mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(Thank chuuuuu!!! And hahaha that store is cool)

Rox nodded, "Yeah, stay close everyone," he echoed than he took a look around the store, "This place has mad fashion." He murmured.

Ven looked around the store as well, than looked at Ritsuka, "Are you ganna get something?"
Ritsuka shook her head. Then looked up at Ven,"Ive never bought anyrhing before...I know that this is a clothing store but..." She stopped there. She clung on to Ven so she wouldnt get lost. She looked around in the store and looked at all the bright colors and frilly stuff. She stuck her tounge out at the girly stuff "eww..." She thought.

(I like that store too =o=b)
Ven shrugged giving a good natured smile, "That's okay! you don't have ta." He gave a pause his eyes going to a bright orange shirt with action heros on the front, "Ooooo, lookit!" he took it off the rack with adoring eyes,"Its my favorite color, with awesome heros on it, see? Superman!"
(dont worry i fixed it..)

"sweetie im not your mommy"the lady said,but as soon a she finished nichole relized it was Ms.annie.She quickly began to run away but Ms.annie grabbed her by the collar."was this your plan little munchkin.. to get some people to sign some papers and live out in the world alone?huh answer me.."she said,but nichole couldnt see at all."Ms.annie no that wasnt my plan,but-"she tried to continue,but Ms.Annie slung her in the basement."ouch"she yelled and started to cry."no one wants me"she thought.Ms.Annie ripped up the papers and threw them down the stairs.Nichole grabbed all the piece and quickly put them togther.She couldnt see but she could feel.She felt till she got to the secret door she had found once more.She quickly escape and decide to go on a search for her mommy,likara,but first she felt she need to find her doctor.
Rox was picking through a few long sleeved shirts, turning, he strolled over to Nichole, his eyes scammed the shirt and jeans smiling, "Ah, Coco, those are awesome." Rox took a peek at the tags, he grinned playfully at the girl, "How did you know my size? Been looking at my clothing?" He was kidding of course, but she had a good guess!
Rox smirked gently at her blush, he took the items with a mock sigh, "I don't think I need to, since your guess is spot on, but I shall return!" Rox than went into the dressing room trying them on, they fit just fine. coming out to show Nichole, he spread his arms out, "So, does it fit good? Or awesomely?"
Rox felt his face warm, but rubbed at it quickly, giving a cool grin, "Great, all thanks to your keen eye, Nichole." His smile turned warm. The standbuyer girls glared at Nichole before huffing and storming off. Rox turned and quickly came back out, in his own clothing, carrying the new ones.
Rox nodded, "Where did they get off too?" Rox kept his eyes peeled, knowing his brother, the kid could be on the cieling or something equally as crazy.
Nichole shrugged and picked out an outfit. it was a cheetah print tanktop, a red sleeveless vest, and some blue jean shorts. she tried them on and came out blushing about the shorts. “how do i look?”
Rox despite himself blushed and tried to keep amber eyes off of Nichole's legs, he licked his lips only than realizing he had been only complimenting her in his mind, "You look incredible, you should buy, it suits your figure.....nicely."
Ritsuka looked at the shirt in an intrigued fashion,"They look cool :o " she said putting a finger to her mouth.

She looked behind him,"Look theres more!" she smiled and bounced excitedly. She went up to them and went inside the racks to hide (i used to do that all the time =w= then my mom would get mad xD ).
Ven bounced over to the rack, peering at the others, they were nice, but he liked the orange one the best. Running it over to Nichole as she paid, Ven skipped back over to the rack and poked his head inside, "Boo! I see ya! find any secret doors to another world?" He asked through giggles.

Rox watched her pay breathing a sigh, not too much, for an outfit each plus herself, as they started leaving, Rox called," Ven! Suka! come on, I think Coco has a trail," Than Rox saw the shop and grinned, "For Candy!" Taking her hand, Rox pulled Nichole into the store.

Ven grinned waiting for his answer, he heard Rox call, "Hehe, they went off to a candy store, wanna go there?"

(xDDD I used to do that too lolol)
Nichole smiled at all the sweets. she squealed and bought everybody some. Nichole ate some of her chocolate covered pretzels and said"cmon gu-WAH!" falling flat on her face.

Lavi saw the girl whose necklace he returned fall. he smirked walking over. he had a great glimpse of her underwear. Lavi said"aww a puppy pattern? adorable~"
"CANDY!!" Ritsuka exclaimed. She jumped,"Yeah! Yeah! Lets go!" She clung to Ven so he could lead the way.
(My head started pounding! UGH!! It still hurts..)

Likara snuggled closer to him, enjoying the warmth that radiated off of him. She purposely said his name, acting as though she was sleeping. Her hands, gently grabbed his arm and pulled him a little closer. "" Likara acted some more to see his reaction.

Mika ran home and collapsed on her wore out bed. It creaked under her weight as though it was groaning. She was really light though, the bed was just really weak. Mika was tired but knew she couldn't go to sleep just yet.
Rox followed a little after Nichole mindful that Ven and Suka were still trotting around the candy store, Rox reached to catch Nichole, but she had already fell. The words, are you all right? was on his tongue, when a redhead showed up making a disgusting comment, the detest showed in his face, yet he still kept his collectiveness, but that did not mean he was not steamed, turning he poked the guy in the shoulder,

"Excuse you, but that is sick behavior man, stop staring, and get out of here." his voice was edged again, showing utter disapproval, "Go, now, before you really get me mad, than we will figure out what color underwear you have."

Ven chanted candy with Suka than zoomed around the store gathering his favorite, "Suka! suka! looook they got oddiles of watermelon candies!" he bounced by the area pointing excitedly.

Enzo took a few rocks into his hand, skipping them acrossed the water. he winced lightly as she seemed more cuddly in her sleep, Likara spoke she felt safe with him....this confused him, she barely knew him, he could easily snap her neck right now, if he wanted to, not that he did. Tch, so gubileble, to trusting, its what Enzo strived never to be, not after the people you should be able to trust, always, betrayed you...parents. He shook those thoughts away, and continued to skip rocks.
Nichole stood up and eeked pulling her dress down. she blushed deeply and hid behind rox shaking.

lavi said"cool it man i was just having some fun..." rolling his eye.
Ritsuka's face brightened up with a smile,"Yummy~!" she said.

Just outside the candy shop was someone walking their dog, Ritsuka sniffed the air and caught its scent. She turned around and saw the cutest golden retriever ever! She gasped,"Doggie!!!" She ran over to hit and started to pet it, rubbing behind its ear. The dog panted with glee.

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