mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

"O-oh.." She blinked then held it in her hand. She smiled down at it, it really was lovely!"Thank you~!" She smiled and tilted her head a bit at him,"but dont feel bad okie?" She pat the hand that he used to present the gift. She took it and put it around her neck. She looked up at him once more from her height,"Youre alright~" she stood on her tippy toes to pat his head.

Itaru came back with towels and watched Jacob and Ritsuka,"uh oh..." He went to the kitchen and helped Ven. He nudged at him,"better becareful with that one..." He nodded his head toward Jacob,"Hope youre not the jealous type~" he smirked and said in a song songy teasing tone. 
(FRIBBLEY JIBBITS u deleted it...oh well >o<)

(And wha?! Me? Cute?! Oh no no no >////< you got it all wrong! Im the farthest from being cute o////o i just have a blushy problem @w@)
(Nya so cute*picks up honey and huggles her)

I blush slightly and smile "thanks ritsuka" i her a large bang out side the house and rush out quickly to see a shadowy type thing and i let out a low threatening growl"grrrrrr"i pull out my ball as it takes the form of a large wolf and its weak point is its heart
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(*flails* im not cute >///o///<!!)

Ritsuka's ears flattened in surprise at the sudden bang and she ducked her head into her shoulders a little. Then her ears perked,"What was that?......."

Itaru looked at the door after Jacob left,"Ill check things out..." He grabbed his rapier from under the couch and went outside.
I change form into a large demonic looking man 10ft tall"miku duel sword"my ball changed into two small swords and then i run and slide slicing open its guts and i find its heart and stab it blood splattering all over me and i start walking back to the house slowly changing back to normal and when i get back to normal i pass out in the open field

(You are your so cute you little cutie*kisses her forhead)
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Rox followed down the steps, "Why does it smell like puke" And distance blood? he sniffed again and went into the kitchen to see Ven mopping up the last of the mess.

Ven watched Itaru come back and felt the nudge, he looked up at the raven haired cat, "Hmhuh?" He questioned looking over at Jacob then to Ritsuka with the necklace. And he just stared before turning back to his cleaning a rather confused expression on himself. To Itaru's tease, he replied rather seriously, "I don't know if I am...maybe thats the feeling in my chest right now." He tapped a few finger near his heart. Before freezing up to look to the cat, "Okay let me know if you need backup." He started cleaning faster keeping himself busy, he tried to brush off the strange new feeling, knowing he should not be feeling it anyways.

Enzo went outside for some fresh air caught the scent of blood, "So much for fresh air." He ran towards it seeing Jacob, "Oh boy....why do I always find them cover ib blood? Tch you owe me new clothing pup." Enzo picked him up and carried him to the house and washed him off as best as he could with a cloth before bringing him inside, "Hey! Nichole! We need medical help!"
Nichole said"coming!" Running downstairs.Then covered her nose. The strong smell! Nichole swallowed and ran to the living room. "What is it?!" (Myst we do not godmod here! We ddon't have shadow things and we only have one to two weapons! No switching and no more character hopping!)
Enzo looked over, "I found him passed out, its not his blood over him though, something else, I think he just passed out from exhaustion." Enzo folded his arms looking down at Jacob. "but I dunno I am not a doctor."

Rox helped clean the rest of the kichen and came up behind Nichole slipping a mask onto her face to block up the blood smell, "I change of clothing would help, Ven go get me some of your stuff." Rox did not see the face the brunette pulled before compling. He brought down a pair of jeans and shirt.

((I agree with Twi, it gets very confusing))
(Its okie Foxy ^///^ just be mindful of it, you dont gotta be sorry we were just informing you~ okie? :3)

Itaru looked at Enzo with Jacob then back at the remains of that creature,"wha?" He said looking back and forth,"Wha?!" He repeated,"Well that was fast....." He started to follow them but realized he had some blood splattered on him,"oh we cant have that..." With all the snow laying around, he picked up a chunk and started rubbing the impurities off his sweater. (Cold water gets rid of blood...dont ask how i know .///. ....anyway moving on...) He followed them inside and watched as Nichole did her thing with the kid,"Not bad for a pup," he was talking about Jacob,"But going head on isnt always the best idea, it does drain you." He stated. Nichole was done and she spoke about training,"Yeah!" He agreed.

Ritsuka watched as Itaru left but not too son after it fell silent and Enzo went out there too,"Theyre okay," she said to herself. She looked back into the kitchen touching her new necklace. She set her hand down and went over to help Ven,"Can i help? After all it was my mess heh heh..." She hardly waited for a reply and grabbed a towel and started to help. She stood on all fours and started to scrub.
Rox quickly took off the blood stained and wet clothing changing Jacob into new attire, than he tucked him back into the couch smoothing his hair back slightly crazy kid, but he has been alone it looks like before getting up and nodding at Nichole, "I'm ready."

Enzo had used snow to clean the wolf pup off and did so himself, but he still changed his shirt ((I knoww it really works!)) "I am ready lets do this, Ven! Ritsuka! Nichole's sister! Come on," he called out taking Likara hand and leading her out.

Ven looked up as Ritsuka came to help, "Its okay, I got- and your helping anyways, heh okay stubborn," With Suka's help they cleaned up the rest fast and the kitchen floor ended up getting scubbed fully. Hearing Enzo's call Ven dried off his hands, "Coming!" To Ritsuka he asked, "Ready?" Stretching out a hand.
Nichole said"cmon follow me guys." Jogging upstairs and went to a wall in her room. Then smirked as the wall slid up after scanning her eyes. "and this is my dojo."
Ritsuka took Ven's hand and got up. They followed nichole and the others. Nichole had a secret room, one no one knew about,"Whoa~!" She whispered. "Wow Nikki i had no idea!"

Itaru's hand was under his chin,"Impressive..." He nodded.
Nichole giggled and said" hey guys you can go home for today." Blinking seeing her students there. " but kudo-sama!" Nichole said"do you really want to get your butts handed to you this early in the morning? " they looked away scared. Nichole sighed and said"ok don't come crying to me." Grabbing one guy and slung him against another. And kicked the girls back and flipped the last one. "Now.go.home." they went home a bit battered.

Luna Said"ok imuto harsh. But a forceful hand was needed"
Ritsuka watched as the kids left and she walked into the other while they still exited,"aw theyre so young and cute~" she said to herself

Itaru watched them leave as well,"this kinda scared me....what other secret rooms do you u have some weird torture fetish room? Or..."
Nichole blushed darkly and glared at itaru. "No.I.don't."

Luna smacked him on the head. "She may like bondage but cmon she's not a sadist."

Nichole smacked her. "Stop telling everything! " flailing. And now it was an all out cat fight between the girls. They rolled around pulling hair and everything. "STOP TELLING ALL MY STUFF!" "THEN DONT DOTHAT STUPID MESS!" "YOU HAVE WAY WORSE THAN ME LUNA!!" "LIKE WHAT?!" "YOU ARE A FREAKING MMASOCHIST! " "YOU LITTLE!" they soon tired and fell next to eachother. "You've gotten better pant sis." Luna said smiling. "Learned from the best lulu." Nichole said smiling as well. They hugged and apologized. "That was so stupid. Giggle we're ok guys." (Pizza is to girlfights as make up.... is to relationship fighting ^^)
Rox sweat dropped a bit as the kids were put down and then went off home, "Er, alright, shall we begin?" Stepping into the room. He sweat dropped even more at the fighting, but smiled a bit siblings did fight, he and Ven never got physical for real, but they did tussle around wrestling.

Enzo had seen the room before even trained in it, he elbowed Itaru in the side yet held down an amused laugh, "Shut up, before you end up like the kiddes." But Luna slap him on the head anyways,"Tried to warn ya." It was a rather sing song tone before the sister fight broke out, "Well, I am entertained." He leant against a wall waiting for things to settle down.

Ven moved after Ritsuka but more quiet awe into the room, this is so cool he thought looking around, "So what can we do in here?" He asked poking around a bit before grinning around, he was actually excited to train. He watched Nichole and Luna fight, blinking, he inched over to Ritsuka to grasp her hand before watching the sisters make up, he relaxed, "What is a masochist?" He questioned innocently.
Ritsuka was looking around the room when the girls started fighting. She blinked and smiled knowing that sibling rivalry, she had it with Itaru even though they were strangers now. Ven caught her by surprise when he grabbed her hand. He looked up at him when he asked his question and tilted her head like a little puppy, she looked away and thought for a moment,"ummm...." She gave up and looked back at him shaking her head and shrugged her shoulder's,"Beats me..."

Itaru was smacked right on top of the head,"Ow!" He rubbed the spot. Suddenly a fight broke out right at his feet, he stood there wide eyed and backing away a bit. "Um.." He said amongst the yelling and blurting out of secrets. "Sadist?!" He echoed, then another,"masochist?!?!" He blinked. A smirk crept on his face,"Oh you girls~" he chuckled.

(I had to look it up....>////<)
Rox nodded but could not help laugh either they had quite the group of people with them, "Alright, Nichole suggested eailer we slipt into groups by are species and test each other, then pair up and just test each other on weapon use and powers, see where we are at."

Enzo nodded light listening before leaning off the way and stretching himself popping a few muscles, "Hm, alright sounds good to me," He glanced over at Itaru briefly, "To bad I have to wait a bit to wipe the floor with you, patience is hard though." He remark hands tucking into his pockets and toying smirk on his lips.

Ven watched as Ritsuka tried to recall the term but came out just as empty as he did. But his mind cast away the thought pretty much forgetting it as Rox spoke the plan for training, he nodded it was a little hesitated, as excited as he was to train his fears became more closer and his unsureness made his fingers wrap a bit more around Ritsuka's hand. I can do this, with Xanth not here its my power, my heart, it may be his curse, but I am not weak those words had been spoken to him before as he revisted them, they filled him with the confidence and warmth they were deliverd with, from the mouth of his computerized mother, a peice of her soul trapped inside making it all the more real...maybe he should tell the others that part, they had to find a way to realse her, she had been in limbo way to long.

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