mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Mika was lost for words. He looked a lot older than her and didn't know what to do at this point. Whatever was in her throat was now gone and she could speak again. "..."
Mika looked at him weirdly and glared. "I wasn't thinking that, pervert!" She got up, her head held high. "I'm leaving, don't follow me weirdo!" She turned around with a hmph and started walking back to the Inn where she lives.

Likara stood there, waiting for something to happen. Nobody was moving or talking, barely breathing. "What is going on officers? Is there some kind of problem?" She asked again.
Enzo struggled in the one officers grip the other one holding little Nichole, when he spotted Likara, Enzo's face filled with relief,

"See here you goverment pigs! She'll tell you! She was there! With the child!" The other cop was holding the knocked out toddler, Enzo swung his gaze to Likara, "Tell them! And I did not knock her out! She was like that when I found her!" The police officer glowered at the kid putting more pressure on his hold, mostlikely for the comment he had given

"Well girl? Speak up or this punk is toast, do you know him? And the little girl?"

Rox came into the door, "Thanks," His eyes traveled around her room before following back on Nichole, "Want to talk about it? Or if not what are you drawing?" He sat next to her.
Likara gulped. "Yes I know him! I also met the little girl, I know for a fact that he didn't know her out or even try to hurt her, he wouldn't do something like that. Please let him go!" She didn't want to see Enzo or Nichole get hurt.

Mika was headed towards the park when she saw some officers, a man, a girl, and a child. "Oooo..action.." She walked behind the police men but hid behind some bushes so they wouldn't see her.
"You heard her! Unhand me! let me go!" The police exchanged looks, than look down at Likara, "Can't do that miss, infact you need to come with us. its about the school murder, we got reports you were there, we need to ask questions." The one cop holding seemed alright, but the one holding Enzo was more rough, "Yeah, this punk is not making anything easier." Enzo glowered furious daggers at him,

"Niether are you! with your stupendous questions." He hissed earning him another sharp jab in the back.
All on the walls were sketches of clothes. in the middle of her room was a maniqin the outfit on it was halfway done. nichole said“sure we can talk about it...”placing her book down it had a drawing of a dress. she picked up her design and started finishing the outfit.
Ritsuka has never experienced this much affection but she liked it. She clung onto him blushing, tail still wagging. No one has ever rubbed her ears like this before and it was a great feeling.
Likara looked really worried and walked slowly to Ezno and grabbed onto his sleeve. "Fine...I'll come with you..." She wasn't looking at anybody and just stared at the ground, gripping tightly.
Rox was impressed with the outfits and it showed on his face, his eyes landed on the dress, he watched her hand make lines and designs along the paper, "Its beautiful," he muttered softly his amber eyes looked at Nichole, "The breakfast was excellent, but what happened ?" Rox promoted the conversation.

Ven continued to fiddle with Ritsuka's ears before speaking, "Rox he turns into a fox red and brown you saw em, and I...." Ven looked around, "I can do it too, but I am not supposed too or tell so shhh, our secret."

Enzo glowered but walked along willingly, his eyes fell on Likara What else could they do? getting to the police station Nichole head was patched up, and the questions began, it was a long interrigation, but Enzo managed to keep his scarsm in line, with Likara sitting next to him gripping his sleeve, afterwords, they were left in a room as the cops talked out in the hall, Enzo licked his lips, "We told the truth nothing else we can do." His voice was low a little shaky.
Likara kept her hand there, her head slowly nodding. She didn't want to start crying in front of everybody, it'll make her look weak. Her hand gripped harder in frustration as she tensed up.

Mika was sad but angry at the same time. The first person she somewhat wanted to be friend with, was a perverted weirdo! "Why can't I make any friends?!" She screamed loudly and fell to her knees on the sidewalk, tears staining her face.
Nichole blushed and finished sewing the outfit. she said“about the mass muder at my school...”the outfit was a beautiful pastel yellow and pink spring dress.
Enzo blinked, looking at the floor waiting, the door opened the nicer of the two cops came out,

"Alright you two your story checks out with the other girls, Nichole's er, she was an older Nichole," his focus come to Likara, " Are you the little girls babysitter? Or something files here says she an orphan. I am more than happy to take her back or release her to you, just let her rest, she will wake up at some point." Enzo breathed a sigh, the cop turned his gaze on Enzo, it getting a little firmer, "And next time, if you opt not kick up such a fuss, it would be thankful." Enzo scrowled and gave the slightest incline of a nod.

(Aww feels for Maki!) 
Rox eyes went very wide, "Oh god, Nichole, I am so sorry, that's enough information you don't have to say anymore if you don't want too." Rox gently wrapped an arm around her shoulder, for comfort not meaning to disrupt her sewing, "Oh, sorry, did I mess you up?"
(Sorry about the late reply btw i fell back asleep nyurr =w=)

"A secret?" Her ears and tail poofed away,"Its supposed to be a secret?" She asked. Her head tilted to the side an her eyes were big and bright with confusion. She looked around,"oh no...i-i didnt know we were supposed to keep it a secret!!" She put her hands on her cheeks.
Likara didn't want to deal with a kid in all of this mess. "No...I'm not her babysitter.." Her voice was quiet and shaky. "Can I leave now?" She looked up at the officer, her eyes starting to get wet.

Mika held her face in her hands and sobbed loudly. "I-I-I-I don't g-g-g-get why people a-are so m-ean to me..."
(Its fine! ^^)

Ven watched her panick, "No, no its okay, we are supposed to keep a secret from others like Nichole's daddy, but me, I gotta keep it secret even from peoples who does it too, cuz Roxy said it makes me weird, I don't member nothin, when I change, and it makes me feel sick and shaky," He had a sad puppy dog like expression, "I don't like it."

The officer nodded, handing her a kleenex, "Sure miss Likara, listen, we got a call from that orhanage, some reports of child abuse, will take her to Daisy Lanes, my sister works there, so she will be in good hands, I promise," He walked over to the door holding it open, "Your free to go, both of you, we will try our best to get to the bottom of this." Enzo got up rolling his eyes at the cop You won't beable to figure it out, its out of your league.

Rox looked at it, "It really is bueatiful, fit just for you to wear it," Rox frowned lightly, "Are you sure?" His hand gently gently squeezed her right shoulder, "You can cry, I never see tears as weak, holding them in is weak to me, it holds to much inside, but if you are fine, you are fine, but god, what a sight..." He trailed off, "Was it a parasite?"
Nichole blushed deeply and then said"no it wasnt a predesite...." holding her necklace. "i think i know who it was he was being controlled by the cyndaclons...."
Likara quickly got up and jogs out of the building, and starts walking down the sidewalk. Weirdly enough, nobody was on the street, nobody was even outside.
"Aw youre just not used to it! I used to get light headed and faint a lot but it doesnt happen that much anymore. Only when i do it for a long time." She smiled. She patted him on the back,"Dont you worry~!" She reassured.
Rox nodded seeming to already know what that was, "I see, what action should we take? Controlled or not...this can't happen again." His face was serious, but sympathetic, he bit his lip, seeming the slightest bit on edge.

Enzo jogged after her panting, when he caught up, the world was so quiet around them. "Look, if you are just going to walk away, and blame me for this...fine go on, go back to your house." He was agitated himself, and jumping to conclusions, Enzo bit his lip, "I don't care, don't care what you do."

Ven's face brightened right off, "Really? Oh yay! That's good to know. I change to a doggy, I get ears and a long tail, it wags a lot too," Ven looked around, "Hey! Wanna do the dishes for Nichole? To show her that she is pree-shy-ated." Ven with a smile..
Likara stopped and turned around to face Enzo. "Okay..I'm sorry I'm a bit moody today, I never said anything about me blaming you. I'm not going back unless you're coming with me, I don't think I can sleep alone in my house anymore..."
Nichole said"i-i dont know...." she sighed and added a simple design to the sleeveless vest. she bit her lip and sat down.Nichole said"i dont know what to do!"tears going down her face. she covered her mouth as she cried.
"Hee hee, i think you mean appreciated?" She giggled with a blush,"and yea maybe we should do them. Itll be a nice thing to do~" she smiled and started to pick up the plates and silver ware on the table. She walked to the kitchen and put them in the sink.
Enzo stared at her face, his eyes flicked to hers, but did not stay long, "Okay, lets stay out here, go to the lake? Its peaceful, it helps me think..." shoving hands into his pockets, he started walking again, "You been there? Its a litttle lake, not the main one, it helps me feel calm again....I, I uh never did thank you, for sticking with me in all that."

Rox nodded leaning back, thinking, "We gotta comfront him, but not hostility...try to help...." He watched her work feeling content it was nice to not always being on the move, worrying about Ven, it felt nice, peaceful, even if they had to be on guard. He moved to her as the tears fell, it was a reflex, to comfort, good people should never cry, in his book. Lightly holding Nichole, he purred reassurance into her ears, it would be alright, they just had to try.

Ven grinned bobbing his head, "Yuppy! That word!" Hopping off the chair trotting after Ritsuka, Ven turned on the water grabbing the soap, "Cleaning, clean, clean," He sang, "Whatta you wanna do? Wash or dry?"

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