier. Rox had a pointed irritated look on his face, reaching over, he gently yet with a purpose wrapped his arm around Nichole's waist, pulling her closer to his side.

(What would it be about? Pm me ^^)
(Ok) Nichole blushed deeply then gave her tickets to the person and got their seats. She took Rox and their snacks to the seats. There were very few people today.
"ummm i cant see my eyes...Where is my mommy?"she asked trying to cry ,but keep it in like a big girl.She felt better to just lie and never seak of the orphange."ummm... i need a doctor and my name is nichole..."

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