mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(lolz i wouldve cried myself T^T . Shes so tiny and childlike its making sad just thinking about her there xD WHY DID I DO THAT?!)
Enzo clinched his teeth and bared his sword now running at the man, "What the hell did you do???" He screamed as he ran, taking a deadly swipe at the guy.

Ven watched it all in slow motion, his hands froze in mid clap just inches apart as she screamed than dropped like a coin tossed into fountain, but no wishes were made only tears glistening in his dear friend's eyes. Ven whole from sagged as his mouth hung open for just a minute eyes wide, than he was running, leapt over the bench and was dropped to his knees on the fountain ledge, ignoring the spiral of sharp pain surging up from his knees, Ven had no problem wailing what Ritsuka was trying to hold in, green eyes leaked tears as he reached out a hand his face a crumbled mess of dismay, " I'm sorry, sorry! I did not mean to scare you, or make you fall, or get you wet, I'm sorrrrryyyy."
Ritsuka looked up at him with her wet bangs, dripping over her crystal eyes, she slightly sobbed,"I-Its *sniffle* okay...." She said still trying not to cry. A tear rolled down but went unnoticed since her face was already wet and she reached for his hand, grabbing onto it and slowly stood up, the water leaving her body and back into the fountain she dripped and shivered a bit. She sobbed and carefully climbed over the ledge still holding onto him. She sat on the bench and wringed out her long soft hair, even as she wringed it out it still dripped. She shook out her hair a bit to get excess water then sneezed. Her sneeze was small like her and almost cat like in volume. She sighed and still sniffled a bit. She hugged her self and shivered.
Enzo glared and put away his sword fear of harming Nichole, but he ran at him still not going to let this guy just get away, "Yeah, well sorry but you are going to have to find a new one!" Enzo took hold of the man and tried to use tactics to get Nichole away from the man.

Ven still held onto Ritsuka's hand afraid if he let go she would run off or something, sitting down next to her on the bench, he rubbed at his own eyes still looking forlorn as she shivered and dripped water, green eyes widened before he quick as a flash ran over to the tree and got his shopping bag, taking out the shirt Coco got him, he began using it to pat at her dripping frame, "Bless you." He said softly as sh sneezed putting all his concentration into trying to get her dry
Ritsuka looked at how hard he was trying. He may have been the cause of her getting wet, but he made it a point of being the cause of making her dry as well. She blushed a bit and looked at the floor with her hands nervously crossed on her lap,"Thank you...." she said quietly. She blinked while looking at the ground then looked at him and gave a small sad smile, trying to lighten the mood. Her clothes were a little damp but they werent dripping anymore, and she was grateful. She looked at Ven's new shirt,"Y-Your shirt is all wet now! D: " she frowned a bit. She didnt mean for that to happen! She felt a little guilty and sad, he hadnt even worn it yet and it gets tainted by fountain water!

Likara half bowed and walked in, laughing quietly at herself. As soon as she got in, her childish side came out and she quietly ran around. The cashier laughed at her and Likara blushed deeply, slowing down a bit.
Enzo's nostrils flared, "PUP??? WHY YOU" His fury rant was cut of by coughing and gagging breaths, Enzo staggered his way out of the cloud following with little grace to the floor still hacking, "" His fist balled tightly and he rammed it into the floor. I failed....

Ven stayed back holding his new shirt and looking a little happier and relived he found himself blushing a bit, her hair was so unique and pretty even all dampy like that. His eyes shot to hers and he looked down at his shirt before giving a shrug and a lopsided grin, "Ah shoot Suka, its no problem! I just happy you are more dry, Nichole, she has a dryer at her house, lets go back and use it for both of our clothes!" His voice was more back to its cherry normal tone, he offered out a hand to help her up off the bench.  
(That has been happening a lot to alot of people must be a problem!)

Rox grinned having himself a laugh at Likara but in a nice way, he got what he needed and now and again slyly popped up beside Likara poking her in the side. Paying he took a step out of the door and froze feeling a strange ripple going through his chest. What was that all about?
Ritsuka nodded with a smile,"Okay~" she agreed and took his hand and stood from the bench, her hair hanging to its long length. As they walked she looked back at the fountain, breifly remembering that she fell in, she cringed and clung onto his arm, burrying her face into it, remembering the awful thought.
Likara would giggle and poke him back. When he froze she looked worried and cocked her head to the side. "What's wrong? Hello?" She poked his cheek gently and kept a straight face while doing so. "You okay?"
Nichole woke strapped to a table and struggled. in came her uncle with his hair slicked back and with a syringe and other tools. he smirked injecting it into her. "ROX!!!!!!!!" 
She screamed in pure agony as the substances went through her system like wild fire. Nichole's back arched up as she continued to screamed....then silence as a pink orb started to show.
Likara heard a faint scream, sending a shiver down her spine. "D-did...did you hear that?!" It didn't sound playful, not like kids playing. More like someone was hurting him or her and it scared her to even think of that. Likara gripped his sleeve a little tight and looked a him.
Rox nearly dropped the bag he was caring hearing the scream, that voice, it should never scream. Rox broke off into a mad run."Its Nichole! Fucking dammit! I should have never!" his voice was infared full of anger and agony.

Ven slowed down his pace when Ritsuka snuggled his arm, thrilled they were still friends, "Did you here that Ritsuka, screaming?" The hair on the back of his neck stood up.

Enzo had pulled himself together and was running, along the sreets, he saw a spiky brown haired guy, and Likara, a block way.

(Everyone is coming to the rescue! lol)
"Rox! Wait!!" Likara started running with him, suddenly turning into a cat, running faster and having a better sense of smell. 'Woah! This is so cool!' Her voice wouldn't come out so she just thought it a quiet meow came out as Lkara ran in front of him, pointing to the direction where the scream came from.

(It's so exciting!)
Ritsuka looked up at him then nodded with a worried face,"I-it sounded like Nichole!" She said sounding even more worried,"We cant let anything happen to her!" Her wolf ears and tail popped out and her canine teeth grew out larger than usual, she put on a brave face. Just then she went under some....wierd...transformation? (lolz oh how i miss Tokyo Mew Mew) "Wha?" Ritsuka didnt know what was happening, but her mysterious powers that overcame her years ago finally started to show its true colors!

(What she looks like now: lolz i love the ears on the outfit xD theyre so cute)

"WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?! WHAT IS THIS?!" The orange on her dress bounced off on her platinum white hair making it seem blonde. Ritsuka looked at her hands,there are no gloves! I can control it now! She thought and smiled. She shook her head, there was no time for this, right now her and Ven had to find Nichole, and FAST!
Rox tightened his hand into a fist."Mew, mew tranform!" His voice was strong and he was a red and white fox, with a golden clothing, running alongside Likara, a whine fell from his lips, his ears laided back, the screams hurt and ran deep cracking at his heart.

Ven gawked at Ritsuka for a moment, "I dunno! But its cool! Come on! Taking her hand tbhey starting running, up head of them a blue haired boy turned into a wolf with jet back and gray clothing. Ven looked at Suka as they ran, than up ahead, what could he do?
Suka nodded and ran with him, she wondered about this strange transformation and wanted to know what it was all about. It was glittery and the experience of actually transforming was foreign to Ritsuka, it was warm and pleasuable, almost as if this transformation was synced with her determined feeling! Once again, she brushed it aside and continued toward the sound, using her wolf speed.
Likara popped back into her normal form, slowly transforming again, this time with new clothes but still had the same powers.

(Picture hunting time!)

Hair: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.dedab386f8460e99c6423510bf20e997.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.dedab386f8460e99c6423510bf20e997.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Outfit (imagine it pink): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.58581403fbf3905b49e65913589ebbce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.58581403fbf3905b49e65913589ebbce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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