mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Enzo ran a hand into his pockets placing the right amount of money on the table, he had already added up the prices while looking at the menu, moving strands of blue hair, his ears twitched lightly as another girl came in. Enzo watched her sit, and be served. Getting up, the boy swayed to the front,

"Hey lady! Moneys on the table." he called in a dull tone still walking, midnight blue orbs locked on the other waitress, she moved very fast....he noted to himself.
Nichole said"ok thank you come again!" putting the money in the cash register. Nichole quickly served other costumers and smiled finished. Zoey said"woah..."Nichole took off the uniform and put her jeans and graphic tee on.
Enzo went out the shop and leaned against a tree and pondered why he was even here again, he looked around him, at all the, he needed a place to stay tonight, Enzo dug his hands in his pockets.
Enzo blinked at the voice only turning his head to look at her, it was the girl from the cafe, the one that moved so fast, Enzo looked away than back again curiousity eating at him, "Who are you?" he finally blurted.
After Vixen had finished her meal, she had quietly stepped out without paying, hoping nobody would notice. As she left, though, she noticed one of the girls who had been working lingering around outside. She ducked behind a tree quickly, staying low to the ground, hoping her brown-and-green outfit would help keep her hidden from sight as she eavesdropped on the conversation. It was getting dark, too, so that should help her remain unseen... She listened intently to what the waitress and the other man were saying to each other.
Enzo rolled his eyes and snorted lightly, "Yeah, you told me so when you waited on me...." he folded his arms eying her now, "I want to know, were that speed comes from, what's your purpose, why are you here?"
nichole said"i dont know where my speed comes from i know i could run fast but never this fast...i have a feeling my purpose has something to do with cafe mew mew...i was just a little hungry and came here to eat..i ended up helping out zoey though...."rubbing her head sheepishly.
Enzo watched her as she talked, no signs of lying, plus freakly she had said the same thing he had been asking himself, questioning, yet he could not pull himself to far away from the cafe, could not travel on passed here, he was meant to be here, but why????? Enzo clinched his fist in utter fustration,

"Same. but why damnit does anyone know?" her growled out more in a wofish way digging his nails into his palms to roughly the skin broke and blood began to drip onto the grass Oh great more injuries!
nichole said"oh my gosh!" looking at his hand. "come with me!"pulling him into the cafe. she cleaned the wound and disinfected it then put some ointment on it. "hmmm"she hummed before wrapping his hand good and tight but not too tight.
Enzo was so shocked she had touched him, he did not recover in till feeling the sting of her cleaning it, "ahhh" he gritted in a hiss, "What in the devil are you doing? what is that stuff?? And I did not ask for your help!" Enzo went on as he winced lightly pulling his hands away and inspecting them.
Enzo wrinkled his forehead up before glaring, it did not lighten even when Nichole said sorry, "You should be." he snared, but than let the glare go, "Don't wounds get better with you just stop the blood and than bandage it?" he qustioned fingering the bandage wrapped around his left arm and right the left one stained with blood at the elbow.
nichole shrunk back and teared up. she said"im s-sorry..."before running out crying. zoey said"YOU DIDNT HAVE TO BE SO RUDE TO HER!"glaring.
Enzo looked between Nichole than at Zoey, folding his arms tightly he jutted out his chin and gave a huff, "She was rude too, didn't answer my question"
Enzo started talking right after Zoey, "Well trying is not always good enough for some is it? trying gets you know where to some, you have to be pefect," Enzo glared down at his bandages, "Absoutly perfect or else you are some." He finished off voice softly strianed before he growled himself his tone return to normal,"Why am I even talking to you?" and with that he walked out of the door of the cafe. Going to the tree he sat before taking a hormonica out and pressing it to his lips, Enzo played a low soft melody, his eyes slid shut as he got into the song.
Nichole jogged home before she was half way there though she was attacked by a predesite!(monster they use) She screamed after being hit. Zoey caught her but looked totally different! (<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/zoey-mew-mew-power-rules-26700549-249-367.jpg.c935bd95497e1dcfe4fed9bb864fb95f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/zoey-mew-mew-power-rules-26700549-249-367.jpg.c935bd95497e1dcfe4fed9bb864fb95f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)

Enzo's music world was interupted by a scream. snapping his eyes open, Enzo got to his feet, his hair stood up. Danger. taking off in a fast run, Enzo ran trying to locate the momster and screamer.
zoey tossed nichole a pendant and said"use that and quick!" nichole lightly kissed it and transformed. she had a chocolate brown shirt,brown leather jacket, cheetah ears and tail her eyes an amber color and a skirt, long brown boots and fingerless gloves. she looked up and smiled looking at her collar.

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