mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Itaru leaned back,"oh calm down will yea? You know how we cats are." A smirk stuck on his face he continued to pop grapes in mouth.
Rox blushed at what Luna had said but grinned letting Nichole drag him off helping her along once they got to the room, Rox got up and twisted around kissing the girl passionately.

Enzo felt her purrs and loved the little feeling, when she stopped kissing him, Enzo opened his eyes a bit ready to ask what was wrong, but Likara's lips was already back on his. happily indulging, he kissed her more before being the one to break the kiss this time, lightly leaning back, but still twidling with her cat ears, just smiling at her lightly a rosy blush to his cheeks.

"Hehe, you are a cookie lover for sure." Ven laughed at Ritsuka's comments and plucked some cherries into his palms picking a couple he ate them, the taste popping in his mouth, "Mmm." He enjoyed cherries plus they were special because they went on the top of icecream sundaes

Likara slowly opened her eyes and put her head on his chest in embarrassment. She was smiling a lot and started to laugh a little, looking up at him. Her cat ear twitched lightly and she giggled. "I love you~" A quiet purr followed her statement and a bigger smile as well. Likara laughed at herself and stared into his mysterious eyes. Her tail swished happily behind her as she meowed a little. "Nya! Hehe..."
Itaru laid back on the floor,"ugh theres so much love in here its making me nauseous... -_- " his voice was monotone as he stared at the ceiling chewing the fruit.

Ritsuka nibbled the baked goods with glee. Some crumbs stuck to the corners of her mouth but she didnt care. She looked at Ven, crystal eyes full of pure pleasure,"Do you want a bite?" She smiled, the crumbs still clinging beyond her knowledge.
Itaru chuckled,"Oh believe me i have ~" he turned his head to look at her. He sat up once more,"Some people dont call it love but, eh, its still fun~" a sneaky kitty grin flashed as his cat like eyes narrowed from the mischievous smile. He ran his fingers through his hair and noticed a blush powdered on Luna's face,"hm? What was that?" She looked away frim him and he snickered,"blushing i see?" He smiled again, his feline teeth showing.
(You can if you want you evil person you. Happy new year’s! :D )

Rox stopped himself from crushing Nichole with his weigh and eased himself lightly on top of her and kissing back as the kiss continued to deepen. No longer was anything theirs in each other’s mouth as tongues entwined and danced together, Rox ran his hand through her lush hair.

Enzo felt his heart beating quite quickly as Likara rested or hid there had they just made out?? His midnight eyes squinted a bit as he looked around rather shiftily before dripping his hair into forever smelling strawberry locks. He mumbled something into her hair before lifting himself so they could look at each other again. As Likara said those golden words, Enzo’s ears twitched happily as if catching each individual letter. His canine instinct was taking over and as she giggle and mewled he leaned forward to nuzzle her neck a bit making a small gurgling like dog sound of affection his tail wagging gently before jerking back a bit abruptly his face going to shades of red quickly before he grab a strawberry Likara had not eaten and stuffed it in his mouth chewing quickly.

Ven looked over at Ritsuka watching her munch down the cookie her orbs pretty much shinning with enjoyment of the sugary snack. When offered some, Ven swallowed his last cherry and nodded, but pulled up a napkin to lightly run it a cross Ritsuka’s mouth before leaning forward and taking a bit of the cookie the sugary flavor melted into his taste bugs and he chewed slowly savoring it, his own crumbles coming along his face, but just a few. He was enjoying the cookie so much it took him a few seconds to realize that he just bit off the cookie not even breaking it with fingers first. Whoops, was she a germ person? Was she okay with that? Ven stopped chewing, looking at Ritsuka with green eyes a bit wider and a fine pink blush working up to his face, his left cheek was sort of puffed out because he stopped chewing completely now to look at Suka.
((Happy New Year!!!))

Likara blushed at the nuzzle but accepted it. She made a meowing like noise and titled her head at him. "Are you embarrassed?" Her blush was replaced with that goofy grin of hers. One of her ears flopped down and she played with it. She saw him eat one of her strawberries and she ate one as well, forgetting about them earlier. Likara purred in delight as she took another one.
(Im uber late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! probably one of the best i had >/////>)

Ritsuka didnt mind it all. Infact, she didnt pay much attention to Ven's bite, sharing is sharing. Her mouth was open ready for another bite but Ven inturrupted when he cleaned the crumbs off her face. Her nose crinkled in annoyance for a split second like a child, and quickly opened her mouth again. Suddenly she looked at Ven and put the treat down, giggling at the sight,"You have crumbs too!" She grabbed a napkin and leaned closer to him,"dont worry~! I got it!" She brushed them off as gently as she could. She placed the napkin down and sat back in her position admiring him with a smile,"All better~! ^w^"

Itaru laughed at Luna's glare. He looked around,"I just realized...Rox and Nichole left...whoa" he laughed at his immaturity.
Enzo chewed on the strawberry before sipping at juice trying to calm his blush down, Enzo gave Likara an annoyed look from the corner of his eye, "N-no shatup." He mumbled averting his eyes away for a second before sighing and twirling a lock of her hair, "I was just about to do something that, uh was embarrassing." He clarified viewing the girl from out of the corner of his eyes again and fiddling with her hair.

Ven grinned widely as Ritsuka did not seem to mind at all, only claiming he had crumbs now on his face. Ven huhed softly and tried to look down at his mouth. He stayed still as the crumbs were wiped away before licking his lips lightly and smiling, "Thanks Suka, heh, cookies can get messy, it was great though!" He grinned with his eyes closed before switching his position a bit to nom on a few more cherries, "Hey Suka?" He turned his head a bit to look at the white haired girl he was sitting next to, "I don't think I ever asked, but when is your birthday?"

Rox lightly rolled over so that Nichole was on top of him now, he let a lightly caressed her back and hair as they made out. But, hearing very very clearly and loud screams of Luna. Rox froze and his neck all the way to his face heated up as he broke apart from Nichole's sweet lips. "I was not even going too! Jeez what does she think I am, with everyone in the house with hyper hearing geez! I am examples I have to set." Rox let out a slight huff of breath after his mini rant. Then letting out the rest of his annoyance with a sigh, he grinned seductively back at Nichole stroking her face, "Besides there would be a lot more romance before we did go to that step, privately and when we are ready of course."

((Yay for having happy new years! :D ))
Nichole blushed and nodded. She kissed him agaij and smiled. "I love you roxy." Licking his cheek purring loudly. Luna walked back to her spot.
Likara giggled at him and got closer. "You don't have to hold back Enzo." She wanted him to be able to express his feelings without hesitating. Anything embarrassing or weird, he should be able to do freely around her. Likara was almost always her true self around him. Only because she felt safe around him, never feeling like he was going to laugh at her. Was that it? Does he not feel the same way? Her heart twisted and made her feel like she couldn't breath for a second. She regained her strength and kept her expression the same.
Ritsuka looked up at him,"my birthday?" She swollowed the bite in her mouth,"hmmm..." She set the cookie on her lap and put her hand to her chin,"ummm..." She thought for a minute staring at the floor. "Mm i dont know..." She shrugged and her tone seemed like she didnt mind at all. She continued to nibble and savor the cookie. "Why?" She looked at him again.

Itaru smiled,"relax~" he said as Luna sat back down,"hes a guy, shes a girl! Its bound to happen sooner or later ;3." He crossed his arms with confidence.

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