mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(Like flapjack D:)

Ritsuka could see the puzzlement in Ven's eyes. Her face softened up once more, her weapon disappearing. Her hands dropped down to his chest and she looked down at them allowing her bangs to cover up most of her face, she was almost hiding behind them,"Im sorry..." She said quietly, almost whispering. She got off of him and offered a hand to help him up...
(And ppg plus code name kids next door DX)

Nichole said"I'm a cheetah. A cat as well." Running around him trying to confuse him. (MERRY CHRISTMAS! !!!)
((And Fosters home for imaginary friends! ohhh kids next door was awesome!!! It was so epic with a hidden plot just like adventure time <3 Merry Chrstmas!!!))

Ven watched her facial expression change into a softer look, he saw cloud colored hair sweep over deep blue skys before her soft hands laid on his chest. Ven took the hand offered to him, helping her lift him as well, he took his hand away as soon as he was up though, it was sweaty after all, and even if hers was too still. Wiping his hands along his shirt, he looked over at Ritsuka with a bit of a head jerk as she aplogized and he felt a familair zest fill him up, it came with little problems around her, "Whu do ya mean? That was awesome Suka!" He declared bringing his fist up in front of face than back down in a gesture of excitment a smile on his face. Ven had never been a sore loser at games, the only thing that made him aggitated was excessive gloating and boasting of a victory.
((I dont have cartoon plant Dx))

Enzo and Rox kept fighting after Enzo's attack it seemed if the blue haired boy had the upper hand, but with a good focus anything was possible to recover and regroup. Calling out his noddle ropes the went over and under Enzo who thought he dodged perfectly and came to deliver a strike but Rox engaged it and used his strengh to shove Enzo back. Instead of using tactics, Enzo came back with a counter attack head on and got knocked back right into the trap the ropes and created when Rox 'missed'. Growling Enzo struggled but his arms where pinned to his sides in the nest of ropes, his sword clanked to the ground, Rox swept it up and pointed it at Enzo, "I think we are done." Enzo glared for a second before huffing, "You....tricked me." Rox nodded not denying it, "I did, but your focus earlier in the match got thrown, if you would have cut my ropes or even evaded my attacks striking back after awhile not head on, you could have ruined me." Rox smiled softly before realsing him, "Good match though." Enzo fliped landing back on his feet and dusting himself off, "Yeah, sure I will keep that in mind." The male sort of begrudgingly to the critique of his performance.
((I can finally interact with everybody!))

Likara poked her head in and saw that they were done. She put the bags of snacks and held them up while smiling big. "I bought snacks since I thought you guys would be tired after training for a bit. They're some fruit and water for anybody who wants to stay a little healthy." Her eyes darted around the room, hoping they would like what she got and not be mad at her that she wasn't training.
Ritsuka looked away from him,"Why are you happy?!" She raised her voice a little,"i dont like doing those things to you..." Her voice was quiet again. She looked at Likara and spotted the snacks, and right in cue, her tummy rumbled but she ignored it.

Itaru recovered quickly from them, it wasnt a big deal. He came back at her laying two hits on her tummy area then quickly attempting a kick.
Likara giggled at them and let the bags weigh down her arms. "Uh...where do we eat exactly?" She didn't want to get crumbs in the perfect training room. Surely there was a kitchen or somewhere else they could eat that would be easier to clean. Her stomach growled a little and she just laughed it off awkwardly.
Ven found himself flinching back a bit in surprise nothing else, it was rare to see Ritsuka's voice raise, like that one time she got so upset she screamed and stabbed a knife into the table. Ven moved a bit forward hands outstretched yet gripping nothing, "But uh, Ritsuka, its fine..." he assured softly. Shaking his head at such an idea that it was otherwise, "I am happy because you are amazing, and I learned alot already...your not doing anything to me....I know you would never hurt me, I am okay," Reaching out again he grasped on of her hands with both of his working to connected eyes together, "Honestly." He prounced his assurance again giving the hand a light brief squeeze.

Rox and Enzo headed over towards Likara, "Thanks Likara that is really nice of you," Rox gave her a smile as he stretched lightly. Enzo eyed the bag for a moment sniffing lightly then spent a good few seconds fighting back a smile, "I smell pudding." His tail gave his liking away for the snack as it swished a bit in a wag.
"Haha, yes, I got pudding." Likara shuffled through the bags and found a cup of pudding, handing it to Enzo. "Here you go pudding lover." She giggled and set everything down since they were probably going to eat here. Her first choice of food was, of course, the strawberries that she had gotten just for her. The tingly feeling of the flavors mixing together made her ears and tail pop out with excitement. "Nom nom nom." Likara had no probably with popping in another one after the last. Her tail swished playfully and her ears were down with content.
Enzo eagerly ripped off the top and dipped his spoon into the creamy chocolate substance, lifting it to his mouth he plopped it in and let the flavoer dance along his tongue before traveling down his throat the smooth pudding was licked intill the sppon was spotless then dipped back into the cup for more. Midnight blue eyes had a sort of a glimmer of bliss in them as the pudding was comsumed and a tail kept thudding lightly on the floor as it wagged left to right. Enzo was really enjouying himself here.

Rox shuffled through the bag as well and grabbed a banana. He peeled it half way and took a bite. Amber eyes watched Enzo for a second before going back to the match as he heard Nichole and Luna, "I'd think it would be best to snack on what Likara bought us, its light but filing a cheese steak would be heavy for trianing," he adviced before meeting ruby red eye his sparking with amusement at how Likara ate strawberries just as Enzo was in heaven with pudding taking another bit of his banana.
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Likara nodded and watched as Enzo's tail thumped against the floor happily. She got up and sat on the floor next to him, looking at his tail with excitement. Her hands slowly went to his fluffy tail and touched it with care. A new kind of sparkle was sent to her eyes as she caressed his tail. Likara was focused solely on the mass of fluff in front of her.

((My parents are fighting without me knowing it and I keep saying No! in my head whenever my dad says something stupid.))
Enzo blank his eyes as some soft started soft start fiddling with his tail, he felt the strum of soft fingers began to rub it, his ears twitched lightly, Enzo could not place the feeling of this new senseation all he knew is it felt good, made his cheeks annoyingly warm, and was distracting him though, from his lovely pudding. Looking slightly over his shoulder to the side, his ears flicked a bit some more, "Um...Kara- what are you doing exactly?" The spoon lingered in his grasp now as he looked over at his red headed girl friend who seemed to have a new light in her eyes, like a child who found a new toy.
Nichole munched on her apple lost in thought. She smiled at the couple and winked. "Aww."

Luna said"sis this is wayyy better than those talk shows you watch."
Likara snapped out of her little trance and looked up at Enzo. "Oh...I uh...wanted to see what it felt I uh...yeah..." She blushed deeply and looked in her lap, embarrassed that he caught her. The urge to continue petting the fluffy tail took over and she lightly touched it again. Just feeling the tail made her fangirl all over again, making her giggle and smile like an idiot. Likara knew she looked weird doing this but couldn't stop herself.
Itaru was kicked and stumbled backwards, but followed the girls as they left for snacks. He sat down with everyone else next to Luna and reached his hand inside the bag pulling a handful of grapes (im just gonna say they were in there xD ). He popped a few in his mouth with his hand and arm that rested on his one bent knee. He didnt really know what they were talking about so he just stood quiet

Ritsuka on the other hand was having a hard with feel okay with what she did. But for some reason, she always trusted Ven. She looked up at him while he grabbed her hands. She could see that he didnt look bothered by it at all. Seeing that helped her bit. She just really really cared about him is all.
Enzo looked into her face as Likara looked up at him, "...uh okay, yeah." His face went a darker shade of pink as Nichole and Luna made comments he slowly went back to eating the pudding before he felt her hand back on his tail it still swished lightly at the tocuh, "Um, Likara..." he trialed before taking her hand from his blue tail and instead placed it on one of his wolf shaped ears. He was basically saying pet the ears not the tail. Taking a napkin he opened it all the lay up so it laid in his palms them smacked it to his face to clean the bits of chocolate away and also to hid his blushing face though the tips of his ears started to turn red, Likara I love you, but why are you so strange?

Ven felt a little smile press to his lips as Ritsuka feelings seemed to settle a little by his words, it was something, he wondered if it had to do something about her passed? What Itaru told him last night still buzzed inside his head like an unwanted dream, but it clued him in more on Ritsuka's past. Still keeping a grip on his hand, he moved to bring the other one around Ritsuka's back in a hug, he blushed a bit, before pulling lightly away wearing a little fuller smile, "Lets go see if Likara got cookies." Ven lead Ritsuka over the the rest taking a seat.

Rox chuckled in amusement through a bite of banana, and leaned against Nichole messing with her ears lightly and ate some more banana, "Soo Luna what is the verdict since you were observing?" Rox wondered curiously.
Luna said"ok lets see it will first be enzo if he beats me he goes against nikki."

Nichole purred loudly and licked rox's neck. Then snapped out of her trance blushing.

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