mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara blinked at the action but didn't complain as she rubbed his ears affectionately. She smiled gently as the softness made her giggle. The fact that Enzo was embarrassed made it more cuter. It got to the point where she half jumped on him, hugging him while rubbing her cheek against his. Likara knew what she was doing but didn't care. She purred against him and was smiling like a goofball like she was.
Enzo slowly took his face out of the napin relaxing under the ear rubbing, he started making that soft humming noise that showed his love for this affection. His features began to return to normal and he swore he heard someone say his name...but he was not really listening. Enzo jolted a little forward when Likara jumped on him,"Agh!" He said in surprise failing his arms lightly but settling to blush again as her cheek rubbed up against her, "L-l-li!" He stammered really caught off gaurd by her love attack, "Likara, wha-?" He manged to gently pry her away placing a hand on her cheek, "I think you-" he started off trying to recover from his akwardness trying to figure out what he wanted to say. He felt embrassed, but then again not, all at once, his face was about as red as her hair, and his midnight blue eyes looked into her ruby ones seeing how simply happy she was, just by his ears, just by him he found himself leaning forward and kissing Likara right on the lips.

Rox felt a good feeling shiver go down his back when Nichole licked at his neck, he rubbed right behind her ears before leaning up and kissing them lightly, hormones seemed to be going a bit crazy right now!
Likara smiled and kissed him back with passion. She felt her ears and tail pop out as she did this out of pure happiness. They instantly flattened against her head lightly, her smile never leaving her face. She opened her eyes a bit to look around and instantly closed them out of embarrassment. Just seeing his face and everybody else made her blush harder.
Ritsuka smiled and nodded,"okay!" She followed him to the others and sat next to him with her legs crossed. Everyone was so happy and she loved it, having a family was great!

Itaru kept eating grapes while just listening in on conversations nothing more.
Luna giggled and said"so itaru how was it to get your butt kicked by nikki?" Laughing more.

Nichole mewled and relaxed. "Purrrr roxy~" (hooray for randmon teenage hormones! XDXDXD)
( omg i checked this like thirty minutes ago and i come back to six messages @.@)
Rox smiled widely feeling the purrs and hearing his name laced in them, Well, I found one of her feel good stops He thought pleased with that fact, he finished up his banana before leaning and kissing Nichole on the cheek and rubbing his fingers lightly along her ears again, his own fox tail swished with pleasure for making Nichole so happy to purr so.

Enzo felt himself relax into the kiss Screw whoever is watching! he heard the light pops of Likara's tail and ears pop he smirked into her smile Haw, made ya change bringing his arms up her laced them along her shoulders before moving his hands into her hair, slowly working up to those ears made of fluff he started to rub them lightly, not breaking the kiss.

Ven dug around in the bag of snacks, "Yoghurt, fruits-oo cherries! Oh uh, cookies, cookies, hmm." Ven cocked his head lightly this way and that examining the items, "Ah ha!" He chored in victory wiggling back around a smile on lips and two rather large sugar cookies in his grasp, "Your cookie madam." He poured out in a pretend rich tone holding it out as if it was an expensive jewel.

(Oh oh and honey Luna spoke to Itaru :3 )) 
Rox smiled widely feeling the purrs and hearing his name laced in them, Well, I found one of her feel good stops He thought pleased with that fact, he finished up his banana before leaning and kissing Nichole on the cheek and rubbing his fingers lightly along her ears again, his own fox tail swished with pleasure for making Nichole so happy to purr so.

Enzo felt himself relax into the kiss Screw whoever is watching! he heard the light pops of Likara's tail and ears pop he smirked into her smile Haw, made ya change bringing his arms up her laced them along her shoulders before moving his hands into her hair, slowly working up to those ears made of fluff he started to rub them lightly, not breaking the kiss.

Ven dug around in the bag of snacks, "Yoghurt, fruits-oo cherries! Oh uh, cookies, cookies, hmm." Ven cocked his head lightly this way and that examining the items, "Ah ha!" He chored in victory wiggling back around a smile on lips and two rather large sugar cookies in his grasp, "Your cookie madam." He poured out in a pretend rich tone holding it out as if it was an expensive jewel.

(Oh oh and honey Luna spoke to Itaru :3 ))
Nichole mewled and looked at rox with a near lustful grin. Nichole tackled him and stole some of his banana! 'Shouldn't have done that roxy~"

Luna said"sis.walk to your room. Then have your makeout session. "rolling her eyes.

Nichole blushed then dragged rox ti her room.
Likara purred lightly and wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling a little. She couldn't hear what was going on around her and she truthfully didn't care. A shiver went down her spine when he touched her ears, making her purr a little louder. Likara pulled away for a second but kissed Enzo again. Her ears flickered lightly in his touch and she blushed at the contact.
(Wait what? She did?)

Itaru snickered at the suggestion Luna made,"Are you jealous?" She smirked with a lifted eyebrow.

Ritsuka grinned at the sight of them. "Yay!" She took them,"Why thank you kind sir~" she went along with it. She unwrapped one and rubbed it against her face,"Cookies~ i love you~" then took a little bite with a smile and blush. "So yummy~" her little voice exclaimed.
Itaru nodded,"right right..." He scoffed and laughed to himself in thought,"Youre so fun to tease!"
"Ow!" He rubbed his head and pouted,"why do girls always hit me! Hmm...maybe they love me~" he looked at Luna with a grin,"oh thats right! Youre a masochist." He chuckled.

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