mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Enzo rounded a corner just in time to see the transfomation, he blinked a few times watching, "What the hell?" he excliamed drawing his sword, but staying still, he wanted to see the outcome of this.
zoey said"mew mew style mew mew grace mew mew power in your face!"posing. "lets go! STRAWBERRY BELL!" nichole said"what do i do?!" zoey said"think of any kind of weapon!!" nichole concentrated and got two pistols."sweet! lets do this!" aiming at the monster. "CHOCOLATE BULLET!"shooting it. zoey said"nice!"
Enzo stared slack jawed, what the actual hell? he thought blinking again and again. Enzo would have counted himself insane, if he did not feel such a tug towards the strange powers, as though he possesed them himself. Enzo watched the two pistols come, and the chocolate bullets shoot out.
the monster swung at nichole and she jumped back and tsked. "you cant catch a cheetah!" running around it and shot off two of its legs. "ZOEY YOUR UP!" zoey said"STRAWBERRY BELL FULL POWER!" it shot a multi colored beam at the monster and it desinigrated.
Enzo's mouth fell open again as the monster was reduced to dust, "Whoa," his voice was light with amazment and his eyes wide more childlike as his gaurd was let down. but he sobered back up quickly his eyes fixed on Nichole and Zoey.
Enzo moved foward looking around him and walking the lengh of were the battle had been, Enzo stopped a little ways away from the two girls, "I don't understand...what just happened to you both?" his midnight blue eyes moved from one to the other.
Enzo looked around him nodding understandable this seemed like quite the privately matter so he followed after Zoey, and kept pace with Nichole eying her with curious suspiousion, "Hi." he said back yet a bit stiffly not use to be greeted or seeing someone so many times in one day.
they went into the cafe. zoey said"eliot i found a mew mew!" they went to the back and nichole's eyes widened at the technology back there.
Enzo slowd his pace as they reached the Cafe. Here again? but he followed them in and walked to the back. Seeing all the technology, Enzo's eyes widened along with Nichole, "Whu?...."
wesly said"hello! nichole you are a mew mew meaning you have animal dna..." nichole said"and?" he said"you will be working here and help us!" nichole said"ok..." he said"we have to protect earth from the cyndaclons..."
nichole said"i get to kick alien butt?!" wesly nodded and she fist pumped saying"yay!" wesly said"but." nichole said"i cant tell anyone because they'll think im crazy?"
(( I'm so sorry about how long it took to reply! I guess I'll kind of just jump in. ))

Vixen had been following the group from the shadows, and as such had seen everything, including the transformation. Intrigued, she had continued to follow the group back to the café, and now stood outside the room they were in, eavesdropping on their conversation.
Enzo back a couple of step out of the room, all that technology, moving his eyes to the right he spotted another person (Vixen) He stared at her for a moment before shaking his head roughly, ".....You hear this all too? So, I am not completely insane?" He asked the nameless girl.
*Vale crawls to the restaurant. He finally found mew mew. He passed out with joy before entering*
Nichole walked out the door and saw someone passed out. "oh my gosh!" she quickly checked for a pulse and gently held him up by his arms pulling him inside.
*He woke up to Nichole patching him up. He jumped up and started freaking out like knocking tables overs and hitting glasses.*
* A quick black flash hit Nichole pushing her aside and he ran back outside. It seemed weird to be excited about something then running away from it*

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