mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

"Cake!!" Ritsuka smiled. She poked it with her finger,"Its spongey!" she wanted to go around touching everything. She grabbed her fork and took a piece of the cake,"Yummy~!" she smiled taking a bite of strawberry. Ritsuka looked over to Nichole and Rox,"I wonder what shes stressing over...." she blinked. She didnt mean to say it aloud but it came out that way.
Nichole said“once second hon...”looking at the her work. she printed it and started again her cake left untouched. she kept going all through the night before placing her slice in the fridge.
Likara now was asleep on the floor in the hallway, her hair in front of her face. She passed out after having her cake and was curled up into a small ball in the corner, her head in the corner.
Rox watched her work maybe he could not help out with what she is doing, but he could be there when she need a glass of water or to go find a book, or even to massage her fingers so that she did not get cramps.

Ven giggled at Ritsuka as she touched the cake, "Feel the icing its all squishy and sticky." He rubbed a bit near her mouth giggling again before looking at Nichole, "I don't gotta clue, to much work and no play makes you a dough girl." He called over before giggling at Rox's eye roll.

Enzo looked at Likara on the floor, he had to admit, she was strange if not cute eating that way, "Enjoying yourself?" He grinned popping cake into his mouth, "Hmm, my favorite." Enzo watched her fall asleep smiling before sitting beside her but not yet sleeping.
Nichole took no breaks except for coffee as she drew diagrams and charts. she was very intelligent for her age and many often abused her gift by forcing her to do their work and she didnt know how to stand up for herself. her birthday was coming soon as july was coming to a close. 
Nichole was soon passed out by her computer hair a mess and bags under her eyes. She whimpered in her sleep her forehead warm. ~mr.know it all! well ya think you know it all!~ she woke up with a start answering her cell. “h-hello?!” “you little wretch! i'll get yyou for this so watch out!” she growled throwing her phone at the wall breaking it.she rubbed her aching head sighing.
"Oh i see....yea work is not fun...." She looked back at her cake and touched the icing part like Ven said. She squished it between her thumb and finger and giggled,"It is sticky!" She looked up at Ven. The air started to make it dry so it got stickier,"oh no!" she laughed. She put her finger in her mouth and sucked it off,"yummy~" she blushed then licked the icing off her thumb. "Do you like icing?" she asked Ven, grabbing a handful of it.
Likara groaned and pulled Enzo closer, not meaning to. She was used to having something to hold onto before going to sleep fully. "Mmnmn..." Her head nuzzled closer as her arms loosened a bit, letting him breath easier. "Don't....don't..leave.." A tear dropped from her eyes and fell down her cheek.
(LOLZ I DO THAT IN MY SLEEP TOO xD i always have to have something that i can hug in order for me to sleep xD so i have mah pillow pet :P )
(I usually hug a small pillow or a blanket. If I'm not holding onto something, I can't go to sleep! >3<)
Ven giggled and sucked some of the icing off of his finger, "Ummm-huh best part of the cake," He grinned eating more of the icing, yawning, Ven soon finished and curled up on the couch following asleep.

Enzo moved a bit closer and than gently wiped the tear away, "I won't, I am right here." Enzo said softly, before sliding down a little and closing his eyes and going to sleep.

Rox closed Nichole's laptop and watched her sleep for a bit, it seemed fitful before he dropped off to sleep, he woke up to the sound of a phone smashing against the wall, "Whu?" Rox croaked groggily.
Likara smiled gently and nuzzled closer, purring loudly and the vibration going through her entire body. She nudges him with her head lightly and scoots closer, now half asleep and lightly blushing.
Ritsuka stood at the table eating her cake and noticed everyone was falling asleep! Time passed and she was fighting sleep, she stood at the table woth her head bobbing and her eyes openig and closin, then bam! Her head hit the table and she assed out ith the others.
(We are on morning now? We went so fast @.@)

Rox continued to awaken his amber eyes still heavily coated with seep. Likara and Enzo were asleep in the corner. So he did seem to be the one she was crying over, they seemed okmay now. His eyes found Ritsuka passed out at the table, he felt a smile start to curl, she was such a goofy girl. Ven was peacefully curled on the couch. And Nichole, was sleeping on the floor? Neo, something was off.bending down, Rox gently to grasp of her shoulder's, "Nichole? his hand brushed back a few strands of hair, and he flinched as his hand touched a hot sweaty brow, "Oh no, you are burning up, here." He picked Nichole up placing her on the couch.

Rox made quick work of laying a cold cloth along Nichole's heated head.Than he got a thormoator, some medicine, and a glass of could water at the ready, Rox sat on the arm of the chair stroking Nichole's hair and holding her hand.
Ritsuka woke up an lifted her head from the table and her cheek was red from the pressure. She looked around sleepily and blinked with her hair in her face. She looked around and yawned
Nichole turned from rox coughing. “rox...can you look over my work please?”her voice scratchy and her eyes dull. she pointed over to the neat stack of paperwork,charts and graphs.
Likara slowly opened her eyes and smiled, knowing she was next to Enzo. She kissed him on his forehead and got up, sitting on the table with her forehead on the table. "My head hurts...." Her voice was unusually low, she sounded like this in the mornings. The ears and tail weren't there but she still had her long teeth. "Ugh...."
Rox rubbed his fingers along Nichole's cheeks, "I can, but my main concern is you right now, here lifted up a little there we go." Rox picked up the glass of water tilting it to Nichole lips, "Drink some, you sound like you need it."

Ven moved around on the couch uncurling and sliding so that he was hanging dangerously close to falling off, he giggled lightly, "Naw mr. bunny pudding is on the house." He mumbled in his sleep.

Enzo felt something pressed onto his forehead still waking up his fingers scaled along his stomach were they laided all the way up to his forehead, midnight eyes cracked opened and moved along the ceiling trying to focus and remember were he was.
"I'm gonna go outside for a bit…" Likara slowly got up and looked at Enzo before heading out the door, sitting on the of the house. It was quiet outside, no cars, no people, no nothing. Just pure silence. She wanted to have Enzo beside her, but that would be asking for to much since he slept with her. Likara's eyes stared at the clouds, watching them as they slowly crossed the sky.
Nichole sipped some water and laid back down. “thanks rox but i'll be fine...just need some of my moms homemade soup...the recipe is in the cookbook if you need it...”going back to sleep.
Rox watches her stroking her head for a moment, "Alright, anything you neeed." He whispered with a kiss to the forehead. Now Rox was not a terrible cook, but he needed to start looking through the work. Opening the front door, Rox poked his head out, but did not have to look far, "Likara? I don't want to interrupt your personal time or whateve, but it would be awesome if I could recruit you in the kitchen." He smiled warmly hoping she would say yes, "Ritsuka could help you, while Enzo and I go over Nichole's work," He shook his head slightly, "She did so much on her own, way to much if you ask me, so, you in?" Rox was planning on letting Ven rest, he needed it.

Enzo remembered, Nichole's house, but where was? sitting up slowly, he placeed a palm to the floor steading himself, and letting out a yawn cough, he heard his name getting up, he stretched briskfully, "Morning, so why did I hear my name?"
Nichole's breathing was shallow as she slept. the house phone rang and she picked it up.“hello?” her mom said“are you ok?” Nichole said“heh now you care? im sick but i see you care more about work bye....”hanging it up in her face. she didnt feel like talking to her mom at the moment.

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