mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara looked shocked as she heard him yelp. She grabs his hands gently and hopes that it stops him. "Please don't hurt yourself....please?" Her eyes start getting wetter, but she stops them from making tears. The last thing she needed was to be a crybaby in a situation like this. Likara's hands lossen a little, but she doesn't let go.
Enzo he let out a growl at Nichole's response it was exactly what he did not want to hear, but he could hear the calm truth in her words. His face sputtered into shock as Likara grabbed his hands holding them, his eyes glowered at her,

"Unhand me! Release your hold!" He shrieked his voice hostile in its command, but in between the two yells his voice cracked with panic and his body gave way to sweat.
She let go quickly and looked at him frightened, "I-I'm sorry..I just..didn't want to see you hurt yourself..." Likara backed away, still looking at 'Enzo' with horror in her eyes. She didn't want to make him mad, or even possibly hurt her or himself.
Nichole sighed as her eears twitched. she sniffed some and her eyes dilated...she smelled meat. zoey grabbed her but Nichole bolted out following the smell.“great now shes going on a canivore rampage...”
Enzo backed up a few steps and shoved his hands into his pockets, gripping the insides tightly, looking at Likara seeming lost on what to do. As Zoey spoke, Enzo had no idea what it was, maybe the randomess or the wording or just it being one hell of a day, but he laughed, it was short and a little jittered but it was a laugh no doubt.

His mouth formed back into a quiet line before flicking his eyes back towards Likara, "Enzo...thats my name." He had thought she asked at some point, but could not remember, anyways she had said hers," He twitched his ears lightly than nodded, "I won't, but just how in the blazing pits of hell are you taking this so calming?" He questioned.

(Yullen, mind if I make a couple of new characters?)
Likara smiles brightly and makes a face. "I'm guessing is because of shock, or me just thinking this is all a dream of some sort. In the end, I really don't know." She giggles quietly and looks up and Enzo. "I'm fighting the urge to touch your ears. I'm sorry if I suddenly do so, it's just, they're so fluffy and warm and cute!" Her hands cup her face as she smiles happily, then covers her mouth once again.
Enzo stared at her for a few minutes. Honestly, these girls....a cheetah and a Cat and he was a wolf, and she still wanted to pet him....could life get any more insane? Wait....retract that statement. Enzo managed to nodded to her response of why she was so blazing calm it made sense, he had the same thoughts.....

"You know what else is fluffy, warm and cute?" He asked as if telling a joke yet his voice lacked the humor for it to come off as so.
Her head tilted sideways as she was totally confused. Likara was never good at riddles or anything that made you think for a long period of time. She walked forward a little more. "What?" Her voice had confusion and excitement to know what the answer was.
Enzo looked at her a light smirked edging the small corner of his lip, "A got a spare one where ever it is you live at?" Enzo asked in the most casual way possible.
Likara looked more confused. "How is a bed cute? Anyways, uh yea, I do. I'm guessing you need a place to crash, so you can use my place for awhile or something." She smiles and sticks out her tongue playfully, her ears flickering.
Enzo was distracted by Nichole eating a his utter inner did not look that bad to eat, "Right, thanks." Enzo said tonelessly he had gotten what he needed, "Lead the way."

(Cool! I will have them up soon, what time would say it was in the Rp? ^^)
(kk and um around like hmm noon..) Nichole finished the steak and sighed. 'pop' she was normal again and she looked around in confusion. gurgle oh no... she quickly covered her mouth running out the door at 45mph.
Name: Rox

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Animal dna: Fox

Weapon: Crossbow

Appearance: Spiky Brown hair and amber eyes

Personality: Friendly, Mysterious, Collective, Self-assured.

Fruit or whatever you represent: Ramen Noddles

Name: Ven

Age: 13 and a half

Gender: Male

Animal dna: Half wolf half dog- Wolf ears, and tail dog mannerism.

Weapon: Pole with a few retractable spikes on Iit, folds up.

Appearance: Spiky brown hair, green eyes

Personality: Optimistic, Trusting, Talkative, Very friendly, a little hyper and random.

Fruit or whatever you represent: Ice cream


Note: Rox is the one on the left, and Ven is the one on the right.


A male walked along the street his black loafers making a thump as he walked, butterscotch amber eyes looked up at the sun, I have no shadow must just have hit noon He thought continuing to walk on and on down the street. The sleeping figure on his back, moved his pale face from spiky brown hair,

"Roxy?" The smaller boy asked yawning, the boy was a pretty much look a like of the older teen, yet his eyes open to show green orbs, "We almost there?" Rox nodded his head lightly,

"Yeah, I think so Venny, you wanna get down?" Not that he mind carrying the boy, he was not very heavy his small for his age and skinny stature did nothing to his taller and slightly muscler frame,

"Nahhhh, I am okay." Ven answered snuggling his face back into Rox neck, Rox chuckled Affectionate runt....He soothed a hand down his buttoned up white shirt and his brown pants that lead to his black loafers. Ven was wearing brown shorts and a white and orange top (Like in the picture) and no shoes. The pair continued to go along the sidewalk.
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Likara turned back into a normal human and sighed. "I guess follow me then...?" She turns to the exit and points to the park. "My house is right across from the park, can we stop there first?" All she needed was some fresh air right now.
(Yay!!! And do it! do it! OwO)

Enzo felt a faint pop and reached up to his head patting around almost hesitantly, "......" He stood quietly before reaching back and no tail....Enzo jerked his hands back into his pockets his face turning a light pink, "Fine, it has benches doesn't it? Let's go." Enzo took up walking at a steady pace if he could at least sit down, it would help.

Rox wiped his forehead swiping his bangs to one side only for them to fall right back into place....he really needed a hair cut. He pulled out a scap of paper that had seen better days, and read it again, Where was the mew mew cafe? it should be around here...soon...these directions.... Rox sighed softy keeping his plight to himself as Ven hummed happily on his back some made up jingle or something.

"Whoa! Roxy! Didja see that girl?? Boy she was fast! Zoom! Haha!" Ven tittered gleefully as Rox looked around them, his eyes narrowed protectively stance a little rigid, what girl?
Likara runs ahead of Enzo and balances herself on top of the tunnel. She almost fell but she steadied herself, nearly slipping. She starts singing her song out loud and closes her eyes. Likara jumps to a wooden post and lands perfectly. She looks like a child, jumping from one lace to another quickly and perfectly. Her eyes glance at Enzo and smiles brightly.
Rox blinked "Ven, are you sure? Whoa hey!" Ven had jumped down to from his back and was running down the sidewalk laughing. Rox raced after him, "Hey wait up! You don't even know which way we are going or where cafe mew mew is! Wait!" Ven halted, just at Nichole side panting lightly,

"Hey! *puff, puff* That was awesome, you go fast!" Ven grinned up at Nichole.

Enzo watched Likara and continues to walk at his own pace, as she sings his ears do perk up, he has a strong appreciation for music, and singing was indeed a type. Enzo noted what good balance she had, and how quick she was in jumping, he sat down on a near by bench resting his head back, taking in her song, and going through the events of today in his mind.
Ven grinned back nodding his head, "Uh-huh! Thats what Roxy said, right?" Green eyes turned to Rox who was finally approaching. Rox panted slightly and pulled Ven closer to him,

"I'm sorry about brother does things like this....are we uh keeping you? Did you mention mew mew?" His voice was smooth in its regular tone while Ven's was chirpy and energetic.
Nichole blushed and smiled.“youre not keeping me cmon i have to do a shift for a friend!”leading them to cafe mew mew. she changed into her uniform and walked to their table.“hello welcome to cafe mew mew my name is Nichole and i will be your waitress for today!”
(Are there still acceptions? perhaps for one more person to be squeezed in? >o<)

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