Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

  • Gleaming Marionette nodded, "If the Champions are purging them, they must be troublesome. My chakrams will not strike the Champions, no matter how limiting the light may be."

    She looked over at Moonsilver and then shrugged, "That is not to say the protectors would not increase my combat efficacy."
  • Then Ava can go in with a little terrestrial melee to back you up with.

    I'll be using an Aim action for the ticks until the dome's opened up on one of the skellihooks facing away.

    Join Battle:


  • Ava won't be able to aim if there's nothing to see - so no aiming before the dome is up

    Range-wise Mari will be able to throw her chainsaw discs right from the getgo

    Remember the penalty values

    But ok...

    Freeman swiftly has his waldos carve a hatch in the dome that Mari can step out of, after Ava hands Mari the Arc Protectors combat joiners roll join combat

  • Ok, 1) Ava is hanging on to the arc-protectors...

    2) Ava had activated her Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier a while ago so she looks human... a human wearing moonsilver superheavy plate but still.
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  • Marionette nodded to Freeman in thanks, then shoved her body against the hatch, rolling out as it opened. Thanking the Maker for her Aegis Integration System, she kicked herself up and out of the roll, using the angular momentum to provide Edge of Temperance with additional acceleration. The Champion imagined that her starmetal, weapon and body, sang in satisfaction as it sought to end the dangerous flame entity.

Its always nice to have external sensors to compensate when your own default sensor suite isn't up to snuff

Mari will join battle after Ruby's next move - who is next...
  • Ava see's the dome open, her field of view growing larger and clearer. She lowers herself into the stance the Repository drilled into her in her own dreams.
  • I have no idea... I did a 5 tick simple action, but I beat Marionette's initiative roll by five, so at bare minimum, I'm after ruby again... we really need to get webkilla to give us the current tick wheel, and we just up date it in our posts to keep it current.
As is the remaining lone skelehook is trying to flee, its not really fighting anymore... so that's a moot point

If anything the question is whether or not our human exalts here identify the strange metallic things that just leapt out of the murky glass dome that the other fae were dancing around as fae as well... because then we have a fight on our hands once more
webkilla said:
If anything the question is whether or not our human exalts here identify the strange metallic things that just leapt out of the murky glass dome that the other fae were dancing around as fae as well... because then we have a fight on our hands once more
To be fair, I'm a beautiful pale skinned brunette at this time, as opposed to a figure of gleaming silver.
Perhaps - but you still appear out of the same glass dome... and fae are reasonably well known to try to use seduction through beautifully crafted bodies as well
webkilla said:
Its Ava, then Mari, then Ruby Eyes, then Burning Lion
Since I seem to be next.

  • Ava knew what to do... that was the easy part. It had been drilled in during dream assaulted by a piston driven quadrupedal nightterror. In a movement of kinetic grace, she springs out of the dome, out of the darkness that protected her companion's eyes from the glaring light source. Moving with instincts she is still coming to terms with, she bound after the flaming skeleton, and leaped though the air, coming down upon it with one foot and the full mass of her body and superheavy plate armor.
ok, didn't know you could do multiple rolls in one post... interesting

The first one gets 2 stunt dice - which means the third one, the suc, doesn't count - plus burstnign from such an obvious position is really hard to do without being noticed... but I guess with 6 sucs Ava manages to hide behind Mari a bit - but honestly any stealth aspect goes out the window when using steam-powered flying chainsaw discs. They just aren't subtle.

As for the roll to hit anything then the crippled skelehook is too badly wounded to dodge - but, are you doing a punching attack on the thing? Because you're too far away from the skelehook to do that...
Only in reach with a Dash action - which will mean that any attack you roll will be a second action from a flurry

...I think next time a combat situation starts I'll sketch a map of the area
Alright, so my attack roll would be down two dice, but my last two dice didn't succeed anyway...
three dice - flurried actions take the total number of actions in dice penalty for the first roll, then +1 on the next, and so on - the attack would be the second action, so it takes 3 dice penalty

and do reroll for that :)

(in fact, it'd be kinda handy if you didn't roll prematurely - in this format things work best if I know when and what ppl are going to roll)
Burning Lion and Ruby Eyes see as a... well... calling it a human, considering the circumstances, is probably stretching it - but the thing has human features... no wait, from the sphere, an extraordinarily beautiful young woman looks out, appearing both confused and curious. A captive? Or a fae in a form meant to seduce mortals? The fact that she's also wearing a heavy plate armor of gleaming silver that seems to almost shine with moonlight does seem to indicate which it is...

The armored beauty tumbles through the hole in the glass dome, then makes a dash for the fae and gives it a... well... rather feeble slap that doesn't even connect very well. Perhaps it is the fire goblin's mistress punishing it for its failure? It certainly doesn't look like 'she' hurt the thing very much.

Back at the hole in the dome another woman... sort of.... with grey skin, with white metal bits adorning a strange body, festooned with gleaming silvery metal bits that shine off the merciless noon-day with a rainbow shimmer. It's also wearing weird armor that seems to be a collection of artful plates of shiny metal plates that orbit around the thing, re-positioning itself constantly as it first

It certainly isn't human - it has an eye-ball sized gem stuck in its forehead - and hair of silver - and... for its shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles it has no joins - instead hollow crystal spheres with tiny swirly bits inside! Its like it gets weirder and weirder to look at every moment that passes!

What other horrors hide inside the dome?
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