Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

last I checked your char sheet BL has 1 dot in occult... but yes, the point stands

also pretty much any charm with the Holy keyword does aggravated dmg to 'creatures of darkness' in general (fair folk, demons, evil undead...)
Ava feels a tap on her shoulder

Behind her stands Freeman with his scouter essence scanner looking intently as if gazing beyond the silicate dome, in a direction opposite to the side of the dome with the eye and head-hole.

He is holding another tablet:

Observation: I have detected orichalcum aspected essence beyond the dome

Hypothesis: we may be in the presence of local champions, or Ex Machina

Observation: Some of the essence anomalies have moved towards the new essence signatures
  • She thinks a moment. "Bore me a pair of eye holes on that side of the dome... we may see a communication attempt, which should yield significant data." She has to keep making the right decisions... loosing the respect of these two could be disastrous.
Two waldos with drills quickly make for eye holes

Roll perception+awareness - the more sucs, the better result
Ava manages to spot the flaming beings and what looks like... a mortal, or at least a very clearly humanoid figure - but between the heat haze generated by the fire spirit-looking things and the odd gusts of wind blowing up sand and dust, plus blood dripping down over the eye-holls - she sees nothing more.
  • Ava pulls away wiping the blood off the arc-protector's lenses. "Query. Could the orichalcum essence be emanating from a mortal?" She asked before returning to her viewing of the scene unfolding.
Freeman holds up a tablet:

Did you observe any soulgems?

Did you see the shape of any such soulgems?

It could be a champion in disguise
  • "I have not observed a soul gem. The spirits are now between me and mortal now, but I will continue to attempt to observe."

  • Ruby was surprised how natural this felt, stalking, hunting, killing. He has fallen into an old habit with an almost audible clunk. He had made it about half way there when one of those skelehook fair folk things.

    Observe Well, guess the jig was up.

    Orient There were 2 of the things coming for him, there was no cover or high ground close by he had seen,

    Decide this spot was as good as any,

    Act Ruby stood up drawing his flame pieces and sinking into a fighting stance. All second nature for the man who had made his living as a hitman for hire.

    What he however did not expect to happen was the FLIPPING LIGHTNING that was wreathed around him like a sol damn corona.

    Observe Sol damned lightning storm

    Orient This must be related to that “significant event”

    Decide Not relevant now

    Act Ruby drew a bead on both the skelehooks. Preparing to drop one of them should this be required…

Very well

The dancing fires seem upset that Ruby Eyes refused their offer to dance

They reach for him to dance with him anyway, just as Burning Lion comes running as well.

All participants in the fighting roll Join Battle: Wits+Awareness - the highest roll gets to go first, then the second, then the third...

The fire goblins roll as follows:

Ok, so - Ruby will go first, then Burning Lion, then the fire goblins

Our alchemical observer - well, no - no just yet... its kinda blurry, with all the dust, dirt and blood on the arc protector lense (and it just keeps comming)

Okay is there anything disticntive? ie are they all the same or is one different (as in maybe a leader guy of some kind or something?) If not i'll aim until they do something i deem threatening and then shoot one or both of them. If so and he;s one of the guys closing on me i'll prioritise shooting him over a flunky
  • As Lion nears one of the feys and brings back his arm to strike, he calls upon his power, nothing on his mind but the motion and the will to strike the monsters in front of him. Blinding light bursts from his brow and almost without thinking, a cry comes out of chest "By the Unconquered Sun!".

    Forcing himself to a halt, his feet skidding slightly a he does, he uses his momentum to power his strike, a side way swipe meant to hit the monster in the center of it's right side.

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  • The Lightning storm was unexpected but Ruby felt a reflex crash down, apparently this was a situation that wasn’t very odd to him. He was calm and compartmentalized, The Self, The Gun, The Target.

    The variables all vanished into a custom brand of certainty, they were all irrelevant. All that mattered was the target. And the target was obviously right there. He would need to conserve ammo, they didn’t seem like the kind who would let him reload and he didn’t know if he could count on them letting him reload. Well It was time to dance.

    Ruby took aim with his left flame piece, that one seemed to be a little closer, and waited for what he knew was “in range”. The rough semblance of a plan he had managed to come up with involved shooting one of his assailants, hopefully taking them out of the fight. Then redeploying in that direction, reload his weapon if it was practicable but if he was on desperate ground he could use his spare flame piece to buy himself some breathing room.

    When he was sure the skelehook was in range he squeezed the trigger, the gun bucked, not much but it was odd how comforting the simple mechanical feeling of that action was.


    (i hoped "damage" box would just add a secondary damage roll to the process but it seems to show you took wound penalties into effect or something...


  • It helps to check with me first if you're in doubt about the rules... no really

    Secondly, then when rolling to hit you do not use the 'damage' check-box. It mainly alters how the rpDom system interprets the roll results: When rolling damage you do not count 10s as doubles - but you do do that for rolling to hit

    Third, then me and BB had interpretted your initial post as waiting with an Aim or Guard action, which is why BL actually got to act first...

    again, it really helps to very clear about what you're doing.

    When in combat you can - basically - do three things:

    1) Guard action - 3 ticks long, has no DV penalty. You basically wait and hold your guard, but you can interupt it at any moment and start doing something else

    2) Aim action - 3 ticks long, -1 DV penalty, gives you 3 extra dice to roll to hit.... because you take time and aim

    3) attack/do stuff - usually has the speed of either the weapon/charm you use, or in case its doing other things like just running or jumping around, then its a speed 6 -1 DV misc action (which can be flurried into regular attacks...)

    - and when attacking you can ofc do all kinds of things, beyond just trying to kill the other guy. Disarm, initiate a grapple, or just attack "fierce blows" for more dmg and more DV penalty. (Fierce blows don't really work with Flame weapons...)

  • Ava blinked and rechecked the outside... "It seems the orichalcum essence wielding mortals are attacking the spirits we observed earlier... I don't know what their chances of winning might be... I'm assuming that our sudden and decisive addition to either side of the conflict could turn it, but we much choose which side now, or lose this opportunity."
  • Seeing the flaming fae attack, Lion yells with outrage at the attempt at his friend, and lunges again with his makeshift flail.


  • The fire goblin trying to ravage Ruby Eyes is smashed to obsidian cinders by Burning Lion, while Ruby Eyes managed to resist the goblins attempt at eating part of his mind...

    This leaves the remaining heavily 'fractured' goblin scurrying along the ground, like a tangle of broken glass shards on fire inside a large pig on black stilts


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