mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Itaru flipped his hair,"Ha! Dont flatter yourself mutt..." They separated and Itaru met with Nichole,"Alright who am i sparring with? :) "

Ritsuka felt Ven's hand get tighter, she watched as he hesitated. She scooched closer to him,"Dont worry~ you got this." She smiled at him.
Rox nodded making a count in his head Myself, Luna, Enzo, Ven, and Ritsuka...we could use Jacob right now... but he is knocked out, alright "Okay, how do you want to pair?" He looked to Luna seeing that she was abit older then him and would be alpha, and himself beta.

Enzo just smirked watching Itaru go along with Nichole. "You are dramatic hairball." he listened to Rox asked and he leaned most of his weight on his left side, "I can wait if needed," he voleentured with a shrug it would give him a chance to observe.

Ven felt Ritsuka move closer and it only increased his resolve with her words, "Yeah, I do have it, okay, thanks Suka." He moved them over more towards their side watching as delibrations were being made.
Ritsuka froze for a second when finding out she was going against Ven. She sighed and looked up at him once more,"Dont hold back okay?" She gave another reassuring smile. She didnt want to do it just as much as he did,Its just sparring dont worry, she thought and took her stance. Ritsuka highly alert and was quick thinking and was fast with hand to hand combat, if she could get close enough that would be awesome, but she was a little fearful that was her biggest weakness...Being fearful means being distracted, there have been numerous times where shes messed up in a fight from being afraid of her opponent, but this fear was different, this fear was being afraid of possibly hurting a loved one, assuming that she can...

"Oh crap...." Itaru huffed and took his stance some distance away from Nichole his hand on his rapier. His strengths were speed and accuracy but had many weaknesses as well. This ought to be interesting.
Ven froze himself just as Ritsuka hearing the pairings. He wanted to scream that Luna was insane, and there was no way in h*ll he was going to! But his words were suck inside his throat. Ritsuka recovered faster giving more reassurance to her credit it calmed him more. He nodded lightly as she left his side to stand before him instead to fight, sparr, just to pratice. His eyes closed and doubts mixed with fear were swallowed. I have this...being her its less likely for me to lose control because its well....her. Ven felt his self move into his fighting stance and finally opened forest colored eyes, they showed resolve and readiness, "You don't either." It would not help them any if they did hold back. His pole memorized into his hand, he gripped the weapon than nodded his willingness to begin. Ven was also speedy and agile, but he had a shaky defense, and lack of control, two things that could really harm a fighter.

Rox summoned his crossbow as Enzo got his short sword. They watched each other seeing which one would make the move first, it was tricky with one person being short range and the other long. Rox moved first but not backwards, forwards it completely throwing Enzo off, "What?!" He manged before having to take defense as Rox aimed well placed kicks and hits if Enzo had not been blocking, "You got to be ready for anything." Rox said smoothly, "You cant rely solely on the weapon to measure an attack."
Likara woke up quickly and her whole body flung up. Sharp pain went through her as she moved too quickly. "O-ow..." She stayed in the same position for a second to register where she was. Her eyes flew around the room as she saw everybody fighting. They better be practicing. Likara wanted to fight with somebody too, but she didn't want to hurt anybody. The pain was gone and she got up and moved out of the way some more, going to a corner to watch everybody. Her eyes found Enzo almost immediately and she kind of wanted to fight with him, seeing as she already has in the past.
Ritsuka gatered her hair and ties it up with a ribbon just before the match. She put her right arm behind her back and there appeared her treasured scythe. She spread her feet shoulder width apart and bent her knees to stay ready. Her left hand was positioned infront of her body. Ritsuka closed her eyes and shut out everything, meditating for a moment to awake her other senses other than sight. Once mentally ready, she opened her sapphire crystal eyes and narrowed them with intense focus. He brought the weapon around infront of her and now held it with both hands. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly...

Itaru sighed,"Well no turning back now..." He removed his rapier from its sheath and holster getting in a fencing stance, his left hand back while his right carried his sword, aiming it at his opponent and legs seperated with one foot infront of the other,Okay Itaru, remember youre training dont be sloppy... Its all about precision...Chin up, shoulders back, right foot forward...not THAT forward!, He waited on Nichole's mark,"Ladies first~" he slyly grinned.
Likara was playing with her exposed ears, wiggling them and feeling the softness of them all. She kept her eyes on the fighting though, not wanting to get hit with something by accident. Her weapon appeared in her hands as she thought about it. The weight pulled her hands down while making a clinking noise. She noticed the chains were smaller than usual and thought that was weird. Can they change size? Likara wanted to whip it around but knew she might hit someone if she tried to. Then, an idea flew into her mind. Go outside. Her body dragged itself across the floor quietly and she somehow got outside without knowing it. The chain was limp beside her as she held it tightly. Likara smiled before pulling it back then forward quickly like a whip. It made a loud cracking noise and startled her a lot. She jumped back and tried again, it making a softer noise this time. ((A big one! >3<))
Itaru's eyes were a little wide, darting to follow each bullet as he deflected them with the blade of his sword letting her get closer since she was running to him. "C'mon now dont go easy on me!" He yelled over the clanging of metal hitting metal,"i could end this right now if i wanted to~"
Ven watched Ritsuka tie back her hair and get prepped even more, Ven croaked his head to one side as she seemed to be concentrating on something what is she thinking about? An attack? It made him a little nervous as well as jittery he was used to straight forward attacks or tricky underhanded ones, but never just standing there, mental prepping did not even cross his mind. Once she focused in on him, he gripped his weapon a bit more securely before taking a breath rushing it out, "Okay, coming at you." He knew not to tell an enemy his move, but this was Suka and he could not help himself. Taking a step forward he broke off into a light jog his footfalls echoing on the floor, moving quicker he veered to the left then a bit to the right making zig-zags making it hard to see which side he would end up, pushing his weapon in front of him, he got closer and closer reading to swing to his right than twist and swung to his left.

Enzo had been pushed back along the length of the room still on the freaking defense! Rox was not letting up, he did not seem to be exhausting himself either," Guh! Dammit! will you lay off?!?" He growled frustrated but took a breath to cool down and finally near the wall, be backtracked up it to flip over Rox getting a good distance between them as soon as he feet touch he ground, he moved forward not wanting the brunette to get the advantage again. But Rox was already on step two and arrows began to fling towards Enzo who dodged and blocked them, still pushing forward having a plan now of his own.
Itaru lifted his sword above his head and face and a thin while umbrella shaped shield came over him. It wasnt too big but it protected his vital areas while some bullets skimmed him, one was too close for comfort and scratched his arm through his sweater,"You tore my sweater! Okay fine, we'll play like that..." A playful grin flashed and he took off. He went head on at her then once close enough he swung around behind her in one swift motion, ready to strike with his sword...

Ritsuka put a hand on each end of her weapon, one close to the blade and the other on the bottom. She held it vertically, thrusting it out to block each swing Ven threw at her. With the last one she sat there pushing at him while he pushed back at her. She was on her tippy toes looking up at him while her feet were sliding back inch by inch from his superior strength. She didnt say a word. She knew she couldnt hold this any longer and jumped back, pushing away from him. She was now about five feet away from him and got an idea. She grabbed the scythe in her left hand and swung her scythe in a criss-cross motion on each side of her. Left, right, left right, while her right hand was infront of her body to stay out of the way of the swinging blade. As she did this she briskly walked closer to him, her face with no emotion, once close enough she turned all the way around, a full 360, and used the momentum to swing the sharp weapon diagonally at Ven with her left hand still.
Ven heard the clash of blades and watched as Ritsuka scooted a fee inches along then she retreated jumping back to take defense? No. His green eyes watched at her left handed movements following the pattern he tried to calculate which side it would be on when she made it to him with each sturdy step she took. Yet she surprised him with a swift circle spin with a diagonal strike. Gasping lightly he sucked in the breath as he managed a half turn towards the attack and enough time to get his weapon up, but it was a shaky and weak defense and he had to use his flexibility to get himself away a little more from the blade. Grunting he did not try the pushing game knowing he would lose in the stance he was in. Instead he leaned back and swiped at her feet with his own, for a distraction before leaning into a full flip then he was a foot away now and gave himself little time to regroup by charging right back at Ritsuka swinging his weapon in a fast paced motion fixing to get her on the defense without room to attack.
"What the--?" Itaru fell,"i didnt even know my tail was out...i swear they have a mind of their own..." He sighed. "No matter~!," he did a tumble roll backward to land on his feet and stand back up again,"i AM a cat~!" He took his stance again and smirked at Nichole.

Ritsuka wasted no time, with both hands she raised then stuck her scythe in the wood below her while the handle went up since the blade went down, she used that force to launch her up and over Ven, leaving her weapon behind. She landed hard on her ankles and winced but before he could turn she made three quick jabs at his back with her knuckles and backed off again. She stood there with her fists up waiting for him but lost a bit of her footing from a weak ankle that twisted a bit from the landing but she ignored it and brushed it off, it wasnt a big deal. How could i twist my ankle?! I land okay all the time! She mentally kicked herself.
Ven found is attack ineffective as Ritsuka sprung over him, he jarred to a stop about to turn thinking she landed somewhere behind him, and she did but much closer then he thought! Those sharp thrust to the back sent him wavering off balence completely for a few steps. He manged to turn regianing his balence and seeing that she stumbled a bit too, he took a short time to observe Ritsuka for a second a small smile curving his lips as she had up a stance for hand to hand combat, that he could do a little better. banishing his weapon away, he spread his legs crouching back slighly and waited, watching, she would have to come to him this time.

Meanwhile, Enzo and Rox were still going strong, Rox was keeping his distance which was challenging for a short range fighter. But the blue haired mew mew worriar had a plan up his sleeve. As he raised forward he breathed in deeply and then howled the sonic rays of it zipped acrossed the room at the speed of sound and Rox groaned covering his ears in agony as the sound vibrated through his entire body. Enzo took full advange and encased his sword with coconut sheild and now Rox was on the rebound taking so pretty rough hits as he tried to shake off the attack.

((Merry Christmas!!!! My lovely rping friends!!! <3333))
(Merry Kinishmas! X3)

Ritsuka went towards him, throwing jabs left and right aiming for the stomach chest and rarely the face. With each attack she took a step forward, its was an intimidation mechanism to push the opponent back so theyd feel a little inferior.
Likara put her weapon away and smiled, satisfied with herself. "I'm gonna be nice and get them some snacks." She looked around where she was and saw a small store across the street and walked inside, smiling at the random people passing her. "Hmm....let's see...." Her eyes looked over the rows of packaged food and fresh fruit. Likara picked up strawberries almost instantly and giggled at herself for being so weird. She grabbed a bag of chips and some yogurt and pudding. The cashier almost started to laugh at her but bit her lip. While the lady scanned the food, she went back and got a small thing of water bottles and came back. "Come back again!" Likara wished that the bags wouldn't break and she went back across the street to everybody else.
Ven dodged her jabs sometimes getting caught by one, but moving in a way that was fast almost like in a circle or a oval as he tried his best to throw off her footing. The technique of intimidation worked for the first part of the hand to hanf combat, but he soon caught on and tried reversing the attack and kept moving rapidly in different directions and aiming for the same body parts and never lower then her waist expect for maybe a couple of foot swipe attempts and a fustrated kick once. It was pretty awesome to watch the two battle so swiftly along with room. It was vigorous and ongoing Ven felt his pours began to open and a coat of sweat start up. His breath started to come in pants so he started slowing his rapid movements a bit.

((that is from chowder right Honey? :D ))
(YUS!!! i miss chowder :'3)

Ritsuka bobbed and weaved trying to dodge as best as she could with a twisted ankle. She could see he was getting tired. It was almost like slow motion for her with every punch he threw at her she repeatedly told herself,Not yet....Not yet...nope......and...NOW!

One punch was thrown at her and she saw it as her chance, she wrapped her left hand around his wrist and twisted it upside down. With her right hand she pushed his shoulder and spun him around in a full circle then swept his leg, throwing him onto the ground (we learned this move in aikido x3). She quickly straddled him, sitting on his torso she summoned her scythe once more and held the handle horizantly across his neck. Her eye brows furrowed she looked almost angry but she was just serious, crystal eyes looking into his with intensity.
((Meee tooooo!!! It was a goood one along with the others that used to be on))

Ven kept going slowly his pace trying to stay diligent as he tried to keep up his tactic. But he was soon stopped by his wrist being snatched, his instinct was to immediately get it away so he hunched his shoulders and tugged back only for the gripped to be twisted causing him to gasp in pain and grit his teeth. After that happened it was hard for him to keep tabs on exactly what happened, the floor left from under him then he staring at the curvy blade going passed the lengh of his neck, but at it. Ven wiggled a bit but then stilled himself yet his mind was busy going through tactics that came up empty, in a postion like this, you were pretty much dead. Letting out a sigh, he finally connected forest green with sapphire blue, his eyes roamed her face once before narrowing ever so slightly more in confusion then anger, was she mad at him? For losing or....? but that thought was released into the abyuss as he let himself sense her, no not mad... just serious, but he trusted Ritsuka would not injury him with the blade. He looked at his weapon a feel mere inches away, yet the darn position left not even a inch of movement allowed, Ven sighed once more and let himself relax before looking back at Ritsuka again, unsure if he needed to concede or if she would just get up, or put the scythe away from his neck at least.

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