mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox nods a smile gracing his lips, "Wise words, and such truth to them, alright, lets get you home." Picking her up, Rox headed out the clinic and towards her house.

Enzo heard her tone, urging him to say it, he opened his eyes although they did not focus on dark pink, "I don' you, the way you love me. I like you Likara, when you are near, it feels good, your aura is good and smells like strawberries. I know you love me, but, my feelings are not that strong," His eyes flicked to hers, before he looked away, his body tense again, "I still wish to be your friend." His voice was but a whisper in the air.
Likara stopped breathing for a while, tears on the verge of falling. She finally looks up at him with a fake smile plastered on her face, the tears are in her eyes but not coming down. "Y-yeah..I'll still be your friend. You can stay at my place, you know where it is. I'm going to go home...." Her body turns around, she starts silently crying. Likara slowly starts walking back to her house, regretting that she kissed him.
Rox walked a steady pace to Nichole's house holding her close, the purrs sent good shivers through him. He nuzzled her back, yet was thinking, hard about everything, so much had happened.

Enzo watched her leave, did not speak, what could he say? going back to the water edge, he sat letting a deep sigh slowly push its way out, he got up, this place seemed dull now, not peaceful at all. He started walking, not really having much of a direction.
Likara stops and wipes her eyes, whimpering quietly. "I-I-I-I'm s-sorry..." She said in a whisper her voice unstable and quiet. Her legs started to move again, keeping the same direction she was going in the first place. The whimpering got a little louder as Likara got closer to her house.
Enzo just shook his head as he walked putting a hand to it, sighing again, he spotted Nichole some guy carrying her, he spotted, than followed after.

Rox got Nichole home and to her room. He laid her one the bed, "You stay here and I will be back in a second alright? Need to get some things." kissing Nichole sweetly he left back out the door, heading to fill the pain medicine order and get some more supplies. On his way, he saw a girl looking shaken even whimpering (Likara) worried he went over to her keeping pace, he spoke, "Excuse me, but you don't look to well, can I help?"

Enzo watched the guy leave, climbing up the tree, he tapped gently on the window of Nichole's room, he had no idea why, she was a familar face.

(I thought it be cool if Rox interacted with Likara and Enzo with Coco, maybe they could help each other out and just talk so that could know each other when they become more of a team as mew mews ^^ That seem cool?)
(yep nice) Nichole was changing into her night shirt and looked at the window. it was halfway on as she opened it. “hi enzo...”hidding her bandaged shoulder.
Enzo was fixing to say hi, but his words got caught in his throat, his eyes zeroed in on her shoulder, he was still perched on the window ledge, but made no move to slip inside, ....."Nichole, what? How did your shoulder?...." His voice was shocked and quiet, "A parasite?' Enzo asked finally sliding himself through the window feet hitting her floor.
(That's cool with me, I like the idea of everybody getting to know each other.)

Likara froze at an unfamiliar voice. He sounded worried, so she some what trusted him. "I..d-don't think y-you can...h-he...rejected m-m-m-me....!" She stopped and sobbed into her hands.
Rox watched the girl completely crumble, sobs gushing from her body, walking a few steps closer he gently started to hug her, giving the girl plenty of time to pull away if she was uncomfortable before he was fully hugging her, "I am so sorry, I know I don't know you, but, I know how rejection feels, the crushing sting, shhh, I'm sorry." Rox voice was his warm tone and soothing as he spoke, holding her in a light embrace of comfort.

Enzo had been looking around at all the drawings before his head snapped back to Nichole, "Assassin?" He stumbled over the word a little, his shoulders tensing, "I-I am glad he sucks at his job, you going after him? " His tone was back to not shaking.
Nichole pulled her shirt on completely and nodded. “if he thinks hes getting away he has another thing coming...”she walked to a wall and it slid up showing a scanner and door. “hello nichole are you in need of weapons?”
Likara stopped crying but was still shaking gently. His voice calmed her little by little. " understand me? B-but how, why would a g-girl reject you?" She was now looking up at him, her arms around his torso.
Enzo walked after her his mouth slightly open, as he blinked, "Cool..." He uttered in amazement, than thought for a moment, "You are not going alone are you? Because that would be stup- I mean, its not safe." Hands stuffed themselves into pockets.

Rox brain thought back to Nichole, and he found himself smiling lightly, were they a couple? They were something right? He had kissed her, wait, shit! But....she liked it, so it was okay that he did not exactly ask, Rox brought his faults back to this girl , "Well, not recently, but I have before, in the past...this one girl, Sage, really pretty, I asked her to homecoming, she told me everything that was wrong with me, to my face and publicly to the whole class...that was the worst rejection but not the first or last."
Likara slowly let go and looked at him sadly. "I'm so sorry..she missed out I guess...." She breathed in deeply and let out a sigh. "My name is Likara, nice to meet you...?"
Nichole said“not today sandra open to the dojo please...” “yes mistress....” the door slid up and Nichole walked though into a room. there stood three guys and three girls. “welcome back lowe-chan...” bowing. “are you ready to train?”
Rox shrugged lightly, "Thanks, but it is in the past, and it hurts now, but the rejection form this guy is in the passed too, I really hope it was to as gruesome as mine." Rox felt his face color, "Ah! Where are my manners? My name is Rox, not the most happy way to meet, but glad we have, Likara."

Enzo leaned against the wall sighing softly his thoughts drifting back to Likara, he winced than walked into the dojo as well, "Can I train too....please?" Anything to get his mind to focus on something else, "And you did not answer my are not going alone right? Assassins have others with them, and traps look outs, I should kno-I mean I would guess."
nichole said“im not going HA alone!”spinkicking one guy. “yea you can train HUH!” flipping another. “I TAUGHT YOU BETTER THAN THIS!” they winced and Nichole said“FIGHT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!”
( O.o ")

Likara smiled and giggled, her ears standing straight and tail swishing. "You're really nice, I still don't understand Sage though...oh well. Thank you for helping me, what are you going to do now?" She tilted her head to the side, sort of making a pouting face.
Enzo sweat dropped at Nichole, Whoa she was really serious He thought as he stretched his body out, "That is good, it looks like you could use a little more of a challenge." A smirked hopped on his lips. 
Rox grinned at her, "I don't know really, but her loss, but listen....don't fret over this guy, you seem like a really wonderful person, maybe he does not know how to react to such a personality." Rox watched her ears and tail so another mew mew, " friend of mine got messed up a bit, I am off to get some supplies to help the wound heal nice and good, I would not mind company." He started to walk.
Likara giggled again and walked next to him, making big strokes. "I'll come along, I appreciate everything you have done so far for me." Her voice was low and stiff, trying to act as an old man, then laughed.
Two ran at Nichole. “HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!”punching at her. Nichole grabbed one bye the arm and swung him hitting the other. “JAKE,KEVIN I SAID FIGHT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT!” They nodded scared and Nichole said“watch....sora come at me with your sword.” she said“but...” Nichole sighed and ran at her. sora blocked her kicks and punches. they then practiced with wooden swords.
Rox burst out laughing at Likara's impression, "Haha, need more help there grandma?" He teased lightly before laughing some more, "No problem, really, my motto is always extend a helping hand because you never know when you will need one." A smile climbed on his face after he recited it.

Enzo sniggered pretty amused also a bit pumped, "Hey, Jake, Kevin, see if you can handle this," Running at them he began to trade punches and kicks, he skillfully kept both of them on their guard at once.

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