mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(Night, night sleep well!)

Rox looked around appreciative at the home, turning to Nichole he saw her blush, she sure did that a lot, not that he minded, it was kinda cute, walking in, he said politely, "Thank you, kindly ma'am. My name is Rox." The food smelled so good!

Ven nodded in agreement, "That flavor is good! Gee wizz what a nice house huh?" He said to Ritsuka as his green eyes bounced around the. room taking in everything, "Hi, hi! my name is Ven and this is Ritsuka, she has a lolly that's watermelon." He smiled sweetly unware he added in such a random fact.
Ritsuka sat next to Ven, her eyes were wide and so was her fanged smile, as she took a gander at all the food. She had stars in her eyes twinkled as she sniffed the food like the little wolfie she is. If she had her tail out it would be wagging!
Rox took a seat next to Nichole and starting eating, it was amazing, it had been ages since he had a homecooked meal. Ven ate with a vigor was well, though decently. Rox kept an eye on him, knowing if he ate to much, he would make himself sick. And the last thing he wanted was anyone throwing up.

Rox placed another dumpling in her mouth, he looked over at Nichole, had her ears and tail went away yet?.

Ven was shovling in mouthfuls of rice, but he chewed with his mouth closed, he looked at Ritsuka, her eyes twinkled, Ven grinned widely nudging her lightly, "Its as good as it looks, go on, have a tasty!" He encourged.
(Gomenesai Minna!!!!!! I have been super busy lately. >n<)

She points to a some what light blue house. When Likara opens the door, a decent sized living room appears. There was a pretty big TV with a structure around it. That held games, music, and other videos. The sofa in front of it was a bold red with snow white pillows that were soft to the touch. A glass coffee table was in front of that. When you looked left, there was a medium sized kitchen with dark brown cabinets. Marble was the counters and on the island in the middle. Looking right, there was a some what small room with a computer and some bean-bag chairs. Still looking right, turning to the left of the room, there are white carpeted stairs. Going up the stairs there is an open hallway that you can see from below. Bedrooms, closets, and bathrooms are on the left. Guest rooms, work rooms are to the right. Likara's bedroom had light pink and light purple colors all over. She went back downstairs to sit in the dining room, which was near the living room, but not super close. "That's the tour." She said while breathing out heavily.
Enzo followed after Likara taking in every asspect in the rooms. It was really impressive, organized, neat, tidy, and well lived in. Enzo treaded carefully not wantinig to mess up or dirty anything up. He sat on one of the chairs oppisite of Likara,

"It was a nice tour," he paused thinking for a moment, "Are you the only one that lives here?"

(Its fine ^^!)
She stares into his eyes, a little sadness in hers. "Yeah. My friends come over once every year and we have a huge party, but that already happened a few months ago. So! I have my house to myself. You can live here or 'crash' here for a while if you need to, if you need to stay my guest! This house is waayy to big for me." Likara glances around then looks back at Enzo, smiling ever so slightly. Her ears and tail vanish, but she doesn't notice.
Enzo nodded seeing her sadness, he frowned when she smiled, but did not ask any of the questions burning on his tongue. She was sad enough just mentioning the house, besides, if he asked, its likely she would too, and he had no intentions of telling, the past was the past, it did not affect him now, or so he liked to believe,

"Your hospitality, Likara, is appreciated." He did notice her ears were gone again "I wonder what's its all about, we need to speak to Nichole," he tapped his fingers on the table his eyes falling from Likara's head to her eyes, "I know some of it."
"I'd love to know what's going on and all, but, I'm about to pass out just sitting here. I'm going to sleep in my room. You can take any room you want really, just put something up so I know that it's your room." She says while yawning. Likara slowly goes up the stairs and goes to her room, closing the door firmly. She quickly changes into a soft nightgown that went right above her knees. Finally under her blankets, she fell asleep soon after.
Ritsuka watched Ven eat and nodded at his suggestion. She looked at the food and nommed on everything in sight. Her cheeks were full and round as she smiled and looked at everyone with delight and satisfaction. She swallowed and her little canine teeth poked through and were visble. She was happy, she met new nice people and had good food! What more could she ask for?!
Enzo watched her leave huffing slightly, "I didn't mean now, obviously." Taking another look around the house, hands shoved in pockets, Enzo payed special attention to all the books, video games, and movies, "Wonder how she payed for all of these?" He muttered. Selecting a book he sat gingerly on the couch flicking through the story he read, soon his eyes slid shut, head bobbing it finally rested to the side, his hands going limp, but still keeping a hold on the book. Enzo slept peacefully it was a manner he was used to going to sleep, book in hand.

Ven chewed, reaching for another helping of rice, Rox hand came to gently circle around his thin wrist, "No more after this, okay Ven?" Ven pouted, looking all the food, but looked back into amber eyes before nodded. And scooping more rice onto his plate, he looked over at Ritsuka and noticed her teeth, his green eyes widen with a curious glee, leaning over, he whispered, "Those are cool, Suka."
Likara flung up in her bed, she just had a terrible dream. It was filled with blood and murder, things she didn't want to be reminded of. She rubbed her eyes and quietly walked downstairs to get something to drink. Likara noticed Enzo sleeping on the sofa, book in hand. "I never finished that one..." She slowly took it out of his hands and placed it on the coffee table. "I guess I'll be nice." Now, a warm, soft blanket is on Enzo, while she stands there smiling. Likara sits next to him but not super close. She gets another blanket and wraps herself in it, and falls asleep next to him.
Nichole still had her ears and tail. her mother said"Nichole no hats at the tabkle..."Nichole hesitated but took it off. her mom said"oh is that a new craze?"
(Dawww Likara is so cute! It makes me wish Enzo was not so hard of a coconut to crack xD )

After a span of time, Enzo stirred slowly bring midnight blue eyes open, his hands closed into fist rather than around the book, confusion felt little dent in his forehead before he sat up, the blanket slipping down to his stomach. He picked it up with two fingers, looking more confused, it did not last long as eyes fell on Likara, eyes blinked, and a face got hot, I don't need mothering like a toddler...although it was nice, but unecessary shifting a bit, he did not quite know what to do with himself, so he rewrapped the blanket over his shoudlers, snuggling into it again it is really soft, and smells strangly of strawberries...

Rox was quick to nodded heartly at her mother giving a charming smile, "Oh yes, I have a pair of fox ears myself!" he excliamed.
Nichole said"...uh yea..."eating some dumplings. her face brightened and she smiled brightly. she ate enough for her. Nichole said" Ritsuka is it? follow me please!"
(Aww! Thank you! I try to make my characters cute and innocent :3)

Likara mumbles in her sleep about strawberries or something like that. She curls up more and turns over to face Enzo in her sleep. "D-don't...don't go....mmn..." Small tears start forming in the corners of her eyes as she starts shaking gently.
(They could! nichole is so sweet too! For mine, Enzo is a hard coconut to crack, but he is really nice once you do, I can't wait to flush him out more. Rox is very genuine, yet his mysterious side is going to show soon. Ven is a sweet boy, but there is also something hidden with him too, hehe, I like my secrets)

Enzo looked over at Likara who seemed to have a fitful sleep, she asked him not to go anywhere, his eyes rolled a bit, why would he leave? Now he saw the tears, she need reassuring he supposed, hesitantly, he patted her hand once, "I won't, I'll be staying right here....Okay?"

Rox finished up and nodded standing, "Sure, Nichole, where too?" He looked over at her parents, "Thank you for the meal."

Ven looked up and over nodding before hopping up too, eager to see where they were going now! He grinned this whole day was one big adventure!
Likara's head flew up as she panted heavily. Her eyes were filled with sadness and anger at the same time. Once she saw Enzo, she buried her face into his chest. " y-y-you d-died!!" Likara cried but tried not to stain his shirt with her tears or make him mad by doing this action. Her hands and legs were shaking terribly as she continued to sob.

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