mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

His hears kicked in. His vision was bad enough so his hearing evened it out. He heard rustling on the roof. ' What could it be?' He thought
( I hope you feel better too! )

Enzo stared at the girl before shaking his head no, "I don't let a weak thing as imagination get the best of me, you are real." Enzo place his hands back in his pockets, "I am Lor-" he paused abruptly wincing, "Enzo, just Enzo, and I am trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and why I am so....attached to this fucking cafe of all places this is the third time I have been in here." he ranted slightly before clamping his mouth shut.
Likara heard screams, but figured that it was kids playing. She let Nichole down and told her she could play as much as she would like to. Likara sat down on one of the swings and gently swung as she hummed her song.
Vale's eyes turned white. The sensation was coming. He placed his hands on his bandages around him. They slowly shifted around his body and made the form of a scythe. Then he peeled away at the bandages at the top to reveal the blade. He slowly walked over to the inside of the school. He walked through the halls. He opened a door with a sign on it. Children where just about to finish their day. He quickly dashes to the other side of the room. Blood soaked the walls. The heads of the children hit the floors but their bodies stayed in place. Vale blacked out.
Nichole smelled blood. she ran down the stairs and into a room. when she opened the door she let out a loud scream backing up. the students were...dead! she felt sick from the smell of blood and slid down the wall pure horror on her face.
Likara smelled a strong scent of blood, she got really nervous. She didn't want to leave Nichole alone, so Likara brought her with. The scent lead the way as she enters a school building. As she got closer to the smell, she got sicker and started shaking more. When Likara saw the children she covered Nichole's eyes and stood there, shaking more than ever.
Enzo was waiting for the girl to say something, feeling akward about his ranting and just confused. Than his sharp sense of smell picked up blood. Turning he ran out the cafe, his brows down on his forehead. after running, he came to a halt, Nichole was there....again. along with another girl carrying a little one. Stepping into the doorway, the scent of blood was horribly strong he had to pinch his nose closed, mindnight blue eyes gazed around heads....human heads, bodies still sat in chairs....headless, blood stained everywhere......Enzo stood frozen.
Enzo felt his hands trembling and balled them to fist to make them stop, he heard the girl crying. he gritted his teeth, "Be quiet! crying won't help bring them back to life!" he hissed out. Forcing his eyes closed. the real reason was not only this, but Nichole's cries made tears well in his eyes. but he could not cry, tears were nothing. helped nothing. they were only for the weak.
Tears began to fall without her knowing it. Likara was stuck for words, she covered Nichole's eyes as much as she could. The shaking got worse and didn't notice another person walk in. "I.............I.....I c-c-can't m-m-move...." She stuttered with every word and letter.
Enzo stoood eyes still tightly squeezed shut, hand over his nose, the scent of blood...he could smell each scent, each child who where they? how old? why does it matter? they are they are all dead....all gone. Enzo moved forward blindly for a few steps before squinting his eyes open, slowly, he reached a body, ignoring the smell, the sight, and the sound of his boots stepping in the blood, Enzo too the body placing it near its head, of course it was hard to match who went with which, the blood was everywhere and distorted, but he tried to match every body up right, once that was done. He stood back looking composed yet detached turning, blood all over him espically coating his hands, Enzo looked around frowning.
"Y-y-you should g-get yourself clean b-before it stains y-your clothes...." Likara looked at the male, covered in blood. She could feel herself getting dizzy and held her head tightly. Her eyes stared at him, she didn't know why though. Likara couldn't take her eyes off of him. She stood there, leaning on the wall. "You should go outside..." She whispers into Nichole's ear softly. Nichole walks away and Likara gazes into the classroom.
Enzo stared at the bodies connected with their heads as best as they could be. He turned slightly looking at the girl who had spoken before looking away, "Doesn't matter, clothing, its just cloth...." he muttered softly before speaking again,"Cloth...." turning passed the girl he picked up a good speed and ran intill he found what he was looking for, the medical nurse office going in, he broke through the lock.Coming back at a slightly slower pace, he passed the pink haired girl again his arms full of sheets, he laid them over the bodies covering them, its the best I can do...Standing, Enzo backed out of the room. leaning against the door frame, he shook slight trembles.
nichole was passed out under the stairs. zoey shook her"Nichole?!" but she wasnt waking up. zoey felt for her pulse and found one it was racing.
Likara moved up to the man and held his sleeve tightly. "Th-th-th-thank y-you....." Small tears began to form and slowly went down her cheek.
Enzo felt his vision blur, the smell of blood still so thick, god why did his smell have to be so keen? The fifthteen year old turned to stare at the girl than down at her hand on his sleeve What was with girls and touching him today? Enzo yanked his sleeve out of her fingers, taking a deep breath, he made his expression vacant,

"There is nothing to thank, every soul deserves a proper rest." hands grasped the doorknob closing it, they no longer had a place in that room. walking away, Enzo stopped near Zoey and gazed at Nichole, "Oh great, is she dead now too?" His voice held nothing but waryness.
Enzo blinked, this was not his element of expert, he watched Zoey place the jacket over her, "Is she going to die now?" He asked thinking Zoey was covering her for death, or starting to.

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