mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox shook his head his face not changing one bit, "No man, you listen, does she look like she is having fun?" Rox gestured to the blushing shaking Nichole, "The right answer is no. She looks humiliated, embarrassed, and freaked out, so no, your definition of fun, can get you a one way ticket to you spending ten plus years in jail." Rox moved forward a step, his eyes were sparked with a firey gleam, his voice was deathly serious, anger and disgust cracked through here and there as he spoke, "How would you like it, if I did the same to you? Than hung you from a pole in front of the mall? So everyone could see you? Does not sound to" With this, Rox stepped back in front of Nichole arms folded squarely over his chest.

Ven raced after her, "Awww so cute who is a good doggy? You are! You are!" Ven gushed petting its back with gentle loving strokes.
Likara opens her eyes slowly and stares at the water. "I'm sorry if I sound stupid or too close. I just met you, but you make me feel safe. Like when your with a person you trust, you get that feeling that they'll protect you. I'm sorry if me trusting you this much makes you feel weird. I can get up if you want?" She looks at him and smiles ever so slightly. Truthfully, she didn't want to get up, but if it made him feel uncomfortable she would get up.

Mika got back up and started waking back down the sidewalk, hoping to find a suitable friend, not a perverted freak.
Nichole said''l-lets just find ven and ritsuka and g-go please...''tears brimming her eyes.

Lavi glared at Rox and scoffed''i'd like to see you try..''glaring.
The dog and owner walked away,"Bye bye~!" Ritsuka waved. SHe turned to Ven and grabbed his hand,"Cmon!" she started to run back into the store. She turned back to meet Vens eyes with her blue ones,"I dont wanna get lost letss go find---oof!" while not paying attention, she bumped into a stranger whom was speaking to Rox and fell back o nto the floor,"...Nichole...." she finished her previous sentence. "Ow....." she rubbed her head through her long white hair.
Nichole then ran into the cafe.She held her head down and cried."help someone please"she yelled and cried.She fet as if her whole life was a waste of time."help!"she cried and yelled again."im hopless" she thought.
(WHAT THE FLIP?! I knew that >///o///> *is deleting post* delete delete delete!!!!) 
(all fixed =w=b)
Rox felt his eyes narrow back in slits, the fury filled sparks intensed, this guy, this guy, was what scum was made out of. Fist balled and tightened at his side, oh, the yearning. But Rox heard Nichole's desperate sounding voice, the tears thick in them. This dude was luckly Rox was so level-headed and collective. This was no place to start a fight, "Just remember what I said." His voice came out through gritted teeth. just then, Ritsuka ran straight into the guy following roughly, going over, Rox lifted the petite girl to her feet, before that guy could do otherwise. His instint to protect had a secure yet gently guide on Suka, "Come on, Nichole, Ven we are going." His voice was calmer, yet still had a slight edge to it. Ven was confused, why was the air so tense, thick with such emotions, he could sense them. Taking Nichole's hand, he followed after his brother and Ritsuka.

Enzo watched her eyes open, listened to her words, his face was the picture of confusion, " can you be so sure, how do you know I am so safe? how can a simple feeling be more valued than catioution?" Indents creased in his forehead as he fell quiet, "How can you even trust after what happened to you? And don't lie, something did, why else would a child live alone....? Be alone out on their own?" Enzo placed his palm lightly on Likara shoulder as she shifted to move, "No. stay, its peaceful here."
Ritsuka followed the gang,looking back at the myserious boy,"Im sorry!" She apilogized for bumping into him. "Why does everyone seem upset?" She thought, looking at Roxs frusrated body language and Nicholes tears, she didnt know what was going on. She hunched over as she walked, wanting to disappear, for some reason she felt guilty as if it was her fault. She looked at everyone then looked at the ground sadly and continued to walk, occasionally looking back at the boy they left.
Likara relaxed back and took a deep breath. "Well, I'm don't know. You just have this aura around you that makes me feel safe. I'm not that scared when with you, I don't know how to describe it really. Me living by myself is a...weird story.." She looks down and fiddles with her hands. She's never told anyone this story. " wasn't that nice to me, and my mom was on his side. They hated anything I did, if I messed one little thing up, I'd get smacked, punched, or kicked. My teachers were always worried about me, coming into to class with cuts and bruises all over my body. One day, my mom left us and my dad blamed it on me. Soon after, I started believing it. I was pretty vulnerable then and didn't know what was going on around me. A couple days after I was in depression, my dad....he..raped me..I never got pregnant from it though. When he got arrested, I moved and never spoke to them again...." Tears were falling down quickly as she hiccuped and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry, you probably think crying is weak and all...I'll stop.." Likara couldn't though, they kept coming. Her knees huddled u to her chest as she help the, tightly.
Ven saw Nichole's tears, and wrapped a thin arm around her in order to give her a sideways hug as they walked. Green eyes glanced back at the redhead boy, What had he done? To make Roxy so furious? He could see it in his stance. Licking his lips the spiky brown haired boy continued to keep quiet as the exited the mall.

Rox bit his tongue stopping himself from telling Ritsuka not to apologize to scum, but he held his tongue, it was the proper thing to do, when you ran into someone. Exiting the mall, the bright sunlight, hit them full force. Taking a few deep breaths, Rox reached back and took Nichole's hand, with his other arm still around Suka, and Ven hugging Nichole, they must have looked like some weird group, but no matter, squeezing Nichole's hand lightly, the spiky brown haird teen spoke voice now tender and warm,

"Where do you want to go Nichole?" He knew itt was stupid to ask if she was alright, clearly she was not. Amber eyes fell onto white hair, "Suka? You okay?" She was hunched over, "I am sorry I did not ask before I picked you up, that was inapproate of me." Rox looked over at Ven, as if to say remember that, the boy gave a sharp nod, which caused Rox lip to lift half way in a smile. Well, at least I raised him to not turn out like that.

Enzo shook his head, black hair hanging in clumps blocking eyes, his body shook, he listened, his ears burning with her story, no, no story was not the word, her nightmare. When Likara spoke, Enzo felt his fist tighten on each side of his jeans, going white from the intense grip.

Enzo hated tears, hated crying, what did it do? It did not fix anything, only gave you a headache. That's why, he had told Nichole to shut up, when she was weping over those children....but was that the real reason? All there was to it? That annoying little bastard voice in his mind whispered no, tears were like laughter to Enzo, contagious...especially with those kids, all that blood, no, no stop! There is nothing you can do! His mind growled back at his feelings.

Tears, to many emotions, got you nowhere, trying was never good enough, you just had to do, and do it right, with perfection, you had to be always on gaurd, never trust, don't look weak, harshly lesson learned. Likara's crying was getting to him, and as much as he wanted to tell her to shut it, these were personal tears, that should not make a difference, but in his mind, it did, for he had cried many personal tears himself.

Everything about her, confused him greatly, made him just want to leave, yet he stayed rooted in his spot, an urge built in his chest, pop! His wolf ears and tail where back, titlting his head back, Enzo let out a howl that feed the air with its sorrow, sorrow for a messed up world in which made tears flow from eyes, to have you bee so weak, so alone, no parent to wipe them away, they were the ones that caused them.

(Whoa, that was a long post....^^)
Ritsuka closed her eyes and shook her head slowly. She took a deep breath then looked up at Rox,"Its okie~!" She gave a cute grin. And brushed the thought of everyone unhappy aside, it always brought her down. She knew right now that Nichole should be the priority of cheering up, i mean, she is the one with the tears~ Her short body ran to Nichole's side and she hugged her,"Dont be upset Nichole >o<!! Because,um, because youre with people that love you now! We are here for you no matter what~! Ignore that p-person, hes gone now and we'll never let him say,do, or...or even look at you!" She said. She looked at her friend and wiped a tear,"No more crying..kay? ^w^" she smiled.
(That was so beatiful :') )

Likara heard the howl and smiled gently, she could feel his frustration and pain. "Thank you for listening...." Her arms wrapped around his torso lightly as she gripped ever so slightly. "And thank you for cheered me up a bit too.." The smiled grew and she looked up at him, the tears gone like they were never there. Likara was closer to him, closer than she'd ever been with a guy. His howl lifted her up some how, knowing that he knew the same feeling as her.
^///^ thank you!

The howl trailed off, eyes slowly creaked back open as a light cough edged from lips. He blined than looked at Likara the tears vanished from her cheeks, his eyes traveled over her head and around the soft waters of the lake now and again it rippled, to put it simple, he was mind boggled, really, if he put any more strain on trying to figure out what the hell just happened...? Letting out a deep sigh, giving into not just thinking, for now at least, it was peaceful,

"You are welcome?....glad I could help?" His ears twitched as each statment sounded like a question, he was not use to this,letting himself lean back abit, he wiggled his wolf ears again, before letting his stiff figure relax, untense, if it was only just a little,

"Its peaceful here, nice,......not to be alone." It took him a moment to really realize what he said, as his mouth formed into a line, cheeks reddened, and Enzo started breahing through his nose afraid more things would slip out, from his mouth.
Likara let go slowly, looking at him while a giggles escaped her pink lips. "Aw..! You look so cute when you blush!" Pop! Her eyes come out as they twitch and her tail swishes playfully. "I like it when you're embarrassed! Nya~!" She smiles cutely and blushes gently at what she said. He was cute when he blushed, she just wanted to hug him and never let go.
Enzo left her let go, and caught himself from saying the word hey! in some sort of weird protest, a midnight blue eye twitched, his face became a slight shade of darker pink, "Whu? Sh-h-shut up!" he told Likara watching her tail and ears return, "I am not cute! The term is handsome if you fix to compliment!" Enzo said though his voice was not harsh or emotionless it was quite normal jittered even, blue eyes flashed with a success, "Ha see! Loook at you! Now you are blushing ha, ha!" Enzo paused than, clamping his hands to his cheeks, he could feel the heat rising on them Did I just really say that? I sounded like a, a kid!
Likara out her hands on her face and smiled. "I know I'm blushing! You're right though, you are handsome. I like the word cute better, it makes you blush more!" Her ears flicked cutely as she got closer to him, giggling like a school girl. Not knowing it, Likara's face also got a little redder. The words came out by itself, not having a good grip on what was happening.

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