mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara finishes the song and jumps down to sit next to Enzo. She almost falls but catches herself and brushes off her leg. Likara casually sits down next to him, her leg feeling terrible. She feels something run down her leg so she covers it up with her other leg.
Rox went a slightly measured pace, yet followed non the less, when they got to the cafe, Rox chuckled at it, "Ha, cute," He grinned Yeah this is the place, just like the picture.

Ven trotted off after Nichole and gave a cheer of delight at the cafe, "Oooooh Nichole is so pretty!" He exclaimed as she came to the table, his eyes looking all around ooohng and ahhing at everything he found impressive, which was a lot.

Rox chucked giving a slight apologetic smile,"Ven, sit properly. Sorry bout him, thanks for taking us here." The teen thanked as Ven did sit yet twisted in his seat to watch another waitress carrying a cake.

Enzo opened his midnight blue eyes quirking his eyebrow as the song had vanished, where had it gone? He felt annoyed, casting his eyes sideways, he saw Likara his eyes traveled to her leg, did she stop singing because of it?

"What's wrong with you?" He asked not the best at voicing any type concern properly.
Likara tries to smile, but can't due to the pain. "I-I-it hurts..!" Tears slowly fall down as she covers the stinging wound. It starts getting stronger and stronger but doesn't want to bother Enzo. "I'm s-s-sorry...."
Rox was looking around too, but with more of keen eyes before returning Nichole's smile, "That sounds great Nichole thank you, two please." Ven was hanging half over his seat watching someone eat ice cream, "And would you add one scoop of vanilla ice cream to his?" Rox add pulling the boy by the back of his shirt to get him to sit properly.

Enzo blinked watching her, his eyes going form her tear streaking face to her leg, "Well, how is anyone supposed to take a look with you hiding it?"
name: Ritsuka

age: 16

gender: female

animal dna: Dire Wolf (A dire wolf is a HUGE wolf, its almost prehistoric but we see it now as just a REALLY BIG wolf :3)

weapon: Scythe

appearance: (her as a smaller kid) forest staff anime girls wolves 1386x1050 wallpaper_www.animemay.com_20.jpg

(her older)

personality: Shes sweet and caring but can be defensive. She means well but can get into trouble sometimes. Shes shy at first but shows her true colors soon. Shes innocent but stubborn and likes to get a good laugh. Shes light-hearted and kind, shes optimistic and strong.

fruit or what ever you represent: honey
(accepted honey)Nichole nodded and went to get their orders. she ran back but tripped. “woah woah!”she wobbled catching the tray.Nichole managed to get to their table before falling.
Likara moves her leg to show blood still flowing slowly out of the straight cut. She winces in pain when she puts her finger on it. "It stings r-really bad.."
Ritsuka's platinum hair followed her as she walked. She strolled down the main streets and looked at every shop she passed,"aww its so cute~" her tiny figure bent down to pet a dog tied to a post in front of a store. Her long hair touched the ground as she crouched beside it. She giggled and stood up,"good bye doggie!" She waved with a smile. She kept walking looking into all the stores that interest her. She stopped at a window of a bakery and looked at her reflection,"huh?" She noticed her bangs were a little messed up. She fipped them then smiled at the reflection with her hands on her hips. For such a tiny girl she had a lot of confidence....sometimes... She took her eyes off of herself and skipped along down a street. Up a head she saw a little easel that had "todays specials" written on it. She looked to side, at a store that corresponds to the sign,"A CAFE!" She grinned and walked in.
Rox/Ven- Just as Nichole fell, Rox caught her figure into his arms, he stood her up, than gingerly placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her, amber orbs full of concern dropped in Nichole's eyes, "You okay?" his voice it same smooth tone. Ven had went very still watching than sighed with relief, "Phew close one! ooooo! Ice cream yammy!" He exclaimed before digging in.

Enzo frowned at the sight of the blood, he was not squeamish, but there was quite a bit, and he had seen enough of it today, "Okay." He said more to himself, he could do this. it was just as Nichole had done for him a few days ago. Standing he said, "Reclose your leg, and apply pressure, it helps the blood stop....somehow, I am going to pick you up, and carry you back into the school, to the medic office, its the clostest place. Blood loss can be fatal."
Likara looked up at him and and blushes lightly. "O-okay.." She takes a ribbon out of her hair and tightly wrap it around her leg. Blushing more, she stands up and readies herself to get picked up."I'm r-ready..."
Rox smiled kindly, concern evaporating, "Glad to know, and will do, it looks very tasty." Sitting, he dug in throwing Nichole another smile, before eating more. Ven was busy chumping away hungrily, no surprised, they had not eaten in awhile.

Enzo nodded his approval at the ribbon, he positioned himself before picking her up bridal style, "Make sure you....wash that before putting it back in your hair." he muttered carrying her at a swift pace, but not to swift to cause discomfort. Enzo kept his face and tone blank, this was really out of his comfort zone, touching...being touched....but she offered him a bed, an exchange for an exchange, he owed no debt now.
", thanks for carrying me. I'll make us dinner as a thanks..." She didn't want to look at Enzo, if she did, her face would get really red and possibly faint. Likara was never in a position like this before. She smiled lightly and snugged closer to him, making her feel more safe and comfortable.
Rox was watching Nichole, but now and again, he was also scooping out the cafe viewing everything it had to offer, amber eyes saw the man smirk, his eyes narrowed, he really did not like the looks of that guy.

Enzo he pushed open the door and let it bang shut as he rounded to the medic office, he felt Likara snuggle up to him, and his eye twitched, hearing her, Enzo stiffened his mind racing in panic, "No! No! You are offering me a bed! If you give me food then...." He trialed off scowling, "I am not hungry anyways." He mumbled.
Nichole served a group of guys and was walking away when one grabbed her wrist pulling her into his lap. she yelped and he tilted her chin up.“hey cutie how about you and me go out?” Nichole said“let go of me!” pushing him off.
(@ IHeartEdwardElric I edited my post for you! ^^ As soon as I post I see yours, this website does not really tell you when others have posted right before you do @.@)

Rox pushed his chair back, "Stay, Ven." He commanded gently before making his way over to the men, and placing himself in front of Nichole, "That's really rude, and the wrong way to ask someone on a date. Apologize. And if not, get out." His voice was still smooth let had an edge to it now.
The guys scoffed and pushed past Nichole leaving. she never felt anger until now....she ran after the guy that grabbed her and landed a good right hook. Nichole walked back into the cafe shaking her hand. “thanks roxy...”blushing. “sorry about that...”closing up for the day. she sighed siting at a table after changing.
Likara backs away a little scared and sits down. "I'm sorry...please don't get mad.." Her face falls and she grips the bottom of her dress tightly. She feels her leg beginning to stop but starts to pulse with pain. "O-ow..." Likara says as she touches the wound.

(Thanks! It does it for me too, I hate that!! >3<)
Rox jolted in surprise as she suddenly ran following after Nichole a little, but out of the window saw her deliver one hell of a right hook Well, well, she has some moves...fighting and speed, abnormal speed...hmm.

"No need to apologize." Rox waved it off and went back to his table finishing up his food, smirking as Ven chirpy re-acted the scene that amazed him so, it was indeed awesome. Rox noticed many seemed to leave, crud did that mean they had to go as well?

Leading the way, Rox went over to Nichole's table and sat down Ven plopped himself next to him, calm enough, and gave Nichole a smile,

"Hi! Hi Nichole, are you tired?" Rox spoke up next,

"Mind if a have a word? Want to go to that park? Its still nice out." Rox asked keeping his gaze to the window. 
Enzo watches her, surprise on his own face he quickly picks her back up and sets her down on the nurse table before turning around and rummaging throw the cabinets looking for what he needs, "I....I am not at you....its," He paused finding what he needed and bring it over, he got items to wash the wound, gently doing so before applying disinfected and ointment, all the things he carefully observed Nichole using on him. As he wrapped the bandages he spoke again, "I don't know how to keep up." He finally said.
Nichole said“sure lets go to the park!”smiling. she grabbed her bag and stood up. she looked up at the sky determined. her stomach grumbled and she blushed deeply.
Rox nodded, getting up as well, Ven hopping up as well. As they walked Ven ran circles around Rox and Nichole as they walked side by side. Seeing the park, he ran off towards it jumping on a swing and pumping is legs hard to go higher. Rox chuckled He is still so carefree even after.... Sitting on a bench, he kept an eye on Ven before turning to Nichole as her stomach growled and she blush, digging into his side pocket, he pulled out a cereal bar that was slightly crumbled, it was his turn to blush, "Er, you can have it if you want....I understand if you don't."
Nichole said"thanks!"eating it happily. she searched her bag and found her lunchbox which still had a lot. she broke the chopsticks and handed Rox a pair. "here we can share!" smiling sweetly but was still blushing.

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