mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(Yay!) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.8582b89609e53e8f4bf1298fa5f7c4f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.8582b89609e53e8f4bf1298fa5f7c4f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(It lookes like the snowflake version of Miku :o
Ritsuka left Rox and Nichole she got up and went into the kitchen looking for sweets! She spotted a couple of cookies and nibbled on some with glee. The sweet sugar woke up her senses and she was back to being cheery little Ritsuka! She twirled around in the kitchen and started to sweep while humming a very light and whimsical tune~ she had her long platinum hair in a high ponytail, and it still looked long! Her sparkling blue eyes were free of sleepiness and had theyre usual spark in it. When she finished sweeping she took a step outside of the house and sat on the lawn staring at her hands
(Nfjufririrorititiktiitk! Heart that is AMAZING! :D Soooo pretty!)

Rox smied sitting next to Nichole, "Ah witchcraft I don't yet know about," He joked than watched her get the popcorn, "Awesome, but not a lot of moving for you miss cheetah!"

Enzo nodded givimg a quick smile, reading was something he missed dearly, "Thanks, am I allowed to stay there tonight too?" he was still looking through the charts.

Ven watched Ritsuka quite entertained, than got up tapping Likara on the shoulder, "Can I come and see your house with you?" Ven had a small thing for exploring houses and looking at them, it was nice to do.
Nichole said“ok fantstic”winking and giggling. she sat down holding the bowl. “lets see episode 1...of the abridged series...”
Rox laughed it bubbled warmly, his eyebrows raised and he snugged down in his spot, "Abridge? Ah, the wonders I have missed."

(I love the abridge shows! <3)
Likara smiled and nodded. "Sure, you can come see it too. Anybody can sleep there, it's way to big for me. I'll head there maybe in five minutes or so." She looked outside and noticed that she lived pretty close to Nichole. How come she never noticed before? Then again, Likara never knew Nichole up until now. 
(Aww, thanks guys! Actually yes I think it is a version of Miku. :tongue:)
Nichole laughed at the begining. “poor jaden..”shaking her head giggling. she ate some caramel corn offering some to rox. (so do i rox and aww hopefully its not heart-hugs heart-)
Rox was laughing already, "This is great, really funny," He laughed again taking a handful of carmel corn he munched on it while watching.

Ven grinned at Likara, "Yaoocly! Ven cheered before grinning than saying, "That means yay and cool all at once, saves more breath. He trotted to the chair to retrieve his sandals.

Enzo looked out the window as well, "You two don't live far away, odd you never crossed paths," He said not realizing he spoke her thoughts.
Likara nodded, getting on her sneakers and putting her hood up. Her ears or tail weren't out but she liked the hoodie. Her attire was black sneakers with short purple socks, a black t-shirt with white stripes on it, a white hoodie with a black cat face on it, and a purple and white plaid shirt. The hoodie had cat ears on the hood and it was really cute to her. "Is everybody ready to go? Like Enzo said it's not that far from here." Likara opened the door and waited outside for the people to follow her.
Rox kept watching laughing and chatting with Nichole, he barely heard the others leave, it had been a long time since he had watch Tv.

Enzo put down the charts and stood up shoving hands into pockets, he followed after Likara, a little smirk worked its way on his lips, "You love the cat ears so much you just can't live without them, obession." It was suppose to be a tease, but like with most things Enzo said, could be taken wrong because they were said so bluntly.

Ven skipped out of the door sandals hitting the pavement with a light slapping noise, "An adventure, an adventure to Likara, big, big house!" He sang merrily, "Come on Suka! andventure time!"
Ritsuka laid back on the grass staring at the sky. She closed her eyes, feeling the calm gentle breeze caress her face, and bend the grass around her, and blew in her hair. She let a releived sigh go as she opened her blue eyes to sync with the blue sky. The sky reflected of her eyes making them blue-er than ever. She layed there sprawled on the grass 
Ritsuka heard the sing songy voice of Ven then sat up. He called her and gave a big smile, then stood up and ran to him, hugging his arm, she followed him who was following Likara. She still wasnt familiar with the girl but she liked making friends
Rox looked over at Nichole and noticed the change in her, "Feelinng better? Or do my eyes just want you too?" Rox grinned widely already knowing the answer.

Ven beamed and kept singing his made up tone as they walked behind Likara and the other boy Enzo, "Hey you know what? We are even!" Ven excliamed loudly
Rox leaned into the kiss, shutting his eyes, his whole body relaxed even more, kissing Nichole, just felt so right, "I can't even be mad if you are still sick, not with lips like those!" He teaed lightly.
"Hmm?" Ritsuka looked at all three of them then smiled as well in realization,"oh yeah~!!" She exlaimed and giggled. She looked up at Ven with her blue eyes,"i cant wait to see their house!" She blushed a bit then looked a head of her,"Do you think theyll have cookies?" She thought a loud
(Okay nite! sleep well!)

Rox wrapped an arm around Nichole pulling her close, her tucked her head under his chin, feeling her purrs and loving them, yes, the show was much forgotten.

Ven giggled, "That's right, three boys and three girls in our circle of friends!" Ven nodded, "I love houses Suka! they all have there own awesomeness and are cool to explore." Ven took the question into careful consideration, "Yes! I think so! Likara she likes sweets! I know cuz she ate that cake!
Ritsuka thought for a moment, remembering tht she did indeed eat the cake,"oh yeah~" she said smiled, and continued to walk at Ven's side holding into his arm. shes never actually felt another human being with her own hands. she looked at him with a serious face,"Youre warm :o .." she said and holding on a little tighter. she liked the feeling of being abke to touch things, it gives a different sense and meaning to everything shes known. She kept onward, looking at everything she passed by.

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