mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara tilted her head again and looked really confused. "What do you mean?" She looked down at the bandage and smiled slightly, she was glad Enzo was nice enough to do so. "I don't really understand.." Likara looks back up at him and gets up, standing near Enzo.
Rox gently shook his head, "Thanks, but no thank you." He watched her dig in though before looking around the park, "It's nice to find a person so kind, thats why its only fair..." He trailed looking away from Nichole, "Listen....I can see how much that cafe means to you....but, I never had any money, none, for a few days did not seem right to jimp you, not after you have been so kind....could I make it up somehow? The bill? Maybe work it off....if thats possible....I'm sorry." Rox continued to look away clasping his hands lightly together. It was true, nice people didn't come easy when you looked so rag-tagged, they label you as good for nothing and refuse to give you a chance, he had to feed himself and Ven somehow...but Nichole was different she was kind, did not judge them, it felt wrong to not pay, to her and the cafe.

Enzo finished wrapping the bandage, than he got up from his knelt place and went over to the sink, washing his hands, he saw the confusion in Likara's face from the mirror and he sighed grasping the towel and wiping his hands in a frustrated way, "I keep offering things, and I can exchange enough back...." He turned to look at her, eyes panicky frustrated, "You offered a bed, I help your wound, but than you offer a meal...and I have nothing to give back.....see?"
Nichole said"its alri..."she stopped short of her sentence when she heard screaming. "stay here!" people ran past her and she saw another predesite! she growled and looked around some before taking out her powerpendant. BAM! "WAHH! OOF!" Nichole hit the tree pretty hard. she stood wobbling some and smirked.
Rox looked over sighing lightly before Nichole got up, standing he walked a bit after her brows furrowing She was going to say it was alight, wasn't she? Than she saw her hit a tree and saw the parasite. Ven arms wrapped around his waist, his figure trembling as he gave a whimper, "It's okay, go hid behind the bench okay? Go on," Rox gave his brother a slight push. Stepping forward again he watched Nichole get up people kept running past, Rox didn't seem frightened, he ran over to the tree and tapped Nichole on the shoulder, "I want to help." He nodded.
Nichole said"ok..." she lightly kissed her pendant."POWERPENDANT MEWTAMORPHOSIS!" transforming. "mew mew style mew mew grace mew mew power in your face! meow~" smirking. she posed in her outfit."get ready this one seems tough.."her cheetah tail swishing.
So this is what it looks like, what it is..... Running back to his pack, he unzipped it pulling out his crossbow and racing back, "I don't know how much this will help, but I got your back." Rox nodded string bows into the bow.
Nichole nodded and said"Choco pistols!" getting her guns. she ran around the predesite confusing it."Choco bullets!"shooting at it. she was very cocky and braver.
Rox moved slicker, his movements sly and calculated as he aimed his cross bow and fired at the parasites eyes trying to blind him. Rox watched Nichole, she was really amazing, different too, but not in a bad way.
Nichole noticed one of its arms going for Ven. she ran there quickly holding him close taking the hit. it hit her again and again but she didnt give an inch. she cracked an eye open “you ok?”
Ven shuttered as its arm came towards him flinching but Nichole was there suddenly Ven nodded lightly, holding onto her, the terror slowly slipping from his eyes, Nichole was some sort of superhero he could see that, she would protect him, he trusted her right off, pressing his face into her shoulder, Ven nodded, "Don't let it eat me."

Rox shot a few more arrows than gather the ones he shot, he looked around Where was Nichole??? He came around the other side of the parasite and saw, she was protecting Ven, and that monster kept plowing into her over and over. It made his blood boil, gritting his teeth, without thinking, Rox ran towards the monster jumping he strung a arrow, and aimed shooting not only did it hit the mark, but it glew a strange color tore off the parasites landing, Rox's jaw dropped when he realized he had fox ears and a tail, "No" He said completely forgetting about the parasite for a minute.
Ritsuka left the cafe when she realized she forgot her wallet,"dang it!" She pouted. Across the street was the entrance of a park,"The park! Aeast that place is free!" She skipped to the light, crossed happily, and entered the park. "Whoaaaaa" she looked at all the towering trees watching how the sun dances on the leaves making it bright from down below and looking up. She picked a certain tree, a cherry tree, and hugged it. "So this is what trees are like~" she smiled. She looked around for a sharp little rock and drew the symbol of a wolf on the trunk,"There! Now i will always visit you!" She said
Nichole stood shakily and turned to the monster. "hey ugly over here!" running under it leading it away from Rox and Ven. She felt one of its arms grab her and struggled. it looked her straight in the eye starting to crush her. "ROAR!!AHHHHH!!!" a cyndaclon said"stupid mew..."smirking. he flipped his hair"do it.." Nichole felt the pressure increase and let out a loud roar of pain. CRACK! She coughed up blood and went limp. the predesite dropped her and she laid there in pain. she pointed one of her pistols shakily. "choco...bullet..." shooting it. it disintegrated and she changed back to normal. But the damage was done.she whimpered in pain and tried to move but it hurt too much. Nichole crawled to the others biting her lip to block her screams of pain. she collapsed in front of them.
Rox eyes were wide with fear, fear for Nichole,, he dropped down beside her fearing to touch her, "Nichole! I don't.....what do I do?" His voice was shaky as he leaned over her. Ven stood up trembling, he saw a girl hugging a tree, than his green eyes whiched to Nichole going wide at all the events that had happened.
"I'm fine with you giving me nothing back, or not doing anything for me. I just wanted to thank you for the things you did, that's all. If you're troubled with it, I won't make dinner..." Likara looks out the window, her hair flowing with the wind. Some faint birds were chirping or squawking. "It's so pretty out...." She doesn't smile like she usually does though. For some reason, she was sad. Likara really wanted to make him dinner.
Ritsuka pulled away from the tree and looked behind her,"hm?" She tilted her head. There was a girl on the ground and someone next to her,"what happened?" She asked herself.

Ritsuka quietly and slowly got closer to them, she hid behind a tree and watched,"Oh no...shes hurt." She whispered. Ritsuka looked at her hands and remembered the powers she mysteriously gained a few years ago. She sighed and hugged herself, those powers gave a very unhappy life..."I want to help but...." She thought of the people that kidnapped her for science,"Im scared..." She thought.
Enzo shook his head, he would not accept that, free offers...there was no such thing. Enzo stiffened more moving hair to place two fingers on his neck. He had learned that. Letting his hand go back down, into his pockets...his eyes found the window, "It is..." He said awkwardly than his fingers scraped his harmonica in his pocket, "Likara." It was first time he actually addressed her by name, "You like music." It was not a question, "I can play my harmonica for you, than you can make your meal, and I will partake in it." Enzo negotiated out.

Ven stumbled before he slowly walked over, but he tripped in his haste right by a tree, green eyes when they opened back up saw a girl (Ritsuka) Her hair was such a pretty color, he stared at if while slowly getting to his knees than he spoke, "Cuse me, are you going to help? Are you a magic too?" Nichole she got smashed, I don't think my brother knows how." Ven spoke his voice hopeful yet watery as tears sprung back into his green eyes, his mop of spiky brown hair blew gently with a breeze.
Likara smiled when he said her name and turned to him. "I'd like that...I'm a little tired though. I might not make it until dinner without falling asle-” A popping noise sounded again and her light pink, fluffy cat ears appeared again. "-ep. Is that okay with you Nya~?" Likara covers her mouth and blushes. She never made that sound before.
Enzo watched as her ears pop back on top of her head.He titlted his head at her odd noise, but nodded, "Yeah, sleep sounds good." He started to walk out the door, stopping he turned back, "Are you okay to walk?"
"Uh, y-yeah! I'm totally fine, don't worry about me!" She runs ahead of him and turns around, smiling brightly. Her tail swishes and the pink ears stand straight, one falling cutely.
Enzo nodded impressed by her will to run, the corners of his mouth twitched lightly the quickest flick of an almost smile, "Good." He answered placing hands back in pockets, he walked along at his normal steady stroll.
Likara slowed down and walked by Enzo. "I'm getting t-tired..." Her eyes starts fluttering closed, but she shakes her head. Likara puts a hand other head and stumbles slightly. "...woah..."
Ritsuka gasped and ran to the fallen girl. Ritsuka always had gloves on, she had marks on her hands that she didnt want anyone else to see. Not only that but when she would come into direct contact with a living thing, sometimes it could do more damage than harm, for you see, her hands heal those that NEED healing, if someting is already healthy it almost becomes....TOO healthy when touched by her. It was all part of her recently gained unknown powers, and she wants to learn how to control it.

She took the gloves on, the palm of her hands and single scars slit across from being experimented on. She placed Her hands on Nichole's core, her stomach, there was a faint golden light that beamed. Ritsuka put in all her effort and her hands shook. Suddenly the light disappeared and Ritsuka blinked, putting the gloves back on.

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