mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox feet slid sleekly to a halt he tugged Likara behind a building his eyes fastly scamming it, as much as he wanted to break through the door, they needed a plan.

Enzo watched they guy and Likara disappear behind a building stopping he he crept over, "Likara?" He whispered.

Ven held onto Suka for dear life, her speed, it was amazing! 
Outfits are cute ^^
Ritsuka was trying to pin point the direction of the cry for help. Once she got close enough she caught Nichole's scent and headed in the direction i twas from. She lead herself and Ven to an average looking building and stopped infront of it she stared at it with horror in her eyes,"I cant go in there...." she shook her head and started to back up,"Y-You can go...but...but i cant!" she burst into tears and looked at Ven,"Im sorry..." she apologized,"I ran away from these people and i just cant go back in there!" she was upset at the memory of the scientists that jabbed needles into her and kept her under survalence in their facility for years, robbing most of the childhood she never had!
Ven looked surprised by the sudden change, but saw the fear, the terror in her eyes, "Ritsuka..." He whispered before bringing her into a hug, "I dunno what happened to you, but, it must have been awful, for you to look so scared, I think they need you, the others mew, mews," He pulled back a little staring into her eyes, "I can't promise much, won't be alone, not anymore." He stepped back and a pole weapon appeared in is grasp, he flicked it and it came open, spikes jetteed out along the top and bottom, "I can't transform, but I can still fight by your side," Ven smiled yet eyes were serious sincere, "I can promise that."
Ritsuka wanted to cry even more with the reassuring words that came out of his mouth,Im not alone anymore.... She repeated in her thoughts. She wiped her tears then looked at the entrance and blinked a bit. She took a deep breath and let go of a long sigh and looked at Ven with fire in her eyes,"Youre right." She decided to just suck it up, and use this as her chance to wreck the place,"C-C'mon then..." she said. She stuck her hand out to the side and out of thin air came a scythe with an orange blade and white handle. She walked into the building with Ven at her side...
Likara heard her name and looked around, noticing Enzo she left a little angry. She moved her tail as a hi and wanted to know what he wanted and why he was here too. Her eyes and sadness in them but she had to save Nichole then deal with her feelings.
"Wait!" in his fox nature, Rox was silk in coming up to the two of them, "I need you two to go around the side for me, okay? The side window, climb through than their should be vents, get into them and find Nichole, that way, stay hidden till you are needed, you will know when. Trust me?" Rox had crouched down to both of their height hand on each of their shoulder. Ven nodded trusting his brother, but looked over at Suka. 
Enzo walked closer, "Nichole! this guy, he, and screaming, so I came...she is my friend." He can a hand through his hair never feeling more unraveled before. His attention was caught by the fox guy giving out instructions, "What can we do?" Rox looked over his shoulder looking over the wolf, "Ineed someone to secure all exits and make sure we got a way out. As for me," His eyes narrowed, " I am going in straight on,"
"I should probably head home or something...I'm weak. I....I'm sorry, forget what I said..." Likara stared at the floor, feeling really embarrassed at what she said.
Ritsuka nodded in agreement,"Alright! Lets hurry then!" She grabbed Ven's hand and pulled him along till the reached the side of the structure. Ritsuka found the vent that was behind some bushes that surrounded the building and tugged on it,"uuuuugh!!.....i cant open it OwO.." She said.
Nichole's uncle picked up the scapel and cut around the orb. “COUGH! NO STOP IT! LEAVE IT ALOOONNNEEE!”she screamed the last part as it was ripped out. Nichole suddenly felt weak,she looked at her uncle as he smirked. he held up a vial pouring a black substance onto the orb. he placed it back in her. “lets see whats in your other side...”Nichole screamed loudly and her aura blackened, her eyes turned black as darkness, she slowly sat up getting up from the table. she had a leather outfit and lethal weapons.
Ven tugged at the vents as well, "Urgh umh" He let go thinking than took out his weapon using the spikes he managed to pry the screws lose, "Okay, on three. One, two, three, pull!"

Rox turned quickly grabbing Likara arm, "No! you can't go! you are needed now come on! Er you- "Its Enzo." "Right, Enzo, you secure our escape. Likara you come with me." Rox let go, but looked back at Likara before working the door open.

Enzo nodded not normally taking orders from people, but this guy, Rox, had a solid plan, "Okay," he turned than turned back, "Likara, your strong, I know you are, be safe, and," he tilted his head to look into her eyes, "Please don't hate me, for not loving you just yet..I only got to know you, but I do care for you, so don't get hurt..." Biting his lip, Enzo snuck around the pereminter, he took down the guards.
Ritsuka pulled as hard as she could with Ven's help. The rusty vent cover popped off and Ritsuka got on her knees and looked inside,"Are you sure we can fit?!" She sounded a little uneasy. She looked up at Ven,"I-I think you should go first, because im u-uh wearing a skirt and all...and...its k-kinda short.." She blushed madly and looked away from Ven, playing with the hem of her skirt.
Likara froze and blushed deeply. "O...okay.." She calmed down a bit but was till blushing, totally forgetting about Rox all together. She shook her head and looked at him. "Let's go." Her voice had detirmonation in it and got in a running position.
Ven blinked at Ritsuka missing completely why that would be embarrassing, he gave a sharp head bob before hoisting himself up, "Okay, me first," The vents were wide enough for people of their size to fit, but dusty he sneeze, "Okay, we gotta find Nichole smell her?" Ven asked crawling through the vents.

Rox nodded watching Enzo go, Was that the guy, she was crying so about? He shook his head, "Alright, thanks for staying, Likara lets go!" He took off running and a sharp pain surged through his chest again wegding itself there. Taking fast turns, Rox stopped at a door, "I think in here."

"Hey you!" Rox turned sicience looking guys running at them!
Ritsuka sneezed as well,"Either im sick from the water, or its reaaally dusty!" She rubbed her nose while crawling on all fours and following Ven. She sniffed the air,"I can smell her and blood...but its faint." She said from behind him. Her knees started to hurt a bit and her hands were a little sore, it was a little warm and uncomfortable, Ritsuka felt like the walls were closing in,"gahh i wanna get out!" She yelled not realizing that someone could possibly hear her.
Nichole's eyes were dull and her uncle said"good...raise your arm...."Nichole's arm raised without her consent. her uncle smirked. (ok if you've seen inuyasha and remember when kagome got controlled by the shikon jewel thats whats happening to Nichole)
(That helps me a lot! I miss Inuyahsa... :3)

Likara quickly thought of what to do, running scenarios through her head before coming up with nothing. Without thinking, she grabbed Rox's hand and pulled him up the wall. Likara had already jumped on the roof and was trying to pull him up, but was failing miserably. "You'!"
"Is that you mommy?I cant see my eyes are blur and dark."She saids as the feels for the lady's hand.
Rox felt his feet run up the wall, he swung his head around to watch them before realizing Likara was struggling, he pressed the toes of his shoe against the wall, and jumping up. Swifty turning he shot ropes like noddles, but strong from his fingers at the guards tying their whole bodies, running along, saw another scientist open a locked door, "Likara! Take the guy on the right!" He called before slamming his fist into the half way turned guy's neck, next, he shot an arrow wrapped around a noddle rope, it covered the woman's mouth from screaming, and the arrow drug her throughthe air, pinning the rest of her to the wall.

Ven shuttered that Ritsuka saying she could smell Coco's blood. "Hang on, w'll be out soon okay?" He reached back a hand to pat hers for a moment before continuing onward. They came to a vent it was blowing cold air, Ven let out a sigh as sweat had been poring from his body, "Nichole, raise your arm." A gruff sinister voice was heard. Ven gave a light gasp, eyes jetting to Ritsuka, he mouthed her name than tried to see through the vent slits
Nichole's breathing was shallow. "now kill those scientists..." Nichole said"n-no i-i wont!" "Do it!" Nichole's hand went for her gun and she held onto her wrist but had no control. BANG BANG BANG!!!! THUD THUD THUD....Nichole felt tears go down her face.
Ritsuka gasped as she heard the shots go off. Her ears flatened at the loud, piercing, and incredibly close bang! She stood silent as she heard the bodies hit the floor,"Oh no..."she whispered. She wanted to panic but couldnt, her body was a little frozen knowing that Nichole had just killed three innocent people, but she understood it wasnt her decision...
Nichole's uncle cackled and hugged her. "such a beautiful symphony..."smirking. "now when your parents return...kill them."Nichole felt the orb pulse and she gasped falling to her knees. as thecommand was burned into her system.
Rox heard the gun shots and bolted through th now open door, he stopped dead in his tracks at the site of Nichole, was it? So different her arms limp at her sides two guns hanging there. Tears castcading down her cheeks, eyes black as vortexes, he took a few steps forward hands reaching out for nothing in his reach, eyes scammed dead bodies, "Nichole?" Was the only word he spoke.

Ven flinched gripping on Ritsuka, "No, no, no." he murmured softly not sure what they could do, than without much thought, Ven started prying open the vent, using his weapon.
Nichole looked up and her uncle said"scratch that kill..him" Nichole said"rox you have to get away from me please!" as her guns were raised. "NOW!" crying.

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