mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka watched Nichole's chest for normal movement,"Thank goodness.." she sighed and laid back on the floor, sprawled out, completely forgetting she was around people she doesnt know. She gave another long sigh of relief and looked at the sky.
Ritsuka looked over at Nichole,Shes waking up..., she thought.
Blood was all over Vale's hands. He wiped them among the walls of the house smearing the pretty red liquid every where. He grabbed a glass of water. and choked on the water inside spitting up a mixture of blood and water.
Rox stared as the girl came on the other side of him, healing Nichole, "What?" he blinked So she had powers too? Ven came over kneeling next to Nichole, "You are in the park, that lady with the glow hand made you all better!" He wrapped slim arms around Nichole, "Thanks for not letting me get eaten."

Enzo watched Likara , he stopped infront of her, "Are you sure you can manage? I need you to at least stay awake, I don't know where you live, if walking takes to much energy....I can carry you." he winced lightly but waited patiently for her answer.
Ritsuka went stiff when Nichole talked. She opened her mouth to say something then quickly closed it. Her mouth was firmly shut while blushing. Ritsuka never really had human contact, she did but with bad people. She didnt really know what to do...or say for that matter... She jumped up and ran behind the same tree, where she was before. Her back against the trunk, staying quiet with her long white and slightly curly hair was pressed against the bark. Her hands were over her mouth.
He walked out of the house. Blood still soaked his body. He started to walk through the streets. Slowly. Each step echoing.
Ritsuka peeked behind the tree and looked at the people surrounding Nichole,Shes so loved :o , she thought.
Rox smiled lightly making sure Nichole did not have a terrible fall to the ground, "Are we the friends invited to your house?" He asked.

Ven watched the girl run off he followed seeing her strange but pretty colored hair, he went to the tree, peeking around it with a grin, "Are you playing hide and seek?" He asked Ritsuka.
Nichole blushed and nodded. "you could spend the night if you want we have extra rooms and i can take uou shopping tomorrow..."blushing deeply.
Ritsuka jumped when she heard someone's voice. She stared at him wide-eyed with her electric blue eyes. She looked around and backed up a bit,"uh...." she uttered then shook her head to answer his question. She crossed her hands and put them down in front of her, making her shoulders rise, like a turtle trying to hide in its shell, she blushed and didnt make eye contact with him.
Rox uncharistically squirmed looking uncomfortable, "Are you sure we won't be intruding on your family?....and I haven't any money...."

Ven tilted his head, but than smiled, "Ooooh, okay!" He was quiet for a moment rocking on his bare feet, "Do you wanna play?" He asked trying to connect bright green to eletric blue, "I like your hair!" He compilmented his own spikey brown hair was wild and long in the back.
Nichole said"you're not intruding its fine! and dont think about money i can handle it!"smiling kindly. she was definitively pure of heart.
Ritsuka blushed at the compliment then bashfully smiled, covering her red face with her hands and her eyes between fingers, she nodded,"Sure ill play" she said quietly.
Rox found himself smiling at her once again, "Thank you, really," in his amber eyes shone gratitude, "It really means a lot. That you are so kind."

Ven noticed she was shy, because she hid behind her hands. He made his tone more low, it was not what you call quiet, but it was lower, "Okay, I 'll give you the easy part, by the way, what's your name? Mine is Ven or Venny, I go by that name now... okay you go hid, like behind a tree, and I come find ya, after I close my eyes and count a few numbers, kay?" He beamed at her, eager to play.
Ritsuka giggled and smiled,"Okay!" she turned to run off but then stopped,"Im the way..." She glanced at him before going to hide.

What an odd game... she thought, but it was fun to be around new people shes never met before.
Rox grinned sheepishly, "Right, so what did that girls magic do? How much did it heal you?" His tone curious as he stood before leaning down and picking her up into his arms bridal style.

Ven grinned covering his eyes, "Ritsuka, what a cool name, okay, one two three," he continued to count till he got to ten dancing in place from excitment, "Okayyyy Ritsuka ready or not, hehe, here I comeeee!" He started searching around the park giggling.
Ritsuka gasped when she heard it was times up. She looked around frantically...there were only trees,"TREES!" She looked up. She chose a tree and went up to it,"Excuse me....may i climb you?" she said. The leaves rustled. "Um...Ill...Ill give you a hug! If you let me...." She said again. She looked behind her to make sure her new friend wasnt around. Ritsuka shook her head,"I have to do it anyway sorry!" She began to acsend the branches.
Rox smiled, "Wonderful to hear," she was different from her mew, mew side, but Rox did not mind she was kind hearted and sweet either way, "Alright, wonder where that girl and Ven went off to?" he looked down at her red red face, "Are you comfortable Nichole?"

Ven raced eagerly around crawling through a tunel and spinning around on the merry go round trying to spot Ritsuka from all angles. Running to a tree he climbed it with ease, no Ritsuka, he laughed, "Boy oh boy your good at this game!" he called.

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