mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka grabbed Ven's arm,"No! We cant do anything unless Roc gives us a signal remember?" She reminded him. She herself wanted to go down there and do something but obviously Rox had a plan and knew what he was doing, she didnt want it to get ruined,"J-Just wait for his word!" She whispered to Ven.
Rox looked at her, than the man. So he was the one. "No, Nichole, I can't do that. Come on, your in there, I know it Please hang on." With that, he made a swift run towards the uncle going for him, to unleash his hold on Nichole.

Ven stopped what he was doing when she grabbed his arm, he wiggled it away, not looking at her, "I know, i know, but i can at least get this undone" He started prying the overvent lose again.
Nichole's hands shook. BANG BANG! the bullets came close to Rox. her orb glowed brightly. she fell to her knees gasping as it darkened more and her eyes dulled to pitch black.
Ritsuka nodded,"That sound like a good idea.."

She gasped once agin when she heard more shots, she covees her ears and cringed.
Nichole was trembling and clutched her leather jacket over her chest gasping in agony. "I SAID KILL HIMYOU WORTHLESS GIRL!" Nichole looked at him."not....gasp..anymore!" she pointed her gun where the orb was trying to fight the control. BANG! she gasped and the orb fell next to her. Nichole fell to her side and picked up the orb it glowed in her hands as she said"purify...."
Just as the word left her lips, Rox shot an arrow at the guy, flinging another arrow at the man one after another, they glew red and white, and were attached to his noddle ropes, so that he could control where they go, and what he did with them, "Strum of arrows fly!" Than he let out a loud whistle.

Ven eyes went wide, "Ritsuka! That's our cue, ready! Lets jump together," The vent was moved aside big enough for both of them to jump through.

Meanwhile, Enzo ran one last run around the roof scoping the area, he had freed the back, front and two side entrances, does he just wait? Nichole.... Likara....
Ritsuka did as she was told and jumped from the vent above, landing perfectly and unharmed on her feet. She summoned her scythe once again, her eyebrows were pinched together in anger as she stood there back to back with Ven. She stared down the remaining scientists,I have this want of bloodshed but i cant! Her conscience spoke to her, she had to restrain herself. Instead she destroyed everything in the lab room around her, she didnt want this to happen to anyone else.
Nichole's uncle fell to his knees as the arrows struck him. "hey its too late..." Nichole's orb sent pulses through her and she screamed. "y-you will purify!" putting her aura into it. CRACK VROOOM!! There was a bright flash and Nichole was no longer there.
Ven fell into a crouching stance standing, he got back to back wit Ritsuka, as she went haywire on the lab, well good! that stuff look errire. Ven took down the rest of the man's goons not using the spikes on the pole though.

Rox ran towards her, seeing her struggle, feeling her strengh, but than she was gone, dissaepered. anger tore a wild roar from his lips, lunging back at the uncle he pinned him to the wall, nails pressed into a throat, a knee firmly in a stomach, "What happened to her?"
her uncle coughed and said“i dont know...” there was another flash and there stood Nichole swayiing and bleeding. “...i did it rox....”before fainting.
Ritsuka stopped what she was doing and covered her eyes by the blinding flash and looked at Rox trying to interrogate the evil man.
Ritsuka dropped her scythe to the ground and it made a very loud and heavy thud. She ran over to Nichole, her wavy hair following. She got on her knees in her orange transformed outfit. She placed her hands on Nicholes stomach once again and began to heal her.

(Suka doesnt need gloves anymore cause she can control her power :D shes happy...LOLZ as i typed this i realiazed i make faces when i type xD )
Ritsuka gave all she got and lifted her hands from Nichole's body. She breathed heavily and sighed,"There...." she said before collapsing and passing out. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally, the wierd transformation took a lot of energy out of her, her fear for Nichole, freaking out from coming back into the place she ran away from, seeing the three dead bodies lay from Nichole's hand, and the anger that raged in her, not to metion giving the last amount of energy for Nichole to be healed. As she layed there she went back to normal, with her damp clothes and long white hair fanned out on the floor and blue eyes covered from her eyelids, she breathed steadily and she slept.
Rox grip lossened right away, but not before tying the uncle up. Sliding on his knee's, he managed to catch Nichole in his arms cradling her, "I knew you could, you lovely wonderful girl you," He whisphered resting his cheek against her hair. Rox watched in still amazment at Ritsuka's healing powers, "You are amazing too, Ritsuka, oh!" He said as Suka wavered back he reached out an arm to catch her.

Ven panted and retracted his weapon before running over to bare feet slapping against the floor, as Ritsuka fell, ven caught her by the shoulders, but tettered a bit off balance falling to the ground. Ven rubbed his head and looked down at Suka, whose head rested on his chest now, he combed her hair away from her face, than looked over at Nichole and Rox beaming, "Everyone is okay!" He cheered.

Rox smiled taking his cheek out of Nichole's hair still holding her lightly around the waist, "Yeah you all did amazing, wait, where is Likara? Was she having trouble? I know she was kicking guard butt..
Ritsuka just needed rest. She pushed her body over the limit and she just shut down. She was overwhelmed but shed be alright, a little sleep will do justice.
Rox nodded his head, "Yeah, Enzo should have secured the exits out of here." He imformed getting up. walking the step over to his brother, a light pain went up than down in his leg, nothing terrible just muscle strain from all the running and fighting. Ruffling Ven's wild mop of spikes, he squatted picking up Ritsuka, " I've got her, Venny." Ven sighed happily as his hair was ruffled, than nodded getting up.

Enzo had, had enough of waiting jumping through a random window he ran along, LlIKARA!" He ran faster, "Anyone??!"
(Still not getting alerts.... -.-)

Likara snapped out of a daze when she heard her name loud and clear. The voice was familiar but a title far away. "I have to go..." She stats jogging, then runs out out of the building looking around quickly for anybody. Her eyes spot Enzo and she runs to him, gasping for air. "En....Enzo..."
Ritsuka's eyes fluttered open. She was being carried and looked up at her carrier,"Rox?" She said. She was still really drowsy.

She looked up at him,"what...whats going on.." Her words were slurred when she spoke. She tried to look around but it was all a blurr. She passed out once again
Rox and Ven watched Nichole transform, than Rox. Looked down at Ritsuka who half pulled herself from the deaths of slumber, only to fall in again, "Its alright Suka, we won, rest easy."

Enzo saw her and reached her before kneeling hands pressed against knees trying to catch his breath, he looked up at Likara, before striaghtening slowly, "Likara, you are okay." His face showed relief. He took her hand and went to the nearest door, opening it, inside he saw the others,Nichole's uncle tied in ropes, Nichole was alright even in her mew, mew form.But something was off, "Likara, do you hear that?"

Rox looked over as the door opened bracing himself, but it was only Enzo and ha Likara, looks like everyone was okay after all, "Hey coco, what do you want to do with this peice of dirt?" He asked incling his head at her uncle and all the knocked out guards.
Nichole said“i got this you think controlling your niece is good?”SMACK! “YOU WILL NEVER CONTROL ME! YA KNOW WHY?! BECAUSE WE NEVER GIVE UP AND WILL KEEP FIGHTING TO THE BITTER END!” landing a right hook and some of his teeth were punched out. “i hope you have a good lawyer because this is over.” Nichole walked over to rox and her uncle said“WHAT ARE YOU?!” she laughed and said“we are the protectors of Earth and scum like you dont deserve to live on it....tata!”WHAM! roundhouse kicking him.

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