mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara laughed cutely and wiped tears away. "You're funny, I like you.." She covers her mouth quickly and starts blushing. "N-n-not like that!" Her hands cover her face, they just met and she says that?! I ruined this friendship probably...T^T
Rox laughed lightly watching her color, "No, its fine I get your meaning, no need to be embarrassed," He gently moved a hand away from her face, "There, much better, so I have to ask, how long have you been a mew, mew?" He gestured to the ears and tail.
Enzo than kicked it up a notch, he moved faster switching between up and lower hits and buying his time to see an opening before striking out at them.
"Um, maybe a week? Maybe longer, I haven't really noticed until recently." She points to her ears and tail, making then twitch and move.
Rox nodded in understanding, "I gotcha, must have been quite the shock, but listen, you usually want to keep these things hidden, from everyday people, and because they can atrack some pretty unwanted company. But I know itss hard to control at first, I am one too, a fox" He explianed.

Enzo breathing deeply Enzo jumped in the air and swung his leg at Jake, than swung at Kevin, they were good, but hitting the ground on his hands he delivered another low kick sending the two falling over, squatting on the floor Enzo panted, before getting up, and wiping sweat from his brow. He walked over to Nichole, "How did you aquire all this technology? its impressive."
Nichole said“my parents are a little rich....thats all for today!”they bowed leaving. Nichole walked back to her room. she sat on her bed rubbing her eyes tired.
Enzo followed and perched on her window sill, "Could have fooled me, you don't act like the typical rich girl, which is a good thing," He was quiet looking around at all the designs and clothing she had drawn, "Nichole? what do you think love is?" just as the s tumbled out, Enzo snapped a hand over his mouth face going red that was not the question I wanted to ask!!!!
"Foxes are cute...the real normal ones..." She blushed and looked at the ground again. Why was she saying these things, they just met! Foxes were cute though, that explains his appearance. Her tail puffed up when she heard a growl somewhere. The sound left almost instantly and she relaxed.
Nichole giggled and said"love is the emotion you feel with someone you really care about, the more you're around that person the more your love grows...."blushing.
Rox cocked his head grinning, "I'm a normal looking fox, red and white, but remember...try not to let that side of you seen by the normals eyes." Rox grinned more, it was fine now, no one was on the path they were taking, Rox heard the growl, "Er, was that your stomach? I don't think it was mine..." He looked to Likara than around him.

Enzo still blushing hand over mouth nodded slowly to Nichole's defintion, buft wfut-" Enzo uncovered his mouth, "But what if lets say you are not exactly at the love stage yet, you like the person, but it has not grown to love exactly." Enzo itched at his ear nervously, shuffling around and picking at his bandages. this was a topic he was really not comfortable or familiar with, and it showed.
Nichole said"just tell them you need time..." her ears perked up. Creak! Nichole froze. she grabbed her pistol and said"shh..." the alarm system went off and Nichole ran down the stairs and pointed her gun. "SHOW YOURSELF!"
(mustt...go back...and read...!!!) 
Ritsuka skipped merrily down the street looking at all the stores. She would occaisionally wave at people that she came in eye contact with but kept going about her business. She lightly sang:

In a canvas of a dusk, I watched a wine red sunset

go down, on my way back home

I wonder if your heart, already painted what my feelings are

This evening, we have plenty of time

I just want to spend all of it with you

Let's be at ease and take a deep breath, watch closely

It's going to start

miracle painting, miracle show time

I'll put you in a trance with my magical brush stroke

Up to the tip of my nails, I'm going to paint with your color

On my favorite dress

I'm basking it in the starry sky's limelight

with pride, dancing on my tiptoe

desperately staring at you, I feel so happy

This evening is going to be romantic than ever

With my blue pupil, I apply around a highlight powder

Embrace me tightly, if we pile up layers of love

we're going to move

miracle painting, miracle romance

I'll put love into this magical brush stroke

Up to the tip of my hair, all of it is just yours

This night with you, I wonder if we can count countless dreams

These overflowing feelings

I can't count them, can't convey them

can't tell them, this is not yet enough

That's why, this is far from over

miracle painting, miracle show time

This magical brush stroke has already entranced you

I will still give more and more of my own color

Please don't end it yet, miracle painting

a technique of captivation

I'm still applying the finishing touches, so just wait a minute

Then I will tell you, from the bottom of my heart,

I love you!

(whoa big post :o )
Likara laughed nervously and patted her stomach. "Y-yeah, it was my stomach, I haven't eaten in a while. More like all day.." She whispered the last part and looked straight, acting as a robot.
Enzo processed this for a while and nodded taking it in, "Alright, that sounds-" But the rest of his sentence and thoughts were cut short, taking out his short sword he followed Nichole into a fighting stance bracing himself for who was ever there, he would hold off on his transformation for now.

Rox frowns lightly he knew about not eating all day, "Tell you what, Nichole is a great person really great and I have a feeling you to would get along, you both have funny quirks," He teased at her acting like a robot, "So why don't you come with me? Chill out for a while hm? Sound good?' He held the door open to the pharmacy.

(*Glomps Honey!* You have been missed! And a lot of people have had that problem with alerts its seems)

Venny hung upside down in a tree the same one Ritsuka had been hiding in the other day, he could see the cafe mew mew from here, he was keeping an eye out for a familiar face or someone he had lost track of everyone and thought the park would be the best place to stay near the cafe.
(wait.....i WE LETT TWO KIDS ALONE ROX! 0.0) Nichole glared at the man. they had a glare down before they went at it fighting fast. they were a blur as they matched each other.
(*sniffles* Ive been missed :'3~ And yea i have alert issues alot DX)

Ritsuka found herself wandering into the park. She stopped and looked around,"Hmm, no one here..." she turned and found a bench infront of a fountain. She stood on top of the bench facing the fountain and quietly sang another light tune~: (the song is so much prettier in Japanese :'3)

Lalala, lets sing lets sing

Raise your face to your hearts content

Let's sing

You can't give up

There's nothing you can't do

A song of courage

You have dreams where you won't lose to anyone

Start walking and puff out your chest

Do you believe that the truth is that

Only my road is there?

We made a high mountain

So that you can try your best to overcome it

If you can do that

You'll create a miracle

(.............. OOPS! SEE? THIS IS WHY I DON'T BABYSIT! -.-' xD )

Enzo watched with a sharp eye keeping a close watch but staying out of it, this was her fight. And he respected that, but he would not let her get hurt or die.....she was....his friend.

Venny heard light singing with his keen ears and climbed down looking around than following the sound, upon approaching he found Ritsuka, standing on a bridge singing, Ven slowly walked over standing still, it was so pretty, when Suka finished Ven clapped his hand lightly.
(lol rox!) Nichole got kicked into the wall and the man held a syringe to her neck pining her. Nichole glared at him. prick! Nichole's eyes widened. "ROAR!" she fell forward outcold.
Ritsuka turned and jumped,"Wha!!!!" She was startled and fell back into the fountain. She sat in the water processing for a moment about what just happened. She lifted her hand looking at the water dripping from it. Her wavy white hair was now straight and heavy with water, and looked longer than before. Her shirt and shorts were soaked, she looks as if she took a dive in a pool with her clothes on. She looked around at the water surounding her and started to sniffle a bit. She was so embarassed, her cheeks red, and her luminating blue eyes were glossy and twinkly with forming tears and her breathing was heavy and choppy, she held herself back from burting into tears.

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