mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara tilted her head a little to the right and blushed and light red. "L-Likrara..I-is my name..." No one ever called her cutie before. She lifted her head so he could see her face, it was highlighted with a shade of red.
Ritsuka woke up and shot straight up. She looked around, forgetting that she was in Nicholes home. She groaned sleepily and rubbed her eyes, still grasping the pillow. She slowly and slightly wobbled to the door. Her sweater was laying on the bed as she walked with her shorts,socks, and her tank top that showed off her..erm..assests. She reached for the knob and turned it, her vision was blurry from just waking up. She looked around,"Where am I..?" She blinked a bit and said to herself.
(My interwebs were down too! Oooo, new charries yay!)

Enzo had stared down at Likara for awhile watching her sleep, to himself, he convince there was nothing better to do, he could not reach the book, so he slowly closed his eyes, falling back asleep. Rolling over, he tugged the blanket up over his head more giving a grunt, before noticing Likara was not there, sitting up, he found a note, ah the park. Getting up, he went upstairs, and after a while decided it be alright to have a shower, doing so, he left everything just as it was, before walking out the door, combing a hand hrough his blue hair as he walked.

Rox let out a yawn, and squinted open eyes, its been awhile since he had slept that long, through the night. He noticed arms wrapped around his middle, and a body pressed against his back. Amber eyes rolled, though he could hardly blame Ven, they had slept near each other for as long as he could remember.
She stood in the middle of the hallway in the house. She stood there, with her eyes closed falling back asleep...WHILE STANDING. She struggled to keep herself awake..then THUD! She fell to the floor in the middle of the walkway, sprawled on the floor with the pillow still in hand
Rox twitched hearing the thud! Sitting up, he pulled limp arms from around him, before getting up. Rushing to the door, he pressed his ear to it, hearing no other noises of a parasite, he opened the door slowly to see Ritsuka on the floor, asleep? he rushed over, sighing with relief, yeah, asleep.

"Hey, hey Suka? You alright?" Rox shook her gently lightly patting her cheek. Had she been sleep walking?
Ritsuka moaned waking up,"h-huh?.." She opened her eyes to see Rox's face,"WHAA!" She punched him with a reflex from being startled. She realized who it was soon after,"oops..." She said quitely,"IM SO SORRY! " she apologized worriedly
Rox grunted roughly, covering a hand over his cheek, rubbing it gingerly, "No, my fault, should have know something like that would happen," He stood up olffering a hand, "You pack a decent punch," He smiled then it turned a little sad, "How long have you been on your own?" a person needed reflex like that when woken up, in the wild streets.
Ven popped into the kitchen, landing on a chair. He blinked, looking confused and sleepy eyed, tired eyes found Nichole, Ven yawned, "Good morning, Nichole."
Ven got up stretching, and pladded over to her wrapping arms around her in a side hug before looking at the pancakes, "Are those for us too?" His green eyes went wide looking up at her.
Ven watched grinning widely and sighing contently at the hair rub, he loved it when people did that. He watched Nichole pour the coffee, "Bleh! You drink that stuff too? Whoa those look yammy," He sat, "Do we wait for the others?"
Nichole said“yes we wait forr them its a polite thing to do...”adding creamer and sugar to her coffee. “sniff nothing wakes me up morning but coffee...”
"Well..Ive been on my own in a way where i had no human contact. Ive never really been in the outside..." She rubbed his cheek gentley then continued,"i only punched that hard cause i always fought back.." She showed him her right arms with scars,"Theyre from needles.."she said with her tiny voice. "But..Thats all in the past" she sighed, her electric blue eyes were bright and her white hair touched the floor. She looked up at him and took the hand he offered. "Im sorry about the whole..punch thing..." She shrugged bashfully.
Maki made her way to a cafe but decided not to go in, it looked too lively. The battle flashed in her eyes, then the body lying lifeless in front of her. She blinked and continued walking, away from the shop. People were staring at her, probably because of the way she was dressed. Surprisingly, Maki's hair was really soft and fluffy, sort of like a dog's fur.

Likara didn't know what to say, so she just smiled and waited for him to say something. "I-I'm..Likara..." She blushed lightly and looked up at him.
Rox listened intently gently holding Ritsuka's arm to examine the scars. Amber eyes filled with detest as she told him were they were from, than he pulled her up to a standing position, "I am glad you escaped, Ritsuka, and good for you, always fight back, even if it seems like they have the control, I hope those bastrads got a million of your punches." Rox gave a solid nod, people, they really disgusted him sometimes, his nose twitched, "I smell pancakes and chocolate, lets go investigate." Rox smiled at her before turning to walk, but waited for Ritsuka.

Ven watched Nichole fix her coffee up, and grin, "So does Roxy, he says keeps him en-ter-gized," Ven said before nodding again, "Its good to be polite." To show this, Ven folded his fingers together and placed them on the table while sitting properly.
After a while of him not saying anything, she said goodbye and thought of getting something to ear or something. Likara thought of where to go but couldn't decide. "Where should I go...?" Nothing came to mind, so she went back to walking to the park.

Maki say another child, about her age, playing and laughing. She frowned deeper and thought about how she lives and how different it is from other kids. Her legs were tired so she sat down on a bench where she was standing and looked around for anything useful. "Nothing....why am I even here...?" Maki brushed back her hair to reveal her dull blue/gray eyes that didn't show any emotion what so ever.
"mommy?"nichole cried.Around her everything was black and blurry.She couldnt see a thing,so she keep running into things.Finally,she hit her head and hurt it really bad to the point it was bleeding.

(hey guys im so sorry im writing a book and couldnt stop working on it..)
Enzo had gotten distracted at a bookstore brorwsing, he remembered the book from Likara house Drat! I should have brought it with me Scoffing at the bookstore because he had to manage his money, Enzo made a beeline for the park. On his way, he saw a little figure lying on the ground, thinking it was some sort of ambandoned doll, he wemt to it, it was a child,(Nichole) no bigger than a toddler age. Shit! she was bleeding, why did everything have to do with blood?
Nichole said"guys cmon breakfast is ready!"sipping her coffee. there was a knock at her door and she opened the front door saying"yes?" it was the police. "mam may we come in?"she nodded stepping ti the side.

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