mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ven watched the ball with wonder liking it, "That is pretty cool." Ven admired before washing his hands getting ready to eat, "I have a really cool pole with a knife and dagger at the end and a few other...abilities, I guess." He was uncomfortable to talk about the dark energy that coursed through him. He sat down to eat but made a face, "Ew why can you only feed on blood?" Rox sat down too and gave Ven a firm look, "Ven, don't say ew that's rude." He turned to Jacob, "I use a crossbow Jacob, we can practice together." He offered warmly.
Rox got up with a sigh but smiled at Jacob, "Good deal, I think it might be a little...I think they might be not used to seeing someone eating like that, I will go check." He left too.

Ven started eating a bit, "Some how come you only feed on blood?'
Nichole groaned and got up. "I'm eating upstairs." Running down and grabbed her plate and juice. Then ran to her room. Nichole's ears flattened then perked up when she started eating.
I lean close to her ear and wisper"why did you freak why you smelt the blood you didnt get frightened or grossed out so why did you freak out?"
Rox had come into Nichole's room and held her lightly letting her go when Jacob came to the door. He ate a bit more breakfast. Ven chewed on a peice of bacon a teasing smirk on his lips, "I am still gonna call you vampire." He muttered while eating breakfast.

((Last post!))
(ATLAST!!! Rpn is working for meeeeeee!!!!)

Ritsuka zoomed into the kitchen when she heard that breakfast was done. Her short self grabbed a plate and walked to the dining room, her mouth druling and teeth elongated, waiting to sink into the delicious food. She struggled but managed to hop onto the seat with plate in hand. She set it down and took a bite,"mmm~" she moaned with stars in her eyes,"so yummy~!" She ate some more. Then she watched Jacob eat, the blood was everywhere. Her eye twitched and she dropped her fork on her plate. She stared at the sight and smell of the res liquid. She covered her mouth and closed her eyes, shaking her head about to throw up.

Itaru sat at the table with them but had his fill with bacon so he didnt eat. He watched Ritsuka's reaction then looked at jacob,"She has a phobia of blood man..."

Just as Itaru finished that sentence, Ritsuka, still with bed head, ran to kitchen and threw up in the sink. She sat on the floor in the kitchen, holding her stomach,"S-so everywhere...its everywhere! @.@" thinking about it made her tummy turn once more. She had no time to make it to the sink so instead she got on all fours and just did it there,"ughhh..." She groaned.

"Hm! Dogs...they just yack up disgusting, no class i tell yuh!" He teased.

Ritsuka looked back at him from the floor,"ill kill you...." She glared.

"Youre just too cute when youre mad!" Itaru chuckled. 
She got up and wiped her mouth then cleaned the mess. She went back to the table, with out looking at Jacob, and grabbed her plate,"ill eat on the couch" she plopped down and sighed,"finally~" she picked up the bread roll on her plate,"ahh~ its still warm~" her tiny high pitched voice was excited. She took the rolll and put it to her mouth,"ahh~omf nom nom~" she bit into it cutely and kicked her dangling legs childishly,"mmm~" her tail swished and she ate with a cute and happy smile.
I get a rag and pick up ritsuka and move her and put her down away from the blood and puke"im sorry ritsuka i didnt know"i let a tear splash on the rag and i wipe her arms off then her legs and then go get a bucket of water a mob and some cleaning suplies and clean up the blood and puke"from now on i will eat in my room so this doesn't happen sorry for the trouble and ritsuka im sorry i made you sick"i pull out a blue crystal heart and hold it out to her"here"
She blushed when Ven was near her,"you shouldnt see me like this...its not very lady like..." She looked away but gladly took the water.

Itaru raised his hands,"Alright alright jeez...just thought id lighten the mood. " He stood up and looked for cleaning supplies with his hands in his pockets.

Ritsuka turned to jacob,"O-oh!" She was surprised by the apology,"Its....its okay you didnt know..." She was still shy since she didnt know him well. She played with her snow white hair and blushed from nervousness. He pulled out a heart that seemed to match the color of her eyes,"eh? Wha.....whats this?" She looked at it and blinked,"its pretty..." She whispered quietly.
(Does no body care about wat i post*flails arms*) 
"Its my gift to you for upsetting you"i smile and let a necklace form around the heart"its a necklace and i hope you like it"i set it in her hands they where so small and soft
(I do >///o///< and Roxel its okie i wont be on long its 1 am awake cuz im hungry @.@)
((It did not show it plus Jaccob was upstairs with Nichole last so Iidk how he got downstairs but I'll delete my post since it does not fit))

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